Jayden answered the call angrily, “Where is she? And don’t you dare fucking say you don’t have my damn sister! I WANT HER BACK NOW!” I didn’t recognize the man on the other end but unfortunately, I recognized the symbol on his hand. I closed my eyes knowing he was a Hunter.
Brutus snarled, “If they touch a HAIR on her head we will rip them to pieces.” I wholeheartedly agreed and knew we’d do just that.
The man laughed, “Now that I have your attention, I thought we should chat. I assume Red Run is on the phone too.” Tristan snarled, “WHERE IS MY MATE!” I heard a pop and Fegle burst through the door. He shouted, “WHERE IS SHE?!”
Jayden answered, “That guy has her.” My mom walked over to Fegle and healed him. He’d tried to pop to Julianna knowing he couldn’t and had been injured. I understood the inclination he had. I’d do the same in his position.
Alexander, Preston, Wesley, and I snapped mom food. She rolled her eyes at us but sat down to eat. Uncle Aiden winked at me. We were trying to keep everything light, but we were worried.
Jayden snarled, “What do you want?” The man laughed, “I want so many things. The eradication of your kind for starters.” I shot back, “You didn’t call us to tell us to off ourselves.” The mansmiled, “That’s true. I called to be nice. I thought you would want to see these two for the last time.”
The camera whirled around, and we all snarled. Julianna had some iron bracelets on that wrapped around her wrists like a snake. Everly was covered in silver chains. They were both crying, but despite her fear, Everly looked pissed.
Lucas snarled, “LET THEM GO NOW!” The man laughed, “I don’t….” He looked off the left trailing off. He hissed, “Seriously?! You all are a bunch of incompetent fools!” He ran out of view. We all looked around.
I spoke with urgency, “Julianna? Everly? Where are you? We can’t pop to you.” Everly answered, “We don’t know. I woke up and Julianna was here. There’s a really big lake outside this place, but that’s all I see. Tristan, I love you. So much” A single tear trailed down her face.
Tristan growled, “I love you too and you’re coming home.” Julianna whispered, “I love you so much, Fegle.” Fegle said, “I love you more than words express. I echo that angry Beta wolf’s sentiments. You are coming home to me.” She nodded, not looking like she believed that.
Alexander and I locked eyes and I knew what knowledge flowed between our communication. Everly was glowing. My mom inhaled her food with blazing eyes. Brutus linked, “They have been since she heard about the situation.” I needed to stay sharper right now because I’d missed that detail.
A door banged open and both women gaped at whoever walked in. I asked, “Who is that?” Someone with a distorted voice said, “SHUSH! Or they will hear us!” A figure with a bullet proof vest who was seriously strapped down with weapons came on the screen wearing a ski mask over their face. Their eyes were a weird shade of blue, almost as if they were fake.
I glanced over when Alexander stiffened. I couldn’t make sense of his feelings in the bond because he didn’t evenunderstand them. Everly asked the person, “Who are you?” Said person didn’t answer, but quickly took the chains off Everly.
They turned to Julianna and lamented, “Seriously?! I can never get a break… and I really think I should… I’m pretty sure I’ve earned it.. when you think about all the things I did to get here…and previously…I am a GOOD PERSON!” Everly snickered along with a few people on our side.
Phil linked, “I mean having a sense of humor in crisis is key.” It was also a Beta trait. I locked eyes with all the Alpha’s around knowing we had the same thought. The person took off their bullet proof vest.
Brutus commented, “Well, the person is clearly a woman.” I retorted, “Well, I know that now.” He said, “I knew that before.” I snarked, “Smart ass. Share your information next time.” He chuckled, “Sure thing.”
The woman quickly handed the vest to Everly. She ordered, “Put this on.” Everly did so without question. The woman knelt beside Julianna. She winced then said, “This is going to hurt, but when I get these off…and I’m sorry about that…the whole perfection process wasn’t perfected…Hunters suck…along with their timing…right? That’s a thing that you think too…because…well…yeah you just pop Everly and yourself the heck out of here Julianna.” We all stared at the screen shocked.
Everly whispered, “Who are you? How did you get here? How do you know us?” The woman still didn’t answer her. She pulled a syringe out of her pocket. Julianna admitted, “I can’t pop.” The woman bobbed her head back and forth. She assured her, “You will be able to shortly.”
She had two syringes out now. She quickly injected Julianna with the first one. Julianna choked in pain. We growled but the snake like iron bracelets fell off her. Julianna cursed, “Shit.” A timer on the woman’s watch went off.
She groaned, “Oh come on! I asked for ONE measly break!” She glared at the sky, “I think we know you owe me a break….bitch.” I linked my dad, “Was that directed at her goddess?” He answered, “It appears so, yes.” Odd stance to take.
She dosed Julianna with the second syringe. Julianna winced slightly and stared at the woman in surprise. The doors burst open again and based on their reactions it wasn’t anyone friendly this time. The woman pushed Julianna and Everly down. She kicked over a desk for cover and began shooting rapid fire shots at the entrance of the room.
My jaw dropped when I realized they were all head shots and her six rounds after went into someone else. I locked eyes with my dad. I linked, “Our sniper has returned.” He nodded, “Yes, she has. At least her timing doesn’t suck.”
Everly asked, “What the hell is going on? Was this the plan? Where’s your backup?” The woman snorted, “Well… my plan is better than yours now, isn’t it? I didn’t have a lot of time to come up with a plan. I had to come save both of you… with their last minute…I think we talked about their timing already. You know what? Save people in your phone with codes name… that’s annoying but you should do it for me… I feel like that’s something you owe me. They texted people from your phone because you put their first AND LAST NAME in it. Don’t do that….please…No. Actually no please just don’t do it.” Her watched beeped again.
She quickly handed Everly something. She told Julianna, “Pop her out now!” She shoved Julianna and Everly away from her, hard, as she fired covering them. Julianna popped and appeared before us. My mom and Alexander were instantly at their sides healing them.
I linked Wesley, “Go get T. It’s a fucking emergency.” Wesley snorted, “That doesn’t count. He’s just not in his house. I’ll pop to Dalton since he’s next to him.” Fine then. He popped to RedRun. Fuck their emergency policy. Brutus agreed, “Truly and utterly fuck their emergency policy.”
Wesley popped them both back. Tristan rushed over to Everly. Julianna whispered, “What about her? She saved us from them and their seriously disgusting plans. We can’t get back to her, can we?” Everly answered, “You know we can’t. They told us no one could get to us.”
Julianna grumbled, “If she wouldn’t have shoved me away, I’d have had her too! Why did she do that? She’s going to die!” Fegle gripped her tightly. I linked Jayden, “You good?” He answered, “Not even slightly. I’m still utterly pissed off.” I mused that the sniper did shove Julianna so she couldn’t be popped with them. Why?
Alexander growled. We all looked at him, but he wasn’t looking at us. He was watching the woman. We all turned to watch her. She was hell of a shot which, given she was the best sniper the circle group had, wasn’t surprising. They’d all switched to knives, but she hadn’t been hit once.
Brutus said, “Maybe if we offer a training session with Oden, she’d meet us.” That was a definitely a thought. When they started fighting with their fists, I was astonished. She was really good.
Eventually, the man who’d called Jayden ran back into the room. He snarked, “You are outmanned and outgunned. Surrender or die.” The woman laughed, “Not a chance… to both. No to the dying… and definitely not on surrendering... that’s a lot of no…” Her rambling felt familiar.