Cassie linked me, “The truth would hurt daddy’s feelings. We can’t do that to him. It’s not what mom wants.” I sighed and answered my Uncle, “Nos postea narrabo vobis. Iustum avunculus Marcus (We will tell you later. Just you Uncle Marcus).” A voice came from behind us, “Rt te (and me).”
Alexander and I popped to our Uncle Bjourn. I hugged him, “You’re back!” Uncle Bjourn laughed, “I am back. A moment too late it seems.” Alexander argued, “Your timing is perfect as always.” They had a special bond. Uncle Bjourn could always get to the root of Alexander’s feelings.
Mom could too, but Uncle Bjourn pushed where mom didn’t. She had a good balance of pushing and letting us make our choices. She was a light this world didn’t deserve, and I was proud to call her mom. Uncle Bjourn came in with a metaphorical sledgehammer tearing down walls himself. He was amazing.
Uncle Bjourn walked over to the fight glaring at Grandma Cassandra the whole way over. He told her, “You will not fight a member of my family. If you insist on doing so, it will be me. I’ll take the challenge from Miley. So I’d advice backing down right now.” Grandma Cassandra sighed, “I, Luna Cassandra Conners, rescind my acceptance of the challenge.”
Alexander linked, “Former Luna.” Caleb, my dad’s Beta, cleared his throat, “It’s not official unless it’s the right title.” Grandma glared at him stubbornly stating, “I used the right title.” Saied cut in, “It’s former Luna, Grandma.” Grandma looked like she’d been slapped instead of corrected.
Uncle Marcus said, “I think you need to take the challenge, brother.” Grandma quickly amended, “I, FORMER Luna Cassandra Conners, rescind my acceptance of the challenge.” Uncle Bjourn nodded, “Good. Get out of my sight Cassandra.” Grandpa Nathan tried to drag her away, but she refused to leave.Alexander linked, “She does know he’ll kill her right?” I replied, “I don’t think she does.”
Uncle Bjourn turned to my mom, “Little one, what exactly were you thinking? You’re pregnant.” Mom wiped tears out of her eyes, crossed her arms, and watched Grandma Cassandra. Dad frowned ordering, “Do not link each other right now. What’s going on?”
Mom answered my Uncle, “I was thinking I’ve had efuckingnough of her bullshit. I was thinking don’t have a broken leg and I’m perfectly capable of kicking her ass even though I’m pregnant.” Brutus offered, “She’s right.” I replied, “I don’t care that she can take Grandma. I care that Grandma accepted while mom is pregnant.”
Brutus pointed out, “In doing so, she lost any respect she had left here.” I looked around realizing it was true. Her friends had been annoyed with her but now they looked furious with her. Everyone knew with pregnancy hormones if my mom’s Hackura instincts would fire if she felt a threat to her pups. Mom’s Hackura blood was firmly in the driver’s seat right now. She couldn’t help it. Grandma should’ve linked dad. Mates are linked when things like this happen because pregnant she wolves can get their hackles up too.
No one would ever accept a challenge from a pregnant pack member. Let alone the Luna. Not to brag, but my mom was cherished here. Everyone loved her, even Grandma Cassandra’s friends. I think they had come around recently, but they still had.
Mom ordered, “Cassandra, stay the FUCK away from my children. By that I mean ALL of them.” Everyone stared at her in shock. Grandma Cassandra cried, “They are my grandpups.” I nearly scoffed because she didn’t care about us. Brutus agreed, “Her Grandma days always involved leaving us and our siblings behind to hang out with the others.” I knew that.
We’d convinced mom we didn’t want to go a few years ago. That dumb promise we were manipulated into as pups didn’t mean I’d let my siblings watch each other like we did since we had other activities outside school now.
My mom snarked, “I’m aware they are. It’s why you’re here. I cannot believe you. Hurting me is one thing. Hurting my children? No. Fuck this and fuck you. I won’t have it! Not them. You’ve crossed the damn line!”
Dad looked over at us, his gaze resting on Cassie but she looked away. Dad’s jaw locked. Grandpa Nathan looked over at Cassie too. His eyes told me he was astonished. I felt bad because we loved Grandpa Nathan. He was always on mom’s side. He was in a hard place with Grandma Cassandra being his mate. Brutus boasted, “Our mate is nothing like her.” Thank Aesir, the Hackura god.
I was certain everyone thought we were confused about the tension between our mom and Grandma. The truth was we knew exactly what had happened between them. Last year, Cassie had used her truth seeking power and made Aunt Jessica tell us the truth about the situation. Then Alexander and I took her memories. It all made so much sense afterwards.
They kept secrets that almost hurt me, Alexander, Cassie, mom, dad and our uncles. I agreed with mom on that situation. It was unacceptable after they made her tell all her secrets. We didn’t pry into what those secrets were, but that was unfair of them to do. Then they didn’t apologize. Mom was one of the most sensitive Fairies around. She can’t deal with strikes against those she loves.
