After dinner I had to admit I was jealous the McAlister boys were spending the night at the Conners house. They were going to get to spend time with my mate. I hated when EJ left, but my mate fixed it all because that’s what he did.
I looked up and saw Melanie peeking around her curtain. I gave her a quick wave and ran inside. I found my mom easily. I started talking, “Cassie…” She held up her hand, “I heard. You can go, but you have to stay the night in Cassie’s room. Don’t sneak into EJ’s room.” I nodded my agreement because I was fine with that. My mom kissed my head.
I took off upstairs to pack my bag then ran back downstairs. My dad called, “Whoa, slow down there Elise. Don’t I get a kiss?” I laughed and went over to hug my dad and kissed his cheek. I cheerfully said, “See you tomorrow, dad.” He squeezed my shoulders, “See you later, sweetie.” I hurried outside with a smile on my face.
EJ smiled the bright smile he always had for me. I knew he hated telling me goodbye too. I noticed EJ’s guard, Youngers, come join us. Which meant he let me see him. He was crazy stealthy, but all the Hackura’s were. Youngers threw me a wink then tilted his head up. He smiled at Melanie who was peeking around her curtains. She jumped up and down waving at him, which clearly amused him.
Youngers was really observant. I guess he had to be as a guard. He could help me out and admit to the triplets he’d seen Melanie. The McAlister boys came outside to join us. Melanie gave me a small wave then ducked back behind her curtain. I wish EJ would’ve just seen her but naturally by the time he looked up she’d left the window.
EJ popped us to his house. His dad was waiting in the living room. He sent us upstairs but had EJ stay back. We walked upstairs and found Alexander, Cassie, Wesley, and Max in the playroom they had. Alexander smiled greeting, “Hello, Elise.” I teased, “Xander.” He frowned, “Umm no one calls me that.” I laughed, “Yes they do.”
Alexander pursed his lips, “Well, let’s just go with Alexander instead. Feel free to spread that around. I don’t go by Xander.” I smiled knowing if Melanie was his mate she’d get away with calling him Xander. Cassie gave me a look and I winked at her.
Jason added, “I don’t know anyone who calls him that.” I barely held in my laugh. Tristan said nothing which I found interesting. I raised an eyebrow at him. Melanie was more likely to tell Tristan about her wolf because Jason would tell Alexander. Tristan grinned at me telling me he knew too. I wondered how he’d got it out of her.
Alexander said, “T this is where you say neither do I.” Tristan laughed, “Sorry Alexander, I’ve heard people call you that before.” Alexander frowned. Cassie was looking between us.I looked at Tristan surprised because I’d just heard of the one person.
Alexander asked, “How many people?” Tristan answered, “A few.” I wondered who else it was. I mouthed, “Who?” Tristan looked at Alexander who was now off playing a Gameboy with Jason. He linked, “Melinda and Melanie.” That was interesting. I’d have to ask Melinda why she called Alexander that.
Alexander announced, “Be right back.” He popped away. Jason plopped down asking, “Who in our pack calls him Xander?” Tristan teased him, “Be more observant, little brother. Then you’d know.” Jason laughed, “Hey, I'm just going for Lead Male Warrior status. You’ll be the Beta.”
I pointed out, “The Lead Warrior has to be observant too.” Tristan snorted, “You’ll be a Beta too, Jase. If all the Kyle brothers stick together one of them will have you as a Beta.” Jason shrugged, “Yeah, but the Conners have a main Beta. The others focus on training.” Tristan said, “You’d be a good Lead Male Warrior.” I agreed, “You would.”
Cassie commented, “For what it’s worth, I agree.” Jason blushed. He had a crush on Cassie, and she liked him too. Wesley sighed, “I didn’t get to invite Buttercup for a sleepover.” Cassie laughed, “I would have to invite her over, and you didn’t ask me.” Wesley stuck his tongue out at Cassie, who stuck hers out right back.
She told him, “EJ asked me to invite Elise. You know I’ll always ask for you if you want, Wes.” He popped over and kissed her cheek then popped away. Max popped out after him, leaving our group. EJ and Alexander popped in a little bit later.
Alexander was too quiet even for him. Something had clearly happened. I frowned and looked at EJ. I knew he didn’t want to talk about it, so I didn’t push him. Alexander and Jason went to his room to play his new video game after a while. Cassie and I yawned.
