Drake answered, “Our afternoon patrol saw her cross at noon. They didn’t report it until right before we left. They knew how much she was looking forward to it and hoped we’d be gone before they had to give me their report.” Did he just say noon? I glanced at Elise who was already looking at me.

She pressed, “They said she crossed at noon?” Drake nodded. Elise declared, “That’s not possible. She called me at noon from her room and woke EJ and I up. I Facetimed her until Haley came in to snap me into my dress. Mom was even there for most of the call. EJ can verify she was in your house during the start of the call too.”

Brutus told me, “Hell yes we can. I dare them to call us or our Luna a liar. Double dog dare them even.” I asked, “Why do you keep trying to make me laugh tonight?” He answered, “It’s not my fault my snark makes you want to laugh. I have a dry sense of humor.” I knew that.

Chelsea frowned saying, “I didn’t know what time this all happened, but Elise is right. Melanie stayed on Facetime withus so she and Elise could get ready together. We even picked out her outfit together.” Drake’s face crumbled. He growled and marched over to a Warrior from their pack.


The Warrior was confused, “I didn’t lie! It looked just like her.” I pulled out my phone and showed him a picture. I asked, “Was it her? She’s a pup in a bordering pack.” The Warrior studied the picture, “I guess it could have been her.” Drake punched him.

Peter pulled him off their Warrior. Drake took a deep breath, and I noticed his wolf was on the surface. Brutus said, “Pepper is quite upset because his pup was hurting tonight and lashed out with her words.” Well, that was more than fair on her part at this point.

Peter announced, “We can have someone bring her. Elise and Ladybug can have a sleepover. Mel can stay in Cassie’s room since she and her mate left, I’m sure.” Alexander’s hope barreled into me. I looked over at him and sent him my love. Drake agreed, “Of course she can. I’ll just call Warriors to bring her here.”

I offered, “I can pop and bring her here.” Drake frowned, “It’s not an…” I cut him off, “Finish that sentence, I dare you. I’m aware it’s not an emergency to you. I am OFFERING to go get her. I won’t pop into your house. I’ll pop Elise and I into her childhood home. Then I’ll walk my happy ass over and knock on your door. Does that work for everyone?” My dad bit his lip trying not to laugh.

Drake shrugged, “I guess if you want to.” I snorted, “I do.” Drake nodded. He used his phone to call a warrior. He said, “Hi Tom, EJ is going to pop in for Mel. It seems the patrols wereseeing a different pup…” He trailed off then yelled, “Excuse me? What the hell? Why would you…?” He shouted, “She just left? Well, I don’t have a call. No, but I’ll ask Sam. She better or you’re dead meat.”

Alexander was devastated and didn’t notice that my dad was studying him. Sam asked, “Drake?” Drake turned to her, “Did Tiffany’s dad call you? Tom said they came to pick her up early. They got an earlier flight and they left. Ladybug got on the plane thirty minutes ago.” I closed my eyes in frustration.

Elise started to cry, and her sorrow nearly drowned me. It wasn’t just hers though. The McAlister’s standing outside were devastated. Sam was in denial. “No, there’s no way. She wouldn’t just leave without saying goodbye!”

Jason snorted, “After that scene tonight, I think she would. She’s mad but she’ll calm down and apologize for leaving this way.” Elise shot back, “She’s hurt and it’s justified.” Jason frowned, “Yeah, I know it is.” Sam dug her phone out and read through several messages and listened to some.

She sighed announcing, “He did call me. Tiffany wanted more time to prepare and called Mel who agreed to go. They all got on the earlier flight, and he picked her up.” I asked, “Why were they even here?” Sam shrugged, “Tiffany was in a small competition here. Melanie told her about it, but she wasn’t competing because….”

Elise cut her off, “Because tonight was my Luna Ceremony.” She turned and walked away. Sam yelled, “Elise, I’m so sorry!” Elise called over her shoulder, “Screw your sorry.” Peter’s eyes widened and Chelsea put an arm around Sam. Brutus growled, “They hurt mate.” I knew that.

