“Good, I’ll go make a few calls while you get dressed,” he said dropping a kiss onto her lips. He moved over to the closet and pulled out two outfits, letting it be her choice but knowing which he’d prefer.

Lisa gave him a saucier grin as she came over, taking his favorite dress before giving him a lingering kiss.

“Okay…child in the room,” Abby teased with a full smile as she watched gleefully.

“Sorry sweetie, but I can’t help it,” Lisa stated letting the worry go as she felt herself return to normal. “He’s just incredibly sexy.”

“Mom,” Abby said laughing, still smiling as Corey hung up the second outfit and headed towards the door with a quick kiss for Lisa.

Lisa took a deep breath as she slid into her coat, letting Corey button it for her with a soft kiss before he checked on Abby, making her heart stall when he settled her hat on her head better. That was what she wanted for her daughter, knowing what a real man who only cared would be like and now it seemed that it was happening.

“Are my beautiful girls ready?” Corey asked, looking between them, enjoying the smiles on their faces, the matching onesthat had him imagining another tinier one coming along in approximately eight months.

“What?” Lisa said seeing the flash of hunger that hit Corey, it wasn’t desire that was etched in his face, but it was a hunger all the same.

“Just thinking how gorgeous you two are, wondering what the new baby will look like, what it will be like to be here next year with all three of you, I think another girl would be perfect.”

“What if I want a boy?” Lisa teased him. He pulled her tightly against him lifting her face to his with a slow hungry kiss, and this time she read the hunger of desire in his eyes when he lifted his lips from hers.

“Then I’ll make sure you have a boy next time,” he said against her ear making Abby laugh.

“Okay are you two going to actually go to dinner or not? It’s a little warm in here in this many layers,” she said, and Lisa turned her head, holding out a hand to Abby that she gladly took.

Corey slid his arm around Lisa and walked them across the pathway to the lodge, helping Abby with her coat as Lisa slipped hers off, the warmth in the building making them uncomfortable to remain in them for long. He knew he was purposely keeping Abby from the view of the people in the lobby, but he didn’t want her, or Lisa, upset before they reached the dining room. He pressed a kiss to the top of Abby’s head then one to Lisa’s cheek before letting her take Abby’s hand, stepping behind them, a hand on each of their shoulders as they walked into the entryway of the dining room.

“Lisa? Oh, my goodness,” Gabrielle said as she saw Abby, her eyes wide with surprise.

“Lisa and surprise guests. Corey, it’s good to see you again and who’s this little beauty?” Trina said coming over to hug her.

“This is Abby, my daughter,” Lisa stated, and Abby beamed bright enough that even Corey fell a little deeper in love withthem both. “Abby this is Trina and Gabrielle; they’ve both worked here for years as well as having been at school with me.”

“It’s nice to meet you,” Abby stated leaning into Lisa and she ran a hand down her arm, bare beneath the cap sleeve of her dress.

“You too sweetie…and about time I’d say,” Trina replied with a glance at Lisa’s hand. “And what’s this?” Trina questioned picking up her hand, a gorgeous diamond now resting on it after Corey realized he hadn’t gotten it out until just before he went to dress for dinner.

“Mom and Dad are getting married,” Abby said, and Corey’s heart swelled even further.

“Oh? Dad, is it?” Trina asked him before letting her gaze flow to Lisa.

“He’s the only one I’ll ever claim the only one good enough for Mom,” Abby said putting a smile on Lisa’s lips.

“Yes, he is, we should probably get to our table though, they’re likely waiting on us,” Lisa stated, and Trina nodded moving to her side with a softly spoken word.

“We should talk later…I’m serious Lisa. You need to talk to me,” she said giving her a long look and Lisa nodded lightly before she turned her full attention over to Abby.

She kept her between her and Corey, knowing he would protect her with everything he was, and she wasn’t about to argue over that one right now. As dinner progressed, she saw the looks sent her way and waited for the one confrontation she had expected since she arrived, the one when Colin saw them.

Thankfully, it didn’t happen, and she stayed in the dining room with Abby, Corey, her parents and Diane as the night went by. She walked back to the house sitting with Abby and Corey near the Christmas tree after changing and she waited until after Trina was off duty before going over to the lodge to meet her.

“Do you want me to walk over there with you?” Corey asked as she did up her coat.

“No, stay with Abby, I don’t know what exactly she wants but I won’t let Abby get hurt by their idle curiosity. I’ll be back before it gets too late,” she promised kissing him softly.

“If you’re not back before midnight I’m going to come looking for you.”

“Good, I love you,” she stated kissing him again before heading over to the lodge to meet Trina. She knew exactly where she would be, they’d always used the back part of the game room whenever one of them needed to vent and she moved into it smiling when she saw the bottle of tequila on the table with Trina and Nicole sitting at it.

“So, want to tell us what the hell’s going on or would you rather we guess?” Nicole questioned pouring out the three drinks.