From behind me I heard a voice, “Hello, Lex.” Oh no. I turned, not suppressing my groan. Raphael was back. He apparated in every so often. The Daniels’ boys and their dad HATED Raphael. Keaton, Keith, and Emmett growled. Brutus told me, “Not today, EJ. He cannot ruin this for mate.” He wasn’t going to. It would NOT happen.
Raphael laughed, “Hello, boys.” Aunt Lexi sighed, “Boys, enough. He’s an old friend.” Emmett snarled, “Old friend my ass. Stay the fuck over there, Angel boy. Don’t you come near mymother.” Alexandria gripped his arm and shot an annoyed look over at Raphael.
Raphael smiled, “I was told to be here. So here I am.” I groaned, “No, just no. Who told you to be here? Because I swear, I don’t care if it was a goddess. This is Elise’s day, and I’ll kill you myself before you ruin this for her. I don’t care if you’re a damn Angel or not. NO ONE will ruin this for Elise.” Brutus agreed, “YES! We can take him.”
Emmett urged, “Please do. He only ever causes trouble.” Toby linked, “Do NOT kill the Angel.” I asked, “Where do you stand on maiming?” He agreed, “That’s fine.” Good. Emma sighed, “Emmett.” Before she could finish a freshly showered Alexander popped back.
He frowned, “I was gone for five minutes, and your anger had me ready to come back within moments. That was before Preston popped into my bathroom to tell me to go check on you. What the hell happened in five minutes? Oh.” His eyes looked past me to Raphael.
He rolled his eyes, “Come on man, not today. Mess with the Daniels another day. Today is about Elise. She’s worked really hard this last year and she’s done a great job. If you think you’ll fuck up Black Mountain Pack’s Lead Luna’s day, then you’ve got another think coming.” The threat was clear in his tone.
Normally, I’d stop him. Just not today, because he was right. Raphael smiled somewhat tauntingly, “I do not know why I am here. I go where I am told. I was simply told to be here today. I have no intention of ‘messing with the Daniels’ as you say.”
Peter snorted, “And I’m a goat.” Ted flashed in, “Incoming, Lex. Angry Alpha, Beta, and a Gamma coming in hot. Spread those wings and fly Angel boy.” I heard a growl I knew. Chase Daniels snarled, “Too late for that.”
Alexander was annoyed and ready to fight. Brutus said, “Let him. It’s better than us doing it, but if we stand here, it shows ourapproval.” He had such good ideas. Angela popped in with her arms crossed. She ordered, “Stop being mean! It’s fine. Just chill for like ten minutes.”
Brutus whined, “We upset our sister.” We were all softies for our siblings, especially our sisters. I questioned, “Why’s that?” Angela pointed, “I guarantee you’ll ALL be happy. Each and every one of you in ten minutes or less.”
Alexander sighed, “Angela, did you call Raphael?” Raphael smirked. Oh god, she had. I groaned, “How did you even get his number?” Toby linked, “You can’t be serious. There are so many people who would hand over the number to her.” Angela said, “Uhhh I said, ‘Micah please, pretty, pretty please!’ He handed it right over.” Of course he did. We all would have.
Raphael laughed, “See? I was invited. I do not mean to upset the Daniels. Or ruin your Luna’s day.” Angela grabbed my hands, “He won’t, I swear! You know I love Elise!” Alexander’s amusement was flooding our bond because he knew I’d been ready to let him take on Raphael.
I shot him a look. I leaned down and kissed her forehead, “For you, he can have ten minutes.” She clapped, “YAY!” TJ popped out to us. He laughed, “Angela.” She shrugged, “Raphael was early. What was I supposed to do? It was not heading to a good place.” TJ laughed again.
I raised an eyebrow, “You knew about this?” TJ smiled, “I have to monitor her, or she runs rampant. She is my twin after all.” Calm flooded the whole group. Peter sighed, “It’s weird. I know he’s calming me down. When in fact I’m not actually calm. Yet here I am, being calm.” I smiled at my little brother.
