Ladybug:I’m leaving, Elise. I’m sick of being where no one believes me. I’m going to New York. I’m going to win the competition and stay. I’m done with this place.
That just didn’t sound like her. Even in the past when this had happened, Melanie loved it here. She said the meadows around here inspired her dancing. She knew that EJ and I believed her. Rhea linked, “It is weird.” I knew that.
Then it hit me, and I started to laugh. It made more sense now. Melanie went because she was going to activate her Plan Z. To create an emergency to meet Alexander. EJ had no idea what I was talking about of course, but that was ok.
Rhea linked, “Brutus is asking about the plan.” I warned, “Don’t get his hopes up. Melanie might wait for an actual emergency since she’s the literal worst liar.” She grumbled, “Fine, but I agree. She went to do Plan Z.”
Mel would make it happen when she calmed down. There was no doubt she’d win that competition. Alexander was worried about her coming home, but he didn’t need to be. Melanie was all about her traditions, and ours was to see each other on Christmas Eve.
Plus, she and Sam always decorated their Christmas tree the Saturday after Thanksgiving. They made a whole day of going to a Christmas tree farm to pick a live one for the living room. She loved Christmas possibly more than my mother in law did.
A wave of sadness hit me again about how unfair this all was. I nearly cried hearing Alexander’s voice sound so small wondering if they saw him as a monster. Rhea growled, “No onesees him that way.” EJ’s fury blasted into me so hard I was sure his family was confused.
EJ was talking to his Uncle Bjourn. Rhea whispered, “Is it the wrong time to say that he’s so hot.” I answered, “Yes. Because he’s talking about turning into a monster if someone thinks his brother is one.” Rhea sighed, “Damn it. You have to admit it’s hot though.” It was true.
Before I could discuss a few thoughts about changing the rules Theo popped in. Rhea said, “I mean it’s not a conspiracy, but it feels like one.” It kind of did. I linked my dad, “Wesley hit T?!” He replied, “I’m a little busy trying to calm things down but yes.” My Luna Ceremony was going to be the talk of Faerie. They would consider this a smashing success.
EJ popped us back. Wesley was out for blood, I could see it on his face. Buttercup was trying to calm him down. Red Run was bewildered by his stance. Toby and Phil weren’t even bothering to interfere either. Jesus.
My mom linked me, “This