My mom smiled, “That’s a very pretty dress you have on, Ladybug.” It was a blue two piece, but it didn’t show off her stomach. It wasn’t too low either. I nodded, “That’s an option. Let’s see the rest.” Melanie walked out next in a black dress with a sweetheart neckline halter top that had cherries on it. The straps were red as was the belt. It was the perfect amount of modest but sexy. It was a bit retro, but Melanie was into retro things right now.
I told her, “That’s the one.” My mom laughed, “It could only be more perfect if they were strawberries and notcherry’s.” Melanie scrunched up her face, “I have a skirt with strawberries… but daddy won’t like the top that goes with it. He’s so weird about my dance outfits sometimes…”
I laughed, “Let’s stick with this one then.” Melanie clapped, “I wanted to come early to help you get ready, but Dad has to take all the meetings for Daddy Peter today. He doesn’t want us leaving without him… but I thought I could stay on the phone while you get ready! It’s kind of like me being there.”
I smiled and plugged my phone to charge. I told her, “That sounds good to me Ladybug.” My mom smiled, “You girls are going to squeal.” I asked, “Why?” My mom answered, “Your dad just told me Ray found his second chance mate. It’s Nadine Daniels' sister, Nora.” I squealed and ran to my window.
Melanie yelled, “Take me to the window! I want to see her too! That’s so exciting. Ray deserves to be happy! That’s so great… and I bet she’s pretty.” My mom laughed and picked up my phone while I peeked out at the scene. Ray was holding onto a very attractive woman tightly.
My heart warmed. I emphatically said, “He deserves this, and he is ready. Does anyone else suspect Angela had something to do with this?” My mom laughed, “You know her best.” I smirked, “I’d put money down she did.” We sat back down.
I felt EJ’s anger in our Hackura bond. I sighed and went back to the window then groaned, “Oh man.” Melanie asked, “What’s wrong?” I sighed, “Raphael is here and so are the Daniels.” Melanie squealed excitedly, “THE ANGEL?! OH MY GOSH ELISE! THERE IS AN ACTUAL ANGEL AT YOUR LUNA CEREMONY! HOW EXCITING IS THAT?!”
I admitted, “I prefer when the Daniels and Raph are not all in the same room.” Melanie demanded, “Let me see him!” I held the phone up. She said, “Wow, an actual Angel. Black mountain is so exc…” She faltered. Alexander had popped out to the middleof the scene. She must not have been able to see him before when my mom showed her Ray and Nora.
My mom giggled, “Black Mountain is so what, Melanie?” Melanie dreamily sighed, “Exciting… so much happens all the time. I mean we’ve been on the phone for like maybe seven minutes and you’ve had a couple find their mate… AND an Angel is there.”
My mom laughed, “Just say what you want to say.” She giggled, “He’s so handsome! I just don’t like it when he’s upset… and his hair is all wet… not that I noticed…” Her voice went up six octaves. She was the worst liar of all time.
I told her, “I see another handsome man out there.” Rhea purred, “Mate is delicious.” I replied, “She’s not teasing me about EJ. It’s Alexander.” Rhea retorted, “My point still stands.” My mom laughed, “I just don’t know how you tell those Conners boys apart.”
Melanie explained, “It’s easy when you think about it....” My mom snorted interrupting, “It’s really not. You just instinctually know that’s Alexander. I would’ve thought it was him or two others. I’ve gotten fairly good at recognizing EJ but sometimes, if he weren’t always attached to Elise here I’d get confused more often.” Melanie pursed her lips.
Before she ranted about all the differences Angela popped into the scene outside. I clapped my hands together saying, “I knew she had something to do with this.” She calmed everyone down then TJ popped in to really make everyone calm down.
Melanie asked, “That’s TJ, right? He must have calmed them down.” My mom snorted, “Now you’re just showing off!” Melanie frowned, “Not really. He’s the youngest boy… Well, Angela is younger, but I said boy. He’s a little shorter than…” My mom cut her off, “I’ll give her that one.”
We watched the scene then saw Raphael stiffen. My mom and I jumped up shouting, “NO WAY!” He ran towards the house.We had to crane our necks to see. His wing was Charlie Rose. Melanie squealed, “WHO IS IT? WHO IS IT?” I answered, “It’s Charlie Rose. The partial Werewolf/Witch.”
