My mom came into the kitchen. She smiled at us, “All of you don’t have to stay and wait. Go play.” I jumped in, “Cassie, Alexander, and I will stay.” I told my siblings, “You guys go play.” My other siblings jumped up from the table. I asked my mom, “How are you feeling?” She smiled, “Little Tim and Brody are kicking up a storm this morning.” My mom was due in a few weeks with my brothers.
So far my siblings were: Alexander, Cassie, Max, Wesley, Preston, William, Julian, Theodore (who we called Theo),Maverick, Parker, Cole, and Calvin. Mom and Dad had just picked out the new set of twin boys' names.
Cassie was anxiously waiting for our little sister we knew was coming one day. There could be more down the line, but we knew at least one was coming for sure. Our sister would have the strongest Sight our people had ever seen. Alexander and I wanted more boys to protect our sisters and our mom.
I glanced at my brother knowing we had questions after our last visit in Faerie. Fairies were not used to supernaturals with our advanced hearing being around. They had said horrible things about what happened to our mother there when she was a child. I didn’t understand because I knew Fairies couldn't lie, but it didn’t sound like anything that could be true. I looked at my mom and barely stopped the tears from filling my eyes. She was the nicest person I knew. Why would they hurt her?
My grandparents walked in. My grandmother clapped seeming hopeful, but her motivations told me other things. It was like she wanted to rub something in our faces. She asked, “So?” I rolled my eyes. My mom said, “I’m sorry Cassandra, you aren’t glowing. I could…” Grandma Cassandra put her hands up interrupting, “No, we’ve talked about this.”
Grandpa Nathan kissed my grandma and whispered, “There’s always next time. I’ve got to catch up with the boys.” He left. My mom tried again, “Cassandra I wish you’d…” Grandma Cassandra huffed, “I’ve told you that I don’t want you to use magic on me and I would appreciate if you respected that boundary since you talk about those all the time. What’s meant to be will be.”
Cassie’s hurt slammed into me so hard I jerked my head. Even my mom noticed. We’d always been careful about that. Daisy slammed her hands onto the table which had my eyes widened. Daisy was pretty laid back. My mom and Grandma Cassandra turned to her in surprise.
Daisy stood, “I’m so sick of this. Grandma Cassandra, you keep saying that line about meant to be around pups that are only alive because of magic. Should I not be here? What about my siblings? What about EJ, Alexander, Cassie? Even Preston, William, and Julian could’ve been lost to us without magic. Do you ever think before you speak? I’m grateful to Aunt Haley because I’m here. I’m grateful for all of my siblings and cousins. Why can’t you be?” Daisy ran out of the room without looking back.
I linked my oldest cousin Saied, “Can you make sure Dana talks to Daisy? Grandma Cassandra hurt her feelings.” Saied sighed, “Again?” I replied, “Sadly, yes.” She asked, “What happened?” I told her, “Grandma Cassandra essentially said she doesn’t want my mom to heal her because what’s meant to be will be.” Saied scoffed, “Of course she did. Alright. I’m on it.”
Grandma Cassandra touched her hand to her chest exclaiming, “I didn’t mean it that way. She has to know that.” Cassie muttered, “Yes, you did.” My mom was the only one who couldn’t hear her. I was surprised Cassie even said anything. Mom questioned, “What was that, sweetie?” Grandma Cassandra frowned at her, “Just the usual bite your pups have with me. I thought we were past this. They have to understand they can’t act this way towards their elders. It’s rude.”
Mom glared at her, “You do not tell my children how to deal with their feelings. It’s my job to help them through those, but you can’t change someone’s feelings. You can help them understand and work through the emotion behind them.” She was angry but it didn’t show.
She turned to us, “Cassie, what hurt your feelings?” Cassie stood up yelling, “She did! She always does! She doesn’t like me because I look like you.” My mom stepped back as if she’d been slapped. Alexander and I jumped up from the table. I growled, “What?!” Cassie looked down.
My mom’s eyes were blazing as she looked at Grandma Cassandra and crossed her arms. “What the fuck is she talking about?” Grandma Cassandra looked surprised, “I don’t know. Please, watch you language around the pups, Haley. There is no need for such crass.” I rolled my eyes.
Grandma Cassandra turned to my sister, “Cassie, baby, that’s not true. I love you.” My mom gasped and practically growled. Which meant she knew she was lying. Cassie’s eyes filled with tears, “No, you don’t. I heard you say that it was hard for you to love me because I looked like my mom. That sometimes you looked at me and remembered daddy throwing you out for her.” She wiped at her eyes.
