My dad was waiting in my room when I woke up holding my phone. He asked, “Did you fall asleep talking to EJ?” I sighed, “No. Well, yes but we were just sleeping. He was so upset.” My dad nodded, “Drake called me about the memo he got from Jim Kruthers. The threats have started.” I nodded.

My dad kissed my forehead, “We’ve been preparing for this since the triplets, the first set, were little. Our allies are readyand so are we. You’re going to have a more intense training schedule. You and Melanie will be working with your grandpa and Ben.” I nodded, “Ok dad.”

I put it out of my mind and enjoyed our last day on vacation. I was the first one packed and ready to get back home the next day. My dad laughed. My brothers grumbled, but I didn’t care. We were finally on our way back.

The second our car parked; Melanie ran out of the McAlister’s house. She slammed into me, “You’re back!” I laughed, “I am. I have a surprise for you.” I reached into my backpack and handed her the book I’d gotten her. She squealed, “I LOVE YOU! I LOVE YOU! I LOVE YOU!”

My dad teased, “Decibel Ladybug, decibel.” She said, “But it’s my favorite book series!” My dad smiled, “Yes, I know.” I followed his eyes. Melanie had her Xander wolf tucked into her arm. She grabbed me and started leading me inside.

She announced, “I want to see your dress.” I winked, “You’ll see it tonight.” She led me up to my room then sat down on my bed, “I have a competition.” My jaw dropped, “Since when?” She looked away, “Earlier this week.” I frowned, “But Alexander is coming.” She whispered, “I know. He’s going with her.” She spat out the last word.

She started crying, “My Xander likes Charline.” I consoled her, “Oh, Ladybug. No, he doesn’t.” She shook her head, “Charline said he does. Jason said he must like her because he’s never given any girl the time of day. It hurts so much. He’s mine but he wants her.”

I took her in my arms, “Hey, it’s ok. I think he just wanted to go to the dance. He’s always found Charline annoying, I promise.” She wiped her eyes, “You promise?” She had so much hope in her eyes. I nodded. One it was true. Two, I just couldn't stand her tears.

She said, “Charline said she just knew he’d declare her as his tonight. I almost ripped her face off.” I snorted knowing Melanie could’ve. Charline couldn’t fight for crap. I said, “You know, if you’d stayed, he might just have declared you as his.” Her face fell, “I didn’t think of that. I just didn’t want to be here seeing him with her. He wants to go to the dance, and I’d mess it up by ripping her face off.”

I snorted, “I’m surprised you didn’t.” She sighed, “I had to run away. The only thing that kept me from punching her in her stupid face was that my Xander wanted her. I want him to be happy.” I hugged her, “I’ll let you know if anything changes, but I’m positive he doesn’t like her.”

She grumbled, “Then I should’ve punched her in her stupid face! She doesn’t even like him because of him. She likes him because he’s a Conners boy, which is SO rude…. and...” I cut in, “Why do you like him?”

Melanie smiled dreamily answering, “Because he’s sensitive and kind. He’s a good fighter like me. I just know he’d be proud of my skills. He stands up for people that can’t stand up for themselves. Jase said he can be quiet, and I talk a lot… like a LOT… Jase says it’s annoying, but that’s cause he talks a lot too. My Xander is very handsome and he’s mine.”

I started to say, “Well then….” She growled, “Charline doesn’t know anything about him. She thinks he’s arrogant because he’s a good fighter, but he’s NOT!” Now I was getting mad. Alexander was the farthest thing from arrogant possible.

I agreed, “You’re right, he’s not. He’s a bit more sensitive than his siblings.” Melanie frowned, “If she hurts his feelings, I’m punching her and breaking her stupid nose. Then maybe her whole stupid face.” It was really hard not to laugh.

I went into my closet and grabbed my dress. Melanie’s face lit up, “It’s so pretty! You’ll look just like a Princess.” I laughed, “I’ll be a Duchess. Which is weird enough.” Melanie smiled,“You’ll be the prettiest Duchess.” I tickled her, “I’ll be tied for the prettiest if you're a Duchess too.”