Melanie nodded, “T says she’s so nice. Jase had a crush on her a few years ago. I think they even went on a date. She wasn’t crazy like T’s ex from several years ago. I mean that’s mean but… it’s true.” My mom asked, “Huh?”
I laughed, “Charlie Rose and Jase did go on a date. They decided they were just friend material.” Melanie sighed, “T and Jase don’t tell me about their dating lives after that one she wolf. They say I’m too young, but I’m not. I’m about to start high school. Jase went on a date when he was fourteen. Daddy scrunches up his face and leaves when I say that but Mom laughs. I just hope Everly comes today. T likes her and hopes she’s his mate.” I knew that.
My mom laughed too, “It’s hard for dads to see their daughter’s date. Peter struggled with that too, but he at least had the knowledge that his daughter was dating her mate.” I grabbed some nail polish, “Time to get going since I’m determined to do some of this the non-Fairy way. Let’s see where the day takes us.”
Melanie snorted, “I’d do everything the Fairy way… like all the time. Getting ready takes so much time… you could be…” I interrupted, “I know you’d use the time to take over the world.” She muttered, “I mean not the whole world… that would require more time… and probably less sleep.” Rhea snickered, “Why do I think she has a plan to take over the world if it was necessary?” She probably did.
My mom did a French tip on my nails. Melanie painted her nails red to match her dress. It was actually fun getting ready this way. I just wished she’d been able to be here in person. I asked, “So, are you competing tomorrow night in New York?” My mom answered, “Of course she is.”
Melanie sighed, “I don’t know. I’m still undecided. My parents want me to, but New York is just so far away from everyone and everything. I’d miss so much. T and Jase haven’t met their mates yet. I just don’t know… plus I think I would get really home sick. You know the last competition was a week long and Sharon had to pop us back after day three… I just… don’t know.” I urged, “Follow your instincts, Mel.” She nodded, “I will.” Rhea muttered, “Straight to Oden please and thank you.” I nearly laughed out loud.
My mom looked at her phone. She announced, “Haley’s coming.” Melanie sighed, “Man! I wanted to meet her, but I need to get in the shower and throw on some eyeshadow.” I teased, “Don’t forget your red lips.” Melanie smiled, “How could I? It’s my signature look now. I mean… I’m trying… no I decided. It’s definitely going to be my thing.”
I waved goodbye at the phone. “I’ll see you later, Mel.” She squealed, “I’m so excited! You’ve worked so hard this will be an amazing day! Relax and enjoy it all! I’m so proud of you.” I laughed, “Thanks, Ladybug.” I hung up and Haley popped in.
She greeted, “Hello you two.” She hugged my mom then me. My mom said, “So, I hear you are conjuring her dress. It’s a good thing you’ve changed the tradition about the Luna dresses.” Haley grinned, “Yes, I told her it was her choice. Honestly, I get the whole tradition shit thing, but people’s styles aren’t all the same.” She handed me the garter with the old dress material, and I put it on my leg.
I told her, “I really appreciate this, Haley.” I showed her a picture of what I wanted. She complimented me, “That’s stunning!” My mom’s phone rang. She jumped up saying, “I’ll be right back.” She stepped out. Haley frowned, “Ok let’s get to conjuring.”
I closed my eyes and heard her touching material. Then she snapped her fingers. I looked down seeing the dress was nowon me. The material felt amazing on my skin. Haley snapped a mirror so I could see it. I spun around in a full three hundred and sixty degree turn.
It was exactly what I wanted. White, no sleeves, lace on top with a flower design. The material was sheer until it got to my breasts. It had a slight V cut with a cinched belt at my waist then it flared out into a flow-y style.
Haley smiled, “You look beautiful.” I hugged her, “I really can’t thank you enough. You’ve done so much for me.” Haley took my hands, “Elise, I have considered you my daughter in law since before you were born. You’re my son's mate, and I will always be here to help you with anything. You can always come and talk to me. Mentally prepare yourself because I am about to get a saying from this realm right.”
I bit my lip. Rhea began to laugh in our connection because Haley didn’t often do that. Haley shrugged continuing, “Only because this damn saying actually makes some fucking sense. My door is always open to you. You’ve done an amazing job this past year. I’m so proud of you and everything you’ve accomplished.”
“I know you were nervous, but even when you made mistakes you owned them. That’s all anyone can do. You grew from the experience when you did make them.” I told her, “I appreciated you not saying I told you so in those situations.”