“No, I’m not going to the police,” she said reaching across the counter for Abby’s hand. “Not right now, this trip is about family, about protecting our hearts and the only way to do that is to just let it go. If he tries something then we’ll talk but I just want to spend Christmas with the people I love, let you all get to know Abby and love her too.”

“You’re just going to let him off, pretend it never happened, and let the entire town call you the horrible things we did?” Gerald asked her.

“If anyone says anything to their faces, they’ll have me to deal with,” Corey stated resting his hand on her hip. “They’re my girls and anyone who hurts them will see how much I protect what’s mine.”

“I’m not saying I’ll never tell,” Lisa added knowing the instant Benton stepped outside of their deal she’d bring everything down on his head. “I just don’t want this visit to be about that and just that.”

“It should be about Mom and Corey becoming Mom and Dad,” Abby added making her smile. “That’s what my wish and Corey’s wish for Christmas is; we want to wake up Christmas morning as a real family.”

“Real family as in…married?” Kirby asked in surprise.

“Yes, Corey asked me last night and I said yes,” she replied seeing her Dad’s shoulders relax as he watched them.

“It’s about damned time,” Gerald stated with a laugh.

“But what happened to the sister who said she’d never get married?” Ashton questioned.

“She met someone who still loved her even after the truth came out, who loves her daughter, and who she can’t live without any longer,” Lisa answered looking up at Corey with a smile in her eyes. “Seeing you with Abby this morning…I want nothing else than to be with you and our girl, happy and safe.”

“Will you marry me before Christmas then?” he asked cupping her cheek as Abby squeezed her hand. “Will you marry me, let me be Abby’s father, and wake up Christmas morning my wife?”

“Yes, I couldn’t think of anything better,” she said easily, and Abby bounced excitedly as Diane hugged her, while Corey slid his hand back into her hair and kissed her.

“Then I think our first trip this morning will be to get a license and find someone to perform the wedding,” Corey stated when he finally lifted his lips from hers.

“And somewhere to have it,” Gerald said.

“Why not just have it here at the lodge?” Lisa suggested glancing at her mom to see if she’d be okay with that. “We could see when one of the rooms is available, I’m sure there’s one that we could have for an hour or so. They’re already decorated so that won’t be an issue. We can go dress shopping and pick out something,” she added to Abby who beamed brightly.

“Well, let’s see,” Elaine said pulling up the reservations for the rooms on her tablet. “The Hickory Room is free most of the day on Christmas Eve or…the Lumiére Hall is open from five until eight that night.”

“Perfect, absolutely perfect,” she said with a smile. “Why don’t we hold it and finish breakfast then I can show you two which one it is,” Lisa added to Corey and Abby who nodded.

The instant they stepped into the room Abby fell in love and Corey pulled her back into his arms holding her tightly as he lowered his face down towards her. “You’re sure about this?”

“Positive, about it all Corey, I love you. I want to marry you. I know you would never take my ability to choose away. You’ll always do what’s best to protect all of us and I will do everything I can to keep us safe,” she said resting his hand on her stomach. “The idea of being with you and Abby as a real family is too much to turn down. So yes, I’m sure about this, about marrying you on Christmas Eve and having the perfect Christmas with everyone I love.”

“I love you baby, you, our daughter, and this one, last year I wanted all of this, wanted you to give us the chance to have it and I refuse to let anyone take it away now, take you away from me.”

“Good, you’re stuck with me because without you I’m miserable…plus if you left, I think David would probably come track you down and beat you.”

“I’m trying not to be jealous but this David person…” Corey said needing to know the truth about them and who else she’d turned to while they were apart.

“He’s just a friend, I promise,” she said touching his cheek. “No one could take your place. I didn’t even date while we were apart Corey. I couldn’t because they weren’t you and I didn’t want them. You are the only person I want, the only one I need.”

“There was no one who got to discover your amazingness while we were apart? No one else discovered that you have your own warning label across that beautiful butt of yours?”

“No one Corey, I don’t need them, just you,” she promised, and they headed out to see about getting the marriage license and seeing who was available on Christmas Eve to do the wedding.

“Baby, would you mind if I invited my mother? She’ll likely be overbearing but she’s still my mother,” he stated as they headed into the office with Abby between them.

“You’ve seen my mother and my family; I think we can handle having yours around. There are plenty of rooms at the house. If there aren’t any open rooms at the resort, Mom can open the backside of the house if you want to invite your brother too. It’s kept shut up most of the time now that we’re older and the rest of the family doesn’t come out for holidays.”

“I’ll let them know once we have someone to do the wedding,” he said, and she nodded bracing herself for when they ran into someone who knew her. There was no doubt that Abby was hers, and she didn’t want her daughter upset because of rude comments or people. She’d dealt with enough snide remarks from kids her age when they knew her mom was only sixteen when she was born.

“Lisa Branson, I haven’t seen you in ages,” she heard and turned towards the voice with a smile. The person attached to it hadn’t changed a bit, but his eyes did widen when he saw Abby beside her. To his credit, he didn’t say anything else, but she knew he was curious.

“If it isn’t my favorite judge,” she stated keeping her arm around Abby as Corey stepped behind them. “Rumor has it you’re ready to retire.”