“You remember being embarrassed because Aunt Lexi got mad at you for being mean to mommy. You said I was her mirror image and sometimes you just didn’t know what to do with me. Plus, you’re mean to mom and we all hear you.” That was true.
Cassie snarled, “You forget our hearing is better than yours. You put her down ALL the time when you think no one can hear you! Daddy wouldn’t like it. You don’t like our Fairy side, and you’re mean to Uncle Aiden! You’re just unpleasant and malicious!”
Alexander’s eyes were blazing right along with mine. Brutus was snarling. I asked, “Cass, why didn’t you say anything?” She shrugged, “Mom doesn’t. She only says something when what Grandma Cassandra says hurts others. So, that’s what I did. Grandma Cassandra keeps hurting Daisy’s feelings so I said something. She hurts Austin’s feelings too! She’s mean!” Tears filled my mom's eyes. She ordered Grandma Cassandra, “Outside. NOW!” Grandma Cassandra followed her without a word.
I pulled Cassie into a hug. I looked at her, “Hey now, we don’t hide those things from each other. You and I both know it hurtsAlexander’s feelings that Grandma Cassandra won’t let him heal her. We know because he told us. You need to talk to us.”
Cassie shrugged, “It’s just me she doesn’t like. I like that I look like mom, and I don’t care that she doesn’t. Daddy says I’m beautiful.” I nodded, “You and mom are the most beautiful girls in the world. Along with Elise.” Cassie laughed.
We all whipped our heads when our dad walked in. He frowned asking, “Where’s your mom? What’s going on?” He stopped walking and observed us. “Princess, are you ok?” Cassie shrugged. Alexander announced, “Mom’s outside.” Dad growled, “Shit!” He ran for the back door.
I grabbed Alexander’s hand. He already had Cassie’s, so I popped us outside. Wesley ran up to us. He linked me, “What happened? Mom challenged Grandma Cassandra to a fight.” I gasped, “Grandma can’t accept a challenge from mom! She’s heavily pregnant!” Wesley growled, “Well she did.”
I looked over and saw Max and Theo snarling at my grandma. They were standing guard in front of our mom. Alexander and I smiled at each other. Cassie caught our eyes too. Blade had materialized with Javi with weapons drawn in striking distance of Grandma Cassandra.
We were all proud of our little brothers for protecting mom. I sent them that in the bond. Brutus growled, “I’ll bite her again.” He’d shifted during one of our Grandma Cassandra days when she mentioned Elise wasn’t my mate.
Grandpa Nathan walked outside, then hurried to Grandma Cassandra looking perplexed and exasperated. Dad was right behind him. I watched as my dad gently grabbed mom and stood protectively in front of her with Theo and Max.
Dad snarled, “This is not happening. She's pregnant, mom!” Grandma Cassandra growled oddly, “She challenged me.” I linked Alexander, “That was a weird growl. It was almost likewhen mom or Cousin Bexley growl.” He agreed, “It really was.” What was going on with Kena?
Brutus linked, “She’s asleep.” Was she up all night? Now seemed like a strange time to sleep when her human’s life was literally on the line. Blade and Javi would kill her if she took a step near mom, and everyone knew it.
Lexi Daniels flashed by me shouting, “You bitch! I will fucking cut you! Are you insane?” We all smiled because Lexi was family to us. We often called her Aunt Lexi even though we weren’t related. Our cousin, Phil Kruthers, came rushing up to us with his siblings Charity, Jeffery, and Misty on his heels. I was surprised Jeffery was here. He was always in the Hackura realm gearing up for missions. Everyone speculated he would be very talented at them.
Their mom and our cousin, Miley, was right behind them frowning. She looked at us then back at Grandma Cassandra, rolling her eyes. My Uncle Marcus ran outside. He called out to my mom’s guard, “Blade?” Blade looked murderous. He said, “Blade may kill she wolf. Princess, pregnant. Bitchy wolf die.” Javi threw in, “I usually talk him down, but I’m right there with him this time.” Which said a lot.
Miley offered, “That’s not necessary, Blade.” She cut her hand with a knife, then grabbed mom’s hand and cut it too. She grasped their palms together and said, “By my blood, I’m taking my cousin Haley’s place in this fight.” Brutus said, “I feel like that doesn’t help the situation.” It didn’t. This was bad too.
Grandma made a face when several people growled at her. My mom and cousin Miley were beloved in this pack. Moreso than Grandma Cassandra. Honestly, I was certain she was jealous of mom. Uncle Marcus turned to us. He spoke quickly, “Quod autem non ut faciam vobis? Non solum potest tibi ista res mom pro vobis guys (What did she do to you? Your mom would only be this upset about you guys).” We didn’t answer him.