My head began to pound. Karina quietly put down a platter of cookies on the table in front of us, and several of us took a cookie while we watched in rapt fascination. The headache went away quickly. I must not have eaten enough today. Thank god for Karina’s cookies. Brutus agreed, “Seriously, let’s give her a raise.” I made a mental note to let Nana Blanch know. She wasthe Werewolf grandma we claimed even if it wasn’t by blood, and she ran our kitchen.

The man taunted her, “You came alone. That was foolish and arrogant. Now we finally have one circle group member in our grasp. I kept telling people you’d fuck up. Your little blue circles and your line drawing days are over.” She laughed again, “Who said I came alone?” That was evasive but he didn’t notice.

Relief flooded me when she tilted her head towards the door. When they all turned around ready to defend themselves, she threw her empty gun at the window. It shattered and she took off. I gasped. She had gone alone then bluffed to escape. Why would she go alone?

Brutus commented, “I was going to say she was a Fairy but she’s too fast.” I agreed, “And too fast to be human. She could be a hybrid with Fairy blood though.” The men all yelled at her to stop, but she didn't. She jumped through the breaking glass and went into a free fall, landing in the giant lake. Someone grabbed the camera, and we were brought to the window.

The man who’d called was cursing. He yelled, “Get men down there! I want her back here. Do not let her escape! We finally have one of those fuckers!” We all watched silently hoping they wouldn’t cut us off.

Julianna was in tears while Alexander was gripping the table hard. The woman hadn’t surfaced. It had been over three minutes underwater, so she was definitely a supernatural if she was alive. Suddenly, on the opposite side of the lake, we heard a gasp for air. She’d surfaced!

Brutus howled in victory in my mind. We watched as she swam to the bank of the lake. Damn! I locked eyes with my dad. That was all very impressive. Brutus commented, “And yet again she’s very protective of our allies. The others in her group didn’t come, she did. Maybe she’s getting in trouble for going against the leaders to help us.” That thought hurt me, but I could see it.

I watched as she quickly got out and took off running. She was limping, but still running pretty fast. The Hunters were trying their best to capture her. She dodged several darts before she took one in the thigh but laughed it off.

I linked my dad, “Who don’t those darts work on?” He answered, “We’d have to know what was in it to answer that.” I hated that he was right. We all heard a motorcycle roaring to life. It cleared the hill heading straight for her. That person had on a helmet obstructing their face.

Alexander snarled, “FUCK! We have to get to her and help!” The woman shocked us by starting to run towards the bike. She reached it quickly and jumped on the back. The bike did a one eighty degree turn once she was on. I wanted to be relieved but shots were being fired at them.

Everly whimpered, “I have her bullet proof vest.” The woman flipped around so she was straddling the driver. She took the guns from the drivers holsters and began firing back with deadly accuracy. She didn’t miss once. All head shots and six shots in succession afterward. I locked eyes with Elise this time. Brutus said, “We made contact with the sniper.” I replied, “More like she made contact with us.” He grunted.

Alexander was growling softly. I linked him, “Brother?” He replied, “I’m just mad and I can’t really explain why.” We would have to get into that later. They made it out of frame before the feed cut out.

We sat in silence until Jason spoke, “So, two things. One, I think Every and Julianna just met our sniper. It’s a chick, that’s cool. Did you see how accurate she was? Head shots first. It’s her. Two, sister in law of mine, you gots some splainin’ to do.”

Tristan finally noticed Everly now had a bump. He gasped, “What? OH MY GOD!” Everly smiled, “Surprise?” My mom laughed, “My healing speeds things along.” Tristan hugged Everly and spun her around. He asked, “You’re pregnant?!” Shenodded, “I found out this morning. I wanted to tell you when I got back.”

Tristan wiped his eyes, “Well, I’m surprised that’s for sure.” She smiled, “Happy surprised, right?” Tristan nodded, “Yes.” Beta Bond asked, “Sweetheart, are you ok?” Everly nodded, “I’m fine now, daddy.”