TJ was an empath and was pretty good already with his ability. He didn’t abuse his power. He usually used it to let Angela get her way. My dad walked outside, smiled, picked Angela, and spun her around. He asked, “What mischief have you gotten into today, Princess?” Angela giggled, “I’m helping.”
My dad kissed her cheek, “Of course you are. With a little bit of fun sprinkled on top.” Angela held out her hand saying, “In five, four, three, two and,” Raphael gasped. Angela giggled, “one!” Raphael began to run towards the house.
Cousin Emmaline came around the corner with my cousin Jayden and Charlie Rose, a part Werewolf part Witch. Charlie Rose stopped walking and her gaze snapped to Raphael. Her jaw dropped and her wolf took over, “MINE!”
Brutus linked, “I did not see that coming.” That made two of us. Jayden linked, “The annoying Angel? Really?” I replied, “Evidentially.” He groaned, “Goddess above, at least Charlie is in our pack and not Yellow Hills or that would just be a basket of no fun.” He wasn’t wrong.
Emmaline smiled and pulled Jayden away from Charlie. Alpha Chase complained, “You are shitting me right now. All this time his mate was right there! Thank god. No, seriously thank fucking god!” Aunt Lexi laughed and kissed him.
When she pulled back, she teased, “You know I love only you, and he’s just been messing with you. You simply let him.” Alpha Chase kissed her passionately, “Oh no sweetheart, he wanted what was mine. All our pups see it too. You’re the one who didn’t. Now though, he has his wing. He will finally go the fuck away.”
Angela clapped, “See? Look at how happy everyone is.” I laughed, “Good one, Ang.” She suddenly frowned and her confusion flooded us all. My dad asked, “Princess?” Angela frowned, “Cassie is going to be late again.” I assured her, “That’s ok. She’ll be here.” Angela nodded.
Brutus growled, “What upset her?” I wasn’t sure but now she seemed distracted. Aunt Lexi asked, “Angela, did you send Nora a plane ticket to come see Nadine?” It clicked for me. I announced, “I already know that answer.” Angela smiled, “You did say I could borrow three hundred dollars, big brother.”
My dad’s eyes shot to mine. I smiled throwing her a wink. “Yes, and I knew what you used it for. It was on my credit card bill, little one.” Aunt Lexi laughed, “I should’ve known. Nadine and Nora couldn’t figure it out.” Angela flipped her hair then frowned again. She sighed, “I’ll be back.” She popped away. TJ frowned. I told him, “Go see what’s wrong.” He nodded and popped away after her.
I looked at my watch noting the time. Alexander was practically radiating his nerves. We checked on everything for the ceremony. Brutus said, “Oden is talking about going back to the gym.” I groaned out loud, “Oh good god. Let’s go work for an hour then we will come out here and have Elise’s ceremony. Will you find some chill?” Alexander frowned, “Probably not, no.” I snorted, “At least that was honest.” Alexander shot back, “I have to be honest, big brother.” True, but he could be evasive and often was.
We buried ourselves in work for an hour until my dad knocked on the door. He announced with a smile, “It’s time boys.” He shook my shoulders, “I am proud of the Lead Alpha and mate that you are EJ. You and Elise have done a great job and today will be a fun celebration.”
He hugged Alexander, “I’m so proud of the Alpha Enforcer you have become and the man you’ve become. I know you will meet your mate and treat her like your Queen one day.” We both hugged him.
When we pulled back, he said, “Let’s go.” I smiled and grabbed my stuff.
Alexander wasn’t going to ask so I did. “Are the McAlister’s here?” My dad frowned, “No, it seems they are running late.” I snorted, “Well, Melanie did have ten outfits to decide between. Women.” My dad laughed, “Not everyone can snap themselves dressed, son. Be that male or female.”
I snapped us all into jeans. There was a push to have ceremonies be more formal, but with our heritage we stayed in jeans for these ceremonies. My mom considered that more than fair for our pack, which had everyone backing the decision.
My dad said, “Case and point. A regular person would’ve had to go change.” We walked outside. My dad walked up on stage with me. The whole pack and most of our allies were here. Chelsea looked worried and confused about something. I started to walk towards her when my dad linked, “Your Luna is coming. We can figure out whatever that’s about later.”