When she caught her breath she told me, “I don’t need to be a Duchess. I just want my Xander.” I bit my lip because it was too adorable. Tristan was right though. If Melanie and Alexander weren’t mates, she’d be crushed.

A knock came on my door. Sam walked through with my mom. Sam said, “We’ve got to go, Ladybug.” Melanie hugged me, “Have fun at the dance tonight!” I smiled, “I will. Go win your competition.” She smiled, “I usually do.” That was true, she did.

Sam laughed, “You get your butt over and say bye to your dad and your brothers.” Melanie left and Sam looked at me pointedly. She asked, “Do you any idea why Melanie just HAD to have a competition this weekend out of the blue?” I smiled, “Yes.”

Sam sighed, “But you won’t tell me.” I shook my head. She smiled, “I’m glad she has you, Elise Kyle.” She left. I watched from my window as Melanie loaded up into her mom’s SUV. I sighed wishing she was staying.

My mom cleared her throat. I told her, “It’s exactly the reason you think it is, mom.” My mom put her hand to her chest, “I worry for her. She’s going to be so crushed if Alexander isn’t her mate.” I snorted, “Apparently Charline is lucky she didn’t get punched in her stupid face.”

My mom started laughing, “Given the pack Melanie’s punch has, I’ll agree she is quite lucky.” I sighed, “She’s possessive about him. I really think he is her mate. I know wolves don’t have powers or intuition, but she definitely has one with him. Maybe because he’s a hybrid she can tell?”

My mom looked thoughtful, “That’s something to consider. We’ve always known that with you and EJ since before you were born. As a pup, did you feel that way about him? Possessivelike she does?” I nodded. My mom shrugged, “It’s possible. You need to jump in the shower so we can start getting you ready. The other girls are coming over here to get ready.” I frowned, “Is Charline?” My mom nodded. I groaned.

My mom laughed, “After just thirty minutes with Melanie and you don’t like Charline anymore.” I said, “Apparently Charline likes Alexander because he’s a Conners’ boy and thinks he’s arrogant.” My mom snorted, “I’m stunned Melanie didn’t punch her then.” I replied, “She didn’t think her Xander would like that.” My mom snorted, “Shower. By the way, your dad agreed that Ray has the night off.” I clapped in excitement. A night without a chaperone we could sense.

The girls came over and Charline was already gloating. After five minutes, I was ready to deck her. I couldn't believe Melanie hadn’t. Charline was going on and on about how Alexander chose her out of everyone. She had the audacity to say he may take her as a chosen mate if they weren’t mates.

I cleared my throat and her face flushed red. I told her, “Alexander is only fourteen. I think we’re a long way from picking chosen mates. He asked you to the dance, not to marry him. Let’s all just have fun.” Charline looked mad but nodded. The other girls shot me grateful looks.

Everyone else left and went down to meet their dates. EJ wasn’t here yet though, which meant Alexander wasn’t here, so Charline stayed upstairs. I crossed my arms, “Charline, Alexander is a great guy who would be hurt by all the crap I’ve heard you’ve been saying. Just get to know him to see if you like him.”

Charline sighed, “I know, it’s just that I really do like him. He’s never agreed to date anyone. I have a friend in Black Mountain who says he spends time with his siblings, cousins, and you. I really want him to like me. It has to mean something that he asked me.” I dryly replied, “It does. It means that youtold me to tell him you wanted to go with him then he asked. Let’s just start there. Ok?” Her cheeks flushed scarlet but she nodded.

We walked down the stairs. I saw EJ studying Alexander, who looked upset. I frowned wondering if he heard us talking upstairs. I saw my dad suck in a breath when he saw me. My mom hit his thigh and shot him a warning look. His jaw clenched.

To be fair, I did know he wouldn’t like this dress. I observed Alexander with Charline. He was being honest but there was no flicker of desire in his eyes. There was nothing to suggest he wanted her at all. When EJ was the only one who didn’t complain about pictures, my dad muttered, “Smart pup.”

Eventually, when my mom was satisfied she’d taken enough pictures, we loaded into the car. I snuck a glance at Alexander in the SUV. He didn’t look as annoyed anymore. In fact, he seemed a bit calmer, if not confused. I shrugged it off.