I glared at them, “Is that all there is to this? Warriors being confused about a girl with dark hair?” Drake questioned, “What are you talking about? What else would it be?” I studied him, “I better not find out this is about anything other than that.”

Drake glared at me, “If you think I like disciplining my daughter or breaking her heart, you are wrong.” I raised an eyebrow, “Breaking her heart?” Drake ran a hand through his hair, “She wants to meet everyone pretty badly. I know I fucked up holding her too tightly in the beginning, but you’ll see when you have pups that it’s hard. I just wanted her to be safe. That’s all I’ve ever wanted. I probably lost my little girl tonight.”

Peter reasoned, “Melanie loves you, Drake.” Drake winced, “You didn’t see her tonight.” Sam squeezed his hand, “She was just upset. She loves you so much. She’s always been a daddy’s girl.” Drake continued, “Anyway, I don’t punish my daughter for kicks.”

I pushed, “Could someone in your pack not want her to meet us?” That clicked for me. What if someone also thought Alexander was her mate? What if they were doing this so she wouldn’t meet him because they were possessive of her themselves? Brutus agreed, “That would make sense.”

Drake questioned, “Why would they care?” I shrugged, “If she meets someone who has Fairy blood, they could know they were her mate. There are Hackura around here and if they were over the age of sixteen, they’d know if it was her. Same with the Hood who run around here quite frequently.”

I shrugged, “Maybe they don’t want her to meet Emmaline who would know who her mate was.” I studied his face looking for any indication that he knew Emmaline and Melanie had already met. I saw none. Melanie had kept it a secret and I found that interesting.

I continued, “If she met your allies the chances Emmaline would know her mate increase and people are strangely possessive of her.” Drake winced, “I didn’t think of that.” I retorted, “Obviously.” Drake growled, “The hostility isn’t necessary. My daughter is already upset with me. Believe mewhen I say that’s enough punishment. She’s my little girl and I adore her.”

“She was so upset with me and Sam that she left without saying anything to any of us. Not down the road either, for New York. We all know she’ll win that competition. I can’t leave the pack right now to go after her. After tonight, she might not be coming home.”

I told him, “You hurt my mate too, and I genuinely like Ladybug. I don’t pretend to know what it is to be a parent, I don’t. I will one day, but that day is not today. I do know what it is to have someone hurt your mate. You would do exactly what I’m doing if someone hurt Sam that way.” I turned and walked away.

Phil linked me, “You forgot hurting your brother.” I replied, “I didn’t forget. I’m not certain Alexander is wrong. If they intentionally kept him away from her, there WILL be hell to pay. My brother may be deadly, but he’s not some possessive asshole who would forcibly mark a fourteen year old. He respects women and men alike. He would never do that.” Phil agreed, “I know my cousin and my Alpha. I know he wouldn’t.”

Jason raised his hand, “Hey, why did Slugger haul off and hit me?” I called over my shoulder, “Ask him. Or your brother.” I kept walking knowing my dad would deal with the bullshit. I found Elise and Alexander back where we’d been before the confrontation with the Red Run group.

I sat down saying, “I don’t think it was about keeping her from you.” Alexander shrugged and the bond told me he didn’t believe that. I knew for Drake’s part, I was right. I said, “I think there’s something you didn’t consider, brother. What if there is someone else who is possessive of her and didn't want her to meet all the allies because the odds of her finding her mate were higher?” Alexander growled but seemed to be considering my words.

I hugged Elise. She started crying, “She missed our mating ceremony and my Luna ceremony. It’s not fair! She just left without saying anything.” I kissed her cheek, “You don’t know that.” I conjured her phone. There were several missed calls and voicemails from Melanie.

The first several had Elise crying and I cursed myself for the millionth time for making everyone, including myself, unable to hear her phone. She put the phone down, “She promised me she didn’t do it and said she was sorry. That she really wanted to be here for me. She said she sent a present for me with T. The last thing she sent was a text, saying she was going to leave and spend time with people who actually believe her.”

A text? Brutus hummed in my mind and I knew why. That sounded off, but her Beta blood would be pissed as any ranked blood wolf would be. Brutus sighed, “You’re right. No ranked blood would’ve dealt with any of this crap as long as Melanie has.”