“Under the false pretense that this place was livable.”
“You look just like your dad when he glares at me like that.”
“No, I don’t.” His face smoothed out, but I could still see the resemblance.
I needed to turn this ship around, and quick. I set Lizzy down and motioned with both hands toward the window. “This apartment is a diamond in the rough. Look at that view!” The cloudy window didn’t offer much visibility for scenic sights, so I quickly swiveled to the futon. “And the luxurious fut—”
I continued as though he hadn’t spoken. “—on. It’s a two-in-one. One of the world’s great inventions. And new towels.” We both looked at the b-word-stained towel in his hand. Or, I looked at him, keeping my eyes averted from anything red, as he looked at the towel.
“And, um,” I continued, “it’s super quiet here at night. All of Main Street closes down after ten, and then you can hear the ocean. Let me show you around,” I said, sounding increasingly desperate.
He followed me a couple of steps to the kitchen, which at least looked clean. I’d even stocked the fridge with fresh milk, eggs, and butter, which hadn’t been strictly necessary, but I thought was a nice touch. “And this is the bathroom.” He peeked inside to see two clean, white towels folded next to the sink, which had fresh toiletries.
I turned to head back into the living space, but he pointed to the closed door adjacent to the bathroom. “What’s in here?”
“Oh that?” I waved my hand casually. “That’s nothing. Just a locked bedroom.”
“That’s not creepy at all.”
I put my hands on my hips. “It’s filled with art supplies. Mostly.”
“Wait. You’re using my apartment as a storage unit? While I’m living in it?”
I motioned at the futon with exasperation. “You have the futon!”
“I can’t live here,” he said, his last word cut off by a huge yawn. His exhaustion-lined eyes looked one minute away from closing.
“But the contract,” I rallied to say, though my voice was sounding weaker. Was I really going to hold him to a contract when it was clear the apartment wasn’t ready yet? Wouldneverbe ready? He was probably wealthy enough to buy out the contract, but I wasn’t feeling right about that either.
“Maybe I’ll just stay with my parents.” But even as he said it, with a pained expression, he walked across the room to sit on the futon.
Which collapsed beneath him with a loud crack.
I gaped at where he lay sprawled on the broken futon. “How much do you weigh?”
“I amnotthe problem,” he bit back. “I’m a hockey player, not a tiny redhead with a creepy animal sidekick.” I was going to ignore that slight toward Lizzy, but only because this was the second injury he’d received since arriving. The scales of balance and all that.
I held out a hand to help him up, but he waved it away and stood with much more agility than I’d imagine someone his size would have. Guilt zinged through me. Even with an extra day, I didn’t know how to make this place livable. Once again, I’d bitten off way more than I could chew (but with the confidence of a contract and first and last month’s rent this time.)
“Okay. Okay.” I let out a long breath. “You can take my apartment next door until we get this one figured out.”
“Where will you sleep?” His folded arms put a shield between us, but he couldn’t hide the concern in his eyes. The Beast I’d seen on television wouldn’t have cared about displacing me.
“Here,” I said cheerfully. We both looked at the broken futon, the rusted metal legs stretched out to the sides like a dog sprawled out on ice. “I have a houseboat if I get desperate.”
He shook his head, but I wasn’t above begging. “I’ll be honest, Dylan. I need the rent money.”
Was that a slight softening in his eyes? Maybe? “You really have a houseboat you can go to?”
“If I need to,” I replied. But since Dad was there, I’d just make sure it wasn’t necessary.
“Fine,” he grumbled.
Before he could change his mind, I led him next door to my apartment. With its sunny yellow walls, perfect view of Main Street’s cute shops (including Max’s bookstore), the mountains behind them, and some of my best paintings, it was one of my favorite places in Winterhaven.
If I couldn’t be on my houseboat, then this was definitely the next best.