My dad asked “What kind of supernatural is she, girls? She’s too fast to be human. Not to mention being able to be underwater for more than three minutes.” Julianna frowned, “I don’t know. I thought….” She trailed off. Fegle put his arms around her.

She continued, “My instincts said she was a wolf, but my wolf couldn't reach hers.” I looked at the Daniels screen. I asked them, “Is she Hood?” Everly threw out, “I’d swear she was a wolf, guys.” Julianna admitted, “I would too. She should’ve had a wolf though, right?” Everyone conceded that point. Julianna added, “She doesn’t want us to know who she is either. She even had those colored contacts in to hide her eye color.”

Brutus mused, “She could be a partial and not have received a wolf.” He was right. I said, “She could be a partial wolf or have just enough wolf blood in her to be that quick. What do you mean colored contacts?”

Everly nodded, “Yeah, we knew they were contacts. One time she looked to the side they slipped just barely when she blinked. It was too fast to see her real eye color, but I’d say positively that her eyes are not blue. Why else would she wear blue contacts?”

It was silent until Everly added, “She was hurt, but she still came for us.” Julianna hung her head, “She knows us too.” I frowned. Alexander asked, “What do you mean she was hurt?” Everly answered, “It was weird. She didn’t have a scent, but there was an ointment scent that smelled like a salve.”

I jumped on that, “That must be why she hasn’t been around. She’s been healing from something.” My mom asked, “Wherewas the salve scent coming from?” I sensed her trepidation in the bond. She had her walls going up that made me want to scream in frustration.

Julianna answered, “Her back.” My mom flinched, “She was probably whipped then.” Now, the bond with her was dull. Alexander growled and popped out. I was going to have to deal with that before he tore our gym apart.

I asked them, “Who was that guy?” Everly snorted, “He said he was our damnation.” Julianna supplied, “The guys called him Dante.” My dad sighed, “Girls go get some rest, and spend time with your mates. We can debrief you later.”

He looked at my Uncle Aiden, “I want people on her.” Lucas snarled, “So do I.” Julianna huffed, “Daddy, that’s overkill. Fegle won’t leave my side. We can even stay in Blue Moon tonight. It’s not necessary to put guards on me, Cousin Aiden.”

Uncle Aiden smiled and kissed her cheek, “All the same I’ll have four Fairy guards around you tonight.” He hugged her and asked, “How did they get you?” Julianna answered, “Everly sent me a text. She said she had an emergency and to pop to her.”

Everly gasped, “I didn’t text you, I swear!” Julianna smiled, “I know. You were unconscious before I got hit with iron. That’s why the sniper told you to change contacts in your phone. She must have known they used your phone to get me. Maybe you’re hacked.” Micah held his hand out for Everly’s phone. She admitted, “I don’t have it. They took it off me.” He made an annoyed face.

Everly shouted, “Wait!” She grabbed the card out from her back pocket. There were coordinates on the front. On the back there was a blue circle with a line through it. I grinned, “Maybe we finally have a meeting.”

Julianna smiled and teased, “Not to brag but Everly and I got the first meeting without trying.” Fegle said, “I would’ve preferred this not happen at all.” Julianna whispered, “I know.”My dad said, “I want to know what the hell she injected you with. It gave you your powers back.” My dad linked me, “And I want to mass produce it.” So would Uncle Aiden.

Julianna said, “Not just that. She gave me Fern back after they’d given me wolfsbane.” Her wolf?! I linked Jayden, “What the fuck? This sniper has something to give our powers back and bring our wolves back from wolfsbane?” He said, “I’ve never been more intrigued.”

Julianna continued, “I could feel myself being allowed through the barrier too and that the magic didn’t want to let me pass. I had to hold onto Everly really tight. It’s like I could feel it begrudgingly letting me through. Whatever she gave me, it was like a jolt of adrenaline when I felt my powers return with Fern. Those bracelets were pumping iron into me. That first jolt, it was like fire in my veins. Like my blood was being cleansed.”