“Thanks Mom,” he said with a laugh hugging her with a kiss on her cheek before introducing Lisa to her. “Mom, this is Lisa, the most amazing woman I’ve ever had the privilege to call mine.”

“I’m so glad you invited me,” Meredith said hugging her tightly surprising her slightly while also making her more nauseous thanks to the woman’s perfume.

“Lisa are you alright?” her mom asked once Meredith settled into a chair next to them wanting all of the details of their relationship and the wedding.

“I think I’m going to visit the bathroom,” she said sliding her hand over her stomach, as the nausea grew worse.

“Hey, what’s wrong baby?” Corey asked as he caressed her cheek, worry filling his eyes. She gave him a pointed look and he nodded in understanding; her morning sickness was being aggravating today it seemed. “Do you want anything?”

“No, I’ll be right back,” she said with a smile enjoying him pampering her so much.

“I think I’ll get Lisa some tea,” her mom said once she left the room and Corey nodded waiting for his mother to ask the question.

“Please tell me she’s not getting sick before the wedding,” Meredith stated putting a light smile on his lips.

“No, she’s alright,” he assured her filling her in on the background of their relationship waiting for her to come back. He saw Lisa heading back to them a few minutes later and he hugged her to his side as she took her seat again.

“Now what can I do to help with the wedding?” Meredith asked once she turned to look at her, Corey pressing a kiss to her temple showing his love for her clearly.

“Just be there Mom, I think we have plans finished, it’s not going to be big, and the room is already decorated for Christmas so there’s no need there.” Corey stopped seeing Elaine in the doorway with a steaming cup of tea, Abby behind her with a plate of toast.

“I said I didn’t need anything,” Lisa said giving him a grin before motioning to Abby to come into the room.

“I know you said you didn’t, but I think some tea will settle your stomach,” her mom said slipping it onto the table beside her as Abby crossed over to her side.

“And if not, then the toast will,” Abby said and she smiled up at her, bringing her down onto her lap to hug her tightly.

“Mom, this is Abby, Lisa’s and soon to be my daughter,” Corey said watching her eyes widen slightly in surprise.

“My goodness, don’t you look just like your mom. I think you’ll start driving the boys crazy very shortly, you’d best be prepared Corey,” Meredith said after the initial surprise passed.

“I already am, no one will begin to harm my girls,” he stated with strength behind his words calming Lisa’s newest worries. He wouldn’t begin to leave them because his mother might not approve.

“And I promise that when I’m a few years older I won’t really mean it when I complain that you’re way too strict,” Abby said slipping over to sit on Corey’s knee.

“Oh, I’m sure you will at the moment, but it’ll be with your best interest in mind honey,” Lisa said brushing the hair back behind her ear.

“As is this for you right now Mom,” Abby replied handing her the plate. “Come on Mom, you need to eat something.”

“I ate plenty at lunch,” she said with a sigh as Corey agreed with her.

“For a bird maybe, it’s two against one Mom, so come on or else Dad and I will be forced to do something drastic hereand I really don’t think you want us going into town to pick up something that you have no say in do you?” Abby asked with a grin at her that she couldn’t resist.

“Ganging up on me already? What have I gotten myself into?” she teased leaning forward to kiss Corey as the slightest bit of tension mounted in his being. “Fine, will it make you two feel better if I eat this?” she questioned lifting a slice of the lightly buttered toast.

“It’d make me feel better if there were something else on it to make sure you keep yourself full of vitamins but that’s another battle I think,” Corey said kissing her temple.

“Don’t worry Mrs. Cantwell,” Lisa said seeing concern slip across her face as she took them all in trying to comprehend what they were talking about, hinting at but not really saying.

“It’s Meredith or Mom, honey,” Meredith replied. “Is everything alright? You look…but there are so many things nowadays that you just can’t tell…”

“I’m fine, other than this morning sickness,” Lisa said seeing Meredith’s eyes widen in shock and happiness.

“Oh, sweet heavens, I’m finally going to be a grandmother?” she asked, looking between her and Corey.

“Yes and no, that’s not why we’re getting married this week. I’ve wanted to marry her since last year when Lisa and I were here. I would have easily done it no matter the few short weeks that we’d been together,” Corey said holding Lisa to him more while keeping Abby on his knee. “Now I’ve got my two beautiful girls here with me and making it happen this year.”

“I have a feeling it’ll be a much better Christmas than last year,” Abby said turning slightly to curl up on his lap to watch Lisa eat the toast and drink her tea.