I rubbed my face, “What the fuck?! Who would do that? Who would work on something to cleanse iron from their system. I’m open to suggestions, Uncle Aiden.” He frowned, “I do not know, but I would very much like to meet this girl. That would be more than useful.” Didn’t we all want to meet her?
My dad said, “Not just the Fairies though. She did one for wolves too.” He rubbed his temples. I grabbed Elise and popped to Alexander. He was hitting a heavy bag repeatedly. My Uncle Bjourn was in the corner watching. Was he just everywhere all the time? He smirked and answered my unspoken question. “Micah updated me and fed me the feed. I like this girl. She’s quite slippery though, isn’t she?”
It hit me. Six shots. On your six. I asked, “Could she be a Hackura? A partial? She was wearing colored contacts. Her fighting style is good. Maybe the six shots means on your six.” Uncle Bjourn considered it. He finally said, “There could be someone who had fathered a child but passed away. She is clearly smart enough to mute any connections she has.”
Elise argued, “Julianna and Everly thought she was a partial Werewolf though.” That’s what was odd. They’d met other partial Werewolves but called her a wolf. They should know by meeting her what she was. Julianna was unique but still a partial Werewolf. I trusted their instincts though.
I nodded, “I’m not sold on her not being a partial Werewolf. Julianna’s instinct was to reach for this girl's wolf. Something weird is up with that.” Uncle Bjourn nodded. Alexander didn’t turn around and kept hitting the bag. His fury was bouncing all over the bond.
I rolled my eyes asking, “Will you stop that?” Alexander stopped and turned around. His eyes were blazing. I frowned, “What’s wrong?” He growled, “I don’t know. I just didn’t like seeing that girl fight alone. Or ride off the back of that damn motorcycle wrapped around some fucking asshole!” I was not alone in my eyebrow raise.
Elise offered, “Could it be because she’s good at fighting? Just like someone else we know who rambles like that. Well, she’s grown out of it, but she used to.” Melanie’s texts and emails had changed. She didn’t ramble anymore and I found that a little sad. It was endearing.
She told her family and Elise the school had supplied her with a finishing school teacher to help her communicate more effectively. Elise didn’t care for it and neither did I. I missed her rambling.
Alexander looked relieved, “Yeah, that could be it.” I held out the card Everly had given me. Alexander asked, “What’s supposed to be there?” I snorted, “That seems like a Micah question.” I linked Max, “We need Micah.”
A second later they popped to us with my parents. My mom smiled but said nothing. I asked, “Are you ok, mom? Those were some pretty big healings.” My mom snorted, “Exfuckingcuse me but I am the parent here.”
I smiled kissing her cheek. I told her, “I’m the Alpha here though.” My mom rolled her eyes, “It’s my own fault. I sneezed all these damn Alpha’s out of my vajayjay. I have no one to blame but myself.” Alexander said, “Ew, Mom. Just ew.” She shrugged, “That’s how it works Alexander.” I laughed.
Micah frowned, “So, according to this there’s nothing there, but it’s in Alpha Cameron’s territory… ish.” I corrected, “He just handed his territory over to his son, Colton Daniels.” His second oldest pup. His oldest wanted to be the Lead Warrior instead of the Lead Alpha.
Alexander corrected, “Well, they are doing what we did at first. So, they are both the Alpha in the hybrid style leadership EJ started.” I took out my phone calling Emmett and Colton. They both answered at the same time, “EJ?” I said, “The girl who rescued my cousin and Everly gave the latter a card. It has coordinates in it that fall in your territory Colton.”
Max said, “It is more like adjacent to their territory. It’s just outside the Daniels territory.” Emmett said, “Let’s go then. Pop to us and we’ll come with you.” Colton laughed, “I’m in.” I asked my mom, “Can you pop them there?” My mom snorted and popped away with my dad.
My Uncle Bjourn smiled announcing, “I’m coming too.” Alexander grabbed him. I linked Toby, “Get here with Phil and ten Warriors five minutes ago.” Toby snorted, “If anyone could go back in time it would be your family not mine. I’ll be there in a minute.”
Genevieve walked in with them. She linked, “I know you weren’t going without me.” I replied, “I knew Toby would have you be the ones going, so no.” She winked at me. I noted it only took Toby and the Warriors thirty seconds to get to me.
Once we had everyone we popped to my mom. Aunt Lexi, Chase, Cameron, Reagan, Emmett, Alexandria, and Colton Daniels had popped with them. I felt magic around us. Brutuslinked, “I smell it. If this had been near our borders we’d have known.” So, of course it wasn’t. That would be too handy.
I looked at Alexander. He nodded as did my mom. She couldn’t smell it, but she could sense it. I stepped forward and took my mom and Alexander’s hands. My mom started chanting, “Canbe point actin. Dat so point megroup (Something is hidden that cannot be. Remove it so that we may see.)” Alexander and I started chanting with her. After the sixth time the magic was removed.
My mom sighed, “Witches.” My dad teased, “Not Witch bitches, Angel?” I answered, “That was not dark magic. It’s like the sniper knows a Witch that protected this area so she could send us here.”
I grabbed Elise's hand and linked her, “You stay with me. Ok?” She nodded. We slowly made our way through the building that came into view. The stench gave away that someone was dead. Brutus corrected, “Several someone’s.” Even better. There were men throughout the building all shot execution style. My mom was snapping bodies away as we encountered them.
My dad broke the silence, “This was a very efficient team.” Both Alpha Chase and Alpha Cameron nodded. Uncle Bjourn agreed, “It definitely was.” Once we got to the main office we paused. The man behind the chair had been tortured. Extensively. This was clearly their target.
On the desk there was an envelope addressed to Alpha’s of Black Mountain. There was a cardboard box taped up under it. I walked forward and opened it the envelope.
Alpha’s of the Black Mountain Pack,
It came to our attention that you are curious about us and who we are. I suppose that’s something we can answer. We are the Resistance. Specifically, we are the Ring Resistance… since you probably want specifics…cause that could be athing…that I heard about…you wanting….or not…that’s an option too….
You guys do a pretty good job, but you need to be more careful. You are well known. These people have been planning against you since before you were born. We are in a unique place to do something about this that you cannot… since we are in the shadows… .and you are… well, you’re not. At all.
The man in the chair… was bad… obviously. He provided names and was a “placeholder” for young girls and boys put into the Ring. Expect an influx of people to your areas soon. We are working to get them out. You have sheltered the people we have sent, and we are grateful… I mean we knew you would…because you’re good people.
That’s why they were sent to you. You never disappoint when they come. My belief that you will take them in and give them shelter has been proven time and time again. Many of them never see us, so please do not question them harshly. They do not know anything. Plus, ya know… masks are things… we wear a lot…so…you could try that out….occasionally. It could be nice. I’m just saying.
As for your attempts to work alongside us, you do not want that. Should there come a day when we need your help and not the other way around… I’ll contact you. As it stands, there is nothing we have come across that we cannot handle ourselves.
What do we do? We keep people safe. That includes all of you. In this box you will find something that will help you. It’s not easy to come by…. well… it’s complicated… in formula… you don’t care… but it appears you need it.
Do try to stay out of trouble. Don’t worry though, because when you find it... we will be there. Do not look for us because we do not want to be found. It works best this way for us all.