Why would anyone do this to her? If it was Alpha Ezra, he had NO idea what was coming for him. I linked Dalton, “Ask Esther if Allison, Melinda, or MaryBeth declined a spot for Melanie at Julliard.” He scoffed, “I know the answer, it’s no.” I yelled, “JUST ASK!”
He linked me moments later, “She asked them all. They said no. What’s going on?” I yelled, “Who the FUCK was this aunt that did?! I will get my hands on her and RIP HER TO PIECES!” Dalton linked, “Melanie’s spot was declined? Why didn’t she come home?” I sobbed, “Because she’s never been here. We left her all this time.” He gasped in shock.
Maverick linked, “I’ll get the fake Melanie. It’s going to be ok.” I snarled, “You warn her that she is six different ways of screwed. She WILL talk to me, and I WILL find Melanie. Everyone who had anything to do with this will PAY!” He agreed, “I’ll do that. They will pay, I promise.” He squeezed my hand.
EJ popped us back home. Everyone was distraught and I couldn’t think. The walls were closing in all around me, and I needed to run. I took off crying. I let Rhea drive. I shifted back and grabbed EJ’s shirt. I screamed, “AHHHHHHHH!” I was so pissed.
I began to hit the tree repeatedly just like I’d seen Alexander do several years back. Rhea linked, “ELISE, DUCK!” I ducked just in time, but I was surrounded by Hunters. I fought like hell. I’d taken down six of them when I heard several shots ring out. I dodged all but one.
I looked at my arm in shock. A tranquilizer dart was sticking out of it. I screamed in pain as I felt the wolfsbane and silver hit my system. A man snorted, “Later than we planned, but we have the little Luna. Let’s go.” He caught me as I fell.
I linked, “RHEA!” Nothing. Oh god. I couldn’t move. I tried to link, “EJ!” Nothing. We crossed our border and stepped into a holoport. Seriously? Hunters and Witches working together. That was bullshit. I didn’t recognize where we were. I did see a stage. They were going to cuff me to a wooden beam and call EJ on that laptop sitting on the desk in front of it.
A man smiled, “I think we should chat before we call that husband of yours. It’s good to let them stew.” Before he could say anything else my eyes drifted shut. I just needed to sleep, then I would fight my way back to EJ. That’s what I would do.
The Final Chapter
EJ ran out of his office leaving Micah behind. I tried to pop to Elise and was thrown back. I snarled and kept trying. My mom’s voice stopped me, “What the FUCK is going on here?!” I screamed, “THEY HAVE ELISE! SOMEONE HURT HER AND I CAN’T GET TO HER! HOW THE FUCK IS THAT POSSIBLE?! We are twice light bound.” No one answered.
My mom asked, “Why wasn’t she here with everyone else?” Drake answered, “Oh ya know, just because MY DAUGHTER ISN’T IN NEW YORK! GOD KNOWS WHERE SHE'S BEEN FOR THE LAST SIX PLUS YEARS!”
A Warrior, Doug, ran in, “Alpha, we couldn’t get there in time.” I snarled, “WHAT HAPPENED?! WHERE IS YOUR LUNA?!” Doug winced, “Hunters took her. She took several of them down. There were Witches with them. We couldn’t get to her.” Two pops sounded.
Alexander ran to my side, “EJ, what happened?” I grabbed him, “They took her! Hunters took Elise, and I can’t fucking get to her!” Cassie gasped while Alexander snarled. I noticed Cayden was with him. He must have been who went to get him.
Cayden immediately went to Cassie’s side. Micah said, “Uhh Cayden, we need to talk.” Drake screamed, “GOD, MY HEAD!” He fell to the ground screaming, “SHE’S LIVING HER DREAM! SHE’S LIVING HER DREAM!” He threw up while Alexander gaped at him.
Sir Arthur flashed in front of Drake. He looked into his eyes, “I release you from all compulsions.” Drake stopped screaming. My Uncle Aiden groaned, “Azoney above!” Robert and Breanna gathered the other Werewolves including my dad. Sir Arthur and Robert started releasing them.
Breanna flashed in front of me. I frowned, “I can’t be compelled by a Vampire. I have Fairy blood.” Breanna sighed, “We thought maybe it’s possible. If it was, we thought I could try to release you since we both have Fairy blood.” She tried to release me, Cassie, Alexander and my other brothers but nothing happened.
Cassie spoke, “I didn’t think Vampires could compel other supernatural’s.” Arthur sighed, “Normally, we cannot. I knew of one who had a talent for it, though he is supposed to be finally dead. He had a steep price too.” Alexander asked, “Who did you know with the power?” Sir Arthur answered, “Former King Damon’s lieutenant. It is possible he passed the talent onto a child. Or he is not actually dead.”
Drake snarled, “Why can’t I remember his face?! I remember the words being spoken to me, but I can’t picture him. WHERE IS MELANIE?!” My dad frowned, “I can’t remember either. How the FUCK did a Vampire get that close to us!”
Peter sighed, “It happened in our territory. We clearly have a traitor. EJ should be able to get to Elise. Only this pack and ours know they are twice light bound. Someone warned the Hunters.” I snarled, “We need to focus on the Vampire issue later. I want Elise back NOW!”
I whirled to my Beta, “Toby, give me EVERYTHING we have on Hunters. I will attack them with everything we have.” Toby rushed off to our office to get the information I asked for. I looked at Emmett and Jayden.
I cleared my throat, “I know Red Run is with us. Are you two?” Jayden said, “You don’t even have to ask, cousin. I’ll standwith you always. We will bring Elise home.” Emmett said, “Nor do you need to ask me. We are with you. You attack one of us, you attack us all.” Sam and Chelsea were clutching each other crying.
Sam was distraught. She cried, “Where are our girls, Chelsea? Where are they? Oh my god! My baby, my little girl. Where is she?” Alexander whispered, “EJ, we need to talk.” I nodded, “Later.” Alexander frowned but dipped his head in acknowledgment.
Cayden stepped back into the room with Micah, horror showing in his eyes. He said, “EJ, we have something….” I interrupted, “About Elise?” Cayden shook his head, “No but...” His eyes slid to Alexander.
I cut him off again, “Then I don’t care. That sounds like something we discuss when I get my mate back. Until she is back, I could LITERALLY care less about any other damn thing that pops up.” Everyone stared at me.
I declared, “To me there is nothing but saving Elise’s life. She is in the hands of Hunters. Is EVERYONE clear on that?” Cayden frowned, “Yup.” He glanced at Cassie then sighed before going over to her. Cassie touched my arm.
TJ popped in and the entire room calmed down except me. I couldn’t calm down. Elise was hurting and I couldn’t get to her. I was trying to send her in the bond to hang on, but she seemed to be asleep. Brutus snarled, “They hurt mate!” I replied, “And we will obliterate them for it.”
Toby came in, “We have suspicions about a coven that COULD be working with Hunters nearby us.” I grabbed the paper from him and popped to the middle of the coven. I heard several pops following me, but I didn’t care.
I didn’t even turn around. I didn’t need Alexander, or anyone, at this moment. Brutus snarled in my head ready to go for the kill. My dad linked, “You did NOT just leave without me.” Ireplied, “I will leave anyone behind to get her back and I know you know they feeling.” The bond told me he did.
Several people gasped. The leader spoke in a timid voice, “Alpha EJ?” I didn’t bother with pleasantries. I spoke in a deadly tone, “My mate and Luna was taken. I will wage war until I have her back. I will take it out on ANYONE suspected to be working with Hunters. Unfortunately for you all, we think you are.” I used my pushing power on them.