She told him, “I’ll talk to her.” Theo added, “While you’re at it, see if you can get Trevor and Ashley’s history.” We all looked up. My dad growled, “Theo, if you suspect he raped her….” Theo put up his hands interpreting, “I would not have left her there if I did. I do genuinely like this girl, in a daughterly way anyway. She’s a bit angry, but I think that’s because her family died.”
I asked, “Did we track down the sibling in Missouri?” Theo glanced at my dad then answered, “Your dad and I have visited the pack numerous times.” I looked over at my dad in surprise. My dad’s mouth was set tight. He told us, “The brother is never there when we are there to talk to him.”
I raised an eyebrow, “You don’t believe them. Why didn’t mom go with you?” My dad rubbed his neck, “Missouri is difficult for me personally. I won’t have any of you there if I can help it.” I frowned, “If we need to go, you know we will.”
My dad closed his eyes, “I will not voluntarily ask your mother to go there. Nor will I ask Cassie. There are threats there, son.” Elise muttered, “That seems convenient.” Alexander asked, “What do you mean?”
Elise shrugged, “Ashley’s former pack happens to be from the one place Eric doesn’t want Cassie or Haley to go.” My dad laughed, “There are many places I don’t want them to go.” Elise nodded, “But the vampires of Missouri are part of why you don’t want Haley there. Even though you could go during the day. Everyone knows that.” Brutus linked, “Ashley can’t help where she is from.” That was a good point.
My dad chuckled, “You are right, Elise. There are some covens I don’t trust there too. I am overly sensitive about Haley and anything involving Vampires. There are also packs Theo and I have to avoid ourselves when we go. We are not popular there.” I frowned.
Alexander asked Theo, “Why didn’t you just kill Alpha Davis and put his son in charge?” Theo shrugged, “Because Ashley told me they had a plan they were sticking to. I trust her. Plus, I know if she said that then the boys aren’t ready to take over. Which likely means they wouldn’t win the fight yet.”
My dad offered, “We are keeping an eye on things.” I frowned, “Do you suspect them of something?” Theo told me, “Your dad suspects every pack in Nashville of something.” Alexander said, “We have Fairy blood, Theo. I can spot an evasion a mile away. You suspect them too.”
Theo sat back, nodding, “I do. I think if I can continue to build trust with Ashley, I will find out exactly what that is.” Elise frowned, “You think she knows.” It wasn’t a question. Theo responded, “I know she does. The way she acts with complete disrespect and disregard for the leadership tells me so.”
“She called her Alpha spineless to his face. His wolf didn’t growl, and the man himself didn’t correct her. I’d imagine that is because she has something over him. She’s very calculated in what she says and does. She knew exactly what throwing them under the bus with me present would do. She knew that I’d wait because she knows I want her to trust me. That girl thinkstwenty steps ahead of everything she does. She’s got talent like you wouldn’t believe and it’s a damn shame it’s being wasted down there on those people.” I agreed with all that.
I frowned, something pricked in my brain. That was similar to something people had said about Melanie. I shrugged it off offering, “Then she could be playing you.” Theo acknowledged, “She could be. Only time will tell, but her hatred for that pack is on full display. I assure you that no one is that good at acting. She’s honestly not even a good liar. It’s kind of sad. I laughed out loud when she lied to me, and she turned the color of a tomato. Her heartbeat even gave her away. Not like a little either. Her heartbeat was off for the races.” Elise sighed.
Theo added, “You just have to like the girl. You really do. If you all meet her, you’ll know. She’s a natural leader. I’m stunned she has no wolf honestly with her commanding presence. The pack wants to follow her. They actually do, but I don’t think she notices. She’s basically in charge of the day to day.”
My dad admitted, “Ashley is why I’m convinced the underground we know about is for show.” I frowned, “Why?” My dad raised an eyebrow, “They haven’t tried to recruit her to fight, not even once.” Brutus perked up in my head.
My dad continued, “There are no emails, no visits, nothing. She would be a crowd pleaser and ticket seller. I own many businesses as you know; if I was running the legitimate underground, I would want Ashley Griffen fighting. People are curious about her, and not many have met her. She sticks to Nashville and it’s not exactly a welcoming place. But the wolf less female Warrior? That would sellout crowds.”
Alexander nodded, “It’s true. I’m guessing she’s refused a meeting with you, dad?” My dad nodded, “Several times. I’ve even offered to wait outside while she talks with Elise first.” I raised an eyebrow asking, “Is she rude to you?”
