I threw a file in frustration. Alexander said, “The sniper did say we wouldn’t find them if they didn’t want us to.” I snorted, “We should be able to find them.” My dad sighed, “We are working against a very smart group of people, son. This type of smart is next level. I mean we have a new element.”
I growled, “So, they are right? We won’t find them unless they let us? I refuse to believe that.” Toby groaned, “Goodie.” I stood, “Everyone break for the night.” I went and found Elise. I sat back and watched her reviewing files.
She eventually turned around smiling, “Hi.” I walked over and kissed her. I grabbed her, “Let’s go on a date.” I took her hand and walked outside. I took her to my dad’s club. I grabbed her hips, and we danced the night away. We had a few drinks, and just let loose for the night.
I took her hand and ran out of the back door. Once we got to the forest we shifted and took off back for the house. I led her to our special place we went to for alone time in our territory. We let Brutus and Rhea play with each other for a while.
Eventually I took back over and shifted back. I growled, “Shift back.” Rhea purred at me. I smirked, “Come on, mate.” Elise took over and shifted back. I grabbed her hand and pulled her naked body into mine. She kissed down my chest while I groaned and threw my head back.
She teased me by biting the inside of my thigh. She gripped my butt and pulled me closer. She slowly slid her tongue around the tip of my dick. My hand automatically went to her hair. She could get most of me inside her mouth now. She started playing with my balls, while her other fingers were stroking right behind them.
I choked when she circled my anus with her finger. She hummed and the vibrations sent me into an orgasm. She pulled her mouth off me, letting go with a loud pop. She licked her lips, “Mmmm.” I growled and tackled her to the ground. She laughed and we rolled back and forth fighting for dominance. I was already hard again. God, what this woman did to me.
I grabbed both her hands, pinned them above her head, then kissed her hard. I trailed a finger down her body and slowly inserted it inside her. I fingered her through her first orgasm.I replaced my fingers with my dick, thrusting in and out of her slowly. Her moans and the way she breathlessly said my name were my undoing. When we finished, I popped us back to our room and we slept.
The next day we made some progress with the Hunting Ring and this ‘Dante.’ Jason was going to check it out. Toby walked in frowning. I asked, “Why are you frowning?” Toby sighed, “We got a request for you and Elise to take a meeting. It’s barely outside our territory. The person who called said it’s about the Ring. They are insisting that it’s urgent.”
I stood asking, “Is it from the Resistance?” Toby shook his head, “It doesn’t seem like it.” I sighed. Elise said, “We should go.” I told her, “I won’t walk you into a trap.” Elise shrugged, “I go where you go.” Brutus said, “So, we don’t go. Right?!” I reasoned, “You know we should.” He replied, “WE. As in you and me. NOT mate.” I agreed but she wasn’t going to.
Alexander told me, “I don’t like it.” I sighed, “We will take Warriors and Toby with us. Genevieve and you need to make sure everyone is ready to move.” Alexander argued, “I’m your Enforcer. I’m coming with you.” I shook my head, “No, I need you here.”
Max offered, “I’ll go with them, Alexander. Micah is doing computer stuff. I’m antsy.” I accepted, “Alright.” I linked Max, “If things go sideways you get Elise out of there.” Max shot back, “I wouldn’t leave without you, big brother.” I rolled my eyes.
I told Elise, “We will drive just in case they have eyes watching us.” She nodded and got into the car. Brutus told me, “Not a fan of this plan.” I admitted, “Neither am I.” My mate grabbed my hand when I got in. I kissed hers promising, “I’ll keep you safe.” Elise held one of the pressure syringes from our sniper. She kissed my cheek, “I’ll protect you too.” The closer we got the more this felt like a trap.
Once we’d arrived at the abandoned building I looked around. I linked my men, “I sense there are a lot of people here. Be prepared to fight.” I linked Max, “Where are you? I feel you William, Wesley, and Theo here.”
Max replied, “Yeah, Wes came with me. The other two sneaky fuckers, just showed up.” I told him, “Look alive, it’s a trap.” I walked in with Elise by my side. I was ready to put my shield up at the slightest movement.