EJ insisted on walking us to her room. Cassie rolled her eyes because her room was two doors down. I loved it though. I knew there were already girls who wanted him even though it was well known I was his mate. He was already mouth-wateringly handsome. I was going to have to fight others for what was mine. I already knew it. What they didn’t know is I was already ready. I was an Alpha blood too.
After kissing him on the cheek I ran into Cassie’s room shutting the door. I took a deep breath because I’d never kissed him. Cassie giggled, “Did you kiss him or something?” I blushed, “On the cheek.” Cassie smiled, “You guys are so cute. Onto a subject change, who calls my brother Xander?” I laughed, “A few girls.”
Cassie frowned, “Why?” I shrugged, “It might be hard for them to say Alexander. I only knew about one of them.” Cassie smirked, “Hard to say? Hmmm, would this be the imaginary Melanie McAlister then?” I sighed, “She’s not imaginary.” Cassie teased, “Whatever you say.”
I shot back, “What does Jase call you?” Cassie’s cheeks flamed, “He calls me Cass.” I snorted, “Did you kiss him?” She threw a pillow at me, “No!” I teased, “Do you want to?” She shrugged, “Maybe one day.” I laughed, “You're going to have to beat guys off with a stick. You’re so pretty.” She blushed, “Thanks, Elise. You’re really pretty too. I bet my brother kicks some ass along the way as we’re growing up.” We talked for a little bit longer then went to bed.
The next day EJ popped our group home. The McAlister boys went home. I wanted to see Brutus. He was the most beautiful wolf I’d ever seen. He was big too. Even bigger than some future Alpha’s wolves are at sixteen.
We played together not nearly long enough when my mom came out saying it was time for EJ to go home. I hated this partand couldn’t stop my tears. I couldn’t help but wish he lived here, or we lived in his pack. He left and I went inside.
School was back in session, so I had distractions during the day. I had lots of Melanie stories saved up for EJ. She was just so funny. She’d been begging her mom to put her in dance lessons. She’d seen a flyer for it when they’d gone to the toy store. My dad told Drake they could have Warriors outside her dance class, so he finally agreed. She was SO excited.
The day of her first lesson I went over to wish her good luck. I found her crying in her room. I gently asked, “Mel?” She didn’t look up. I noticed her tights were ruined and there was dried blood on her knees. They had holes in them, and they were muddy.
I ran to her, “Ladybug?” She turned over, “He’s so mean!” I frowned, “Who?” She answered, “Robert! He and his friends pushed me down and my tights wipped. Mommy will be so mad and now I won’t get to dance! She’ll gwound me.”
I questioned, “Why did they push you?” I waved that off, “You know what, it’s fine. Well, it’s not fine. No one should push you like that no matter what happened. I’ll be right back.” I ran outside and found Ray. I told him, “I need your cell.” He nodded and handed it to me without asking why. I called the Conners house.
Mrs. Blanch answered, “Hello, this is the Conners residence. Mrs. Blanch Speaking.” I greeted, “Hi Mrs. Blanch, it’s Elise. I need to talk to Cassie.” She laughed, “I told you to call me Nana Blanch like the Conners do. I see them as my own and since you’ll be in the family one day that applies to you as well. One moment.” I heard a pop seconds later.
Cassie said, “Hi Elise, I’m surprised you don’t want to talk to EJ.” I explained, “This is a girl thing. I need you to snap me dancing tights. They are black and go under a tutu.” Cassie laughed, “I know what they are, I used to dance. I’ll conjure themto you since snapping would only get them to me. I didn’t know you were going to start dancing.” I winced, “It’s for Melanie.”
Cassie laughed again, “Sure, right. They are for imaginary Melanie. Hold out your hands.” She'd conjured tights to me. Fairies were amazing. I gratefully said, “You’re a lifesaver.” She chuckled, “That’s me.” I told her, “I owe ya one. Talk later.” I handed Ray his phone back.
He frowned asking me, “What happened to Melanie’s tights?” I determinedly told him, “We are going to find out.” Ray nodded. I ran back inside and handed the tights to Melanie. She hugged me, “Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!”
I laughed, “You should thank your Xander’s sister. Cassie conjured them to me.” She blushed and picked up her stuffed wolf that she now took everywhere. I was shocked people hadn't heard what she’d named him yet.