My dad shook his head, “No, she’s very polite and tells me that she’s very busy and focused on her duties. It’s an honor I would ask, apparently. Her thought process is fluid, one to another.” Alexander suggested, “I could ask her fighter to fighter.”
My dad acknowledged, “It can’t hurt. I’ll be emailing her the paperwork to file against Trevor McCann. It’s a serious offense to claim you are someone’s mate and try to force them to bond when they feel no mate bond. It spits in the face of the Moon Goddess.”
Theo pursed her lips warning, “I wouldn’t use that argument with Ashley. Her whole face turned red when I said that. She looked pretty mad.” I asked, “Why?” Alexander snorted, “She’s wolf less and didn’t think she would be. What we have about her family says her parents were full blooded werewolves. Her remaining family is apparently shit, and she’s in a horrible pack in Nashville. I’m going to go out on a limb and say she doesn’t like the Moon Goddess.” Brutus whined in my head. Selene wasn’t my favorite goddess, but she wasn’t horrible like Azoney. Cassie hated them both though.
I frowned, “Well, when you put it that way it makes sense.” My dad sighed, “I’m sure when Chase reads Theo’s report, he’ll be emailing her too. He’ll salivate over the name alone. He hates the McCann’s, and the fact that Trevor is a bad person will have his protective instincts firing.”
Theo gently said, “She’ll say no and that she can handle it. I asked point blank if he raped her. She snorted and said he couldn’t take her on her worst day. Then she straight up told me she’d never had sex before. A fact that was backed up by many people. Her friends were the ones I believed. Most of the guys I spoke to in the pack called her the Ice Queen.”
Elise stiffened, “Excuse me? They called her an Ice Queen because she doesn’t want to fuck them?” Theo shrugged, “Notjust sex. Any type of physical activity. Some would like to make out with her according to them she shuts it all down.”
Elise told him, “There’s someone near where her home pack is that she likes. She said he didn’t like her back though and he blames her just like everyone else did.” Theo shrugged, “He sounds like an idiot, just like her brother. You can’t pick your family though. Ashley is amazing. I hoped her and Lux would be mates, but alas they’re not.”
I somewhat teased, “Does Lux like her?” Theo laughed, “I have yet to come across a woman into men that my son does not like. What is rare is to find a woman who isn’t the slightest bit interested in him.” I could feel Alexander’s smugness about that.
I linked him, “Do you like Ashley now or something?” He immediately felt guilty. He sighed and replied, “I don’t know.” Dylan was never not going to call my brother the moody triplet at this rate. I asked him, “So, you don’t think Melanie is your mate anymore?” He answered immediately, “No, I do.” I shot back, “Ok then. Now that that’s settled maybe you can answer the Ashley question.” He didn’t answer.
Alpha Theo left to talk to dad some more. I kissed Elise. I told her, “Ashley will be ok.” Elise sighed, “I failed her and Mel. I can’t get through to them.” I argued, “You do not fail either of them. Melanie is dancing and living her dream.”
Elise threw a pen and shouted, “I am SICK AND TIRED of everyone saying that! Don’t you think we say it like a mantra?” I frowned but the truth was she was right. I shrugged, “We do, but Ashely and Melanie aren’t the same. You’re doing everything you can, babe. You’ve told her she can come here. Hell, I’ve told her she can come here.”
Elise sighed, “She thinks her parents' death is her fault.” I rubbed my face, “To be fair, that’s what everyone is telling her. I know it’s not true and so do you. It might take some time for that to sink in for Ashley herself.”
Elise slapped the desk, “That’s bullshit! Your parents would give their lives for yours, just as mine would for me. That doesn’t make it your fault. I WANT to find her stupid brother so I can remove his head FROM HIS ASS!”
She gripped the table, “He’s sending her letters. I don’t know what’s in them, but I do know whatever they say brings her guilt back up. He’s hurting and he’s taking it out on her. It’s not fair! You would never do that to your siblings, and unlike her brother's mate, I’d kick your ass if you did.”
I hadn’t heard he was mated. I asked, “Her brother’s mate?” She angrily told me, “They have a son. His mate fully supports his decision to cut Ashley out of their lives. They refuse to let her see her nephew. I hate it for her. She wants to meet him. Just like I know Melanie would love to come see Kai.”