I realized we needed a distraction. I interjected, “Mom, you promised I could go see Elise.” My mom turned to me, “Of course you can.” She called, “Youngers.” One of my guards came forward. Mom asked, “Can you go with EJ to Red Run please?”Youngers nodded, “Of course, Princess. Let’s go little Duke.” He glared at Grandma Cassandra.
Grandma sighed, “I just don’t know if that’s a good idea. I’ve told you that we won’t be sure until they are eighteen. It’s bad enough Austin and Arlina think they are mates too. We are setting these pups up for heartbreak.” Austin growled but it paled in comparison to my growl because I had Brutus. Austin didn’t have his wolf yet.
In the back of my mind, I compared Austin’s growl to Grandma’s. They sounded similar. I brushed it off because Kena was sleeping. Brutus warned, “I’ll shift and bite her all over again. I know I said it earlier and I meant it.”
EJ didn’t want to be here. It was Grandma Cassandra day, and I wanted it to be done so I could have dinner at the Kyle’s. We were all going. Grandma Cassandra was gathering our cousins together. She said, “Now, you guys watch your siblings.” I wanted to scream that we were five, but she said we were mature. We were, that was true. We weren’t humans but still she was supposed to spend time with us. I sighed.
She chastised, “There’s that attitude.” Cassie said, “He didn’t have an attitude.” Alexander chimed in, “He’s looking forward to seeing Elise today.” Brutus began to growl at the look on Grandma Cassandra’s face. She put a hand on her heart and acted like she was near a break down. She knelt down, “EJ, I don’t know why your mom insists on breaking your heart like this. Brutus is strong, just like Oden is.” She glanced at Alexander lovingly. He stared back impassively.
I don’t know why she thought she could fool us. We could sense motivations and hers were never good around us. She cut a glance at Cassie, “Rain is weaker so maybe she’d be different. We are talking about you though.” Cassie’s face fell and I nearly let agrowl slip out. The bond told me that had hurt Cassie’s feelings, and I wasn’t going to stand for that.
Alexander let Oden’s growl come out. Grandma Cassandra scolded, “You don’t growl at me, young man. Everyone knows Rain isn’t as strong as Oden or Brutus. That’s a fact, there’s no need to be upset about it. She takes after your mother.” Which was and wasn’t true. Rain was an Alpha just like us, but Cassie was a lot like our mom. I linked Cassie, “I’m jealous. Mom is awesome.” She smiled faintly back at me.
Grandma Cassandra turned back to me, “As I was saying, your mom seems intent on breaking your heart and Elise’s too for that matter. It’s just unwise because it could ruin our alliance with Red Run. No one wants to listen to me, but no Alpha would be happy about his daughter’s heart being broken.” Alexander asked, “What are you talking about?” Grandma Cassandra ignored him and spoke directly to me like, I was dumb, “You just won’t know if Elise is yours until you’re eighteen.”
I argued, “I know now. She is mine.” She waved dismissively, “Yes, because your mom placed those thoughts in your head. Your wolf is strong, you’re like us and that’s hard for your mom to accept. She thinks she knows all, but she is still learning about Fairies even though she grew up in Faerie.” All my cousins gasped. I replied, “Elise is mine.”
Brutus was growing steadily furious. She sighed, “EJ, you are an Alpha. You don’t follow the opinions of others.” I interrupted, “Unless they’re yours, right?” She gasped, “I’m trying to help you.” I repeated, “Elise Kyle is MINE.” She sighed, “EJ, she’s probably not. She’ll be mated to someone else, and a more suitable option will be your mate.” Brutus roared and forced a shift. Everyone screamed when Brutus jumped and clamped down onto Grandma Cassandra’s arm.
She screamed but Kena didn’t come out. Brutus told me, “She’s asleep.” Grandma Cassandra screamed, “How dare you!You will be grounded forever from this young man. You’ll never see Elise Kyle again.” I snarled and heard another shift. Oden was now beside me. My cousin Saied said, “That’s not going to happen. You’re not going to say anything. Just like we don’t say anything.” I looked over at my cousin.
Grandma Cassandra retorted, “And why do you think that, young lady?” Saied answered, “Because then us non-Fairy Werewolves, that can break promises, would detail out Grandma Cassandra days for our parents, Aunt’s and Uncle’s. We all know you don’t want that.” Grandma Cassandra gasped, “You’re blackmailing me.” I watched my cousin in surprise, but with pride. Saied smirked, “Yes, and I learned from the very best. Aren’t you proud I share qualities with you, Grandma?” My Grandma stood, “Well, I never.” She stormed off into the bathroom.
I shifted back and so did Alexander. I said, “Thanks Saied.” She put her hand on my back, “I’ve got your six, cousin. Always.” Cassie teased, “I love that you used the Hackura way to say that.” She shrugged, “I think the way they see the world is beautiful.” Daisy snorted, “If your mate is Hackura it could kill Grandma.” Austin muttered, “Hopefully her mate is Hackura then.” We all went to say something along the lines of ‘don’t say that,’ but the words didn’t come. Brutus said, “I won’t take her disrespect. Elise is OURS.” I agreed, “I know.” I winced, “I shouldn’t have shifted.”