I linked my dad, “You and mom might want to pop in.” My dad snorted, “We are here already. Check your bond.” I checked my connection with them. I had been too focused on my brothers and missed them. Alexander was pissed. Well, he could stay pissed. If this was to draw us away to attack our pack, he was where he should be. He was the strongest fighter we had.
There was a rogue in the middle of the room. I pushed Elise behind me and put up my shield as four shots rang out around us. I could hear the bullets hitting targets, but they weren’t close by. The rogue turned to run. Brutus scoffed, “Is he serious?” I replied, “I guess.”
I used my pushing power. I saw the scene this time, “It’s one hundred thousand dollars. All you have to do is request Alpha EJ and Luna Elise get to this abandoned building.” The rogue retorted, “You’re going to kill Alpha EJ Conners?”
The man in the shadows laughed, “No, I’m going to kidnap his Luna to prove a point. While seriously injuring him.” I was so angry, so I pushed harder, exploding the rogue's head. I linked my dad, “What’s going on?” I heard growling outside. My dad answered, “Just a second.”
I grabbed Elise, “You’re the target. Get out of here!” She frowned, “I’m going out there with you. Our people and our family are fighting.” Brutus told me, “Rhea is with her digging her heels in. They won’t leave.” I growled telling her, “You stay on my goddamn six. Do you hear me?” She nodded.
My dad linked, “Their side’s snipers were taken out. Your mom can’t pop to the sniper protecting us. Neither can your brothers. Wesley popped to Emmett and brought him back to see if he could run to the sniper before she pulled her disappearing act. It’s more than safe to say, the Resistance is here.”
Elise and I ran outside side by side. I shifted into Brutus while Elise shifted into Rhea. Brutus grunted, “Finally! I get in on the action.” He was in on the action all the time. I called the wind and threw attackers away from Elise. Shots rang out in quick succession near me.
I turned in surprise, watching as everyone who came within ten feet with Elise was shot six times. Elise looked annoyed. She quickly jumped on a rogue and took him down easily. That’s my girl. Brutus linked, “The sniper is protecting her. She’s firing at others, but the targets are those around Elise.” I reasoned, “That makes sense because Elise is the target. I bet they know that.” Brutus hummed as if he wasn’t sure.
I joined Elise, growling and using my pushing power. Wolves that were in my thrall were thrown into the air and the ones that hit the trees were pulled into them and then exploded. So, Julian was mad. My mother was taking people’s air left and right. The shooting had stopped.
We took down everyone left, then shifted back. I snapped Elise and myself clothes. My mom snapped the rest. I grabbed Elise’s hand and popped to Emmett. He was frowning. I sighed, “You didn’t get here in time?” Emmett answered, “Evidently not and there’s no scent to follow. These things were these in the trees.” He handed me a wired speaker. He explained, “They were playing shots over it, so we’d go to the wrong place thinking there was more than one sniper here. This is weird.”
I pointed out, “It’s been weird for a few years now.” The symbol was on the sniper's rock. My dad and mom popped backin. My dad said, “So the A team sniper group is back.” I nodded, “It’s got to the girl who saved Everly and Julianna. The shooting style is the same compared to the others.”
I held Elise tightly to me knowing they were going to use a sniper to get me down to take her. Which was crazy because that wouldn’t work. I’d have had one of my brothers get her and I out of there. If I’d been shot Alexander would’ve come. So would my mom.
If Alexander was here, they’d have wished they were dead long before they were. We cleaned up the area, and I drove us home. When we got home, I parked but didn’t get out. Elise unbuckled her seatbelt and crawled over to me. I buried my face in her neck.
She whispered, “I’m ok, EJ.” I whispered, “They are coming for you to prove a point to me.” Elise pulled back, “Hey, I’m not going down without a fight. WE are not going down without a fight. Even if they manage to take me, I’ll fight my way out and back to you. I’ll probably even meet you halfway. I know you’ll be coming for me too.” I put my forehead on hers.
I whispered, “This world does not want to see what I am capable of if you are taken from me. Their point will not get proven. Mine will. I won’t be without you. You are my whole world. Without you the realms will stop moving until you’re back because I’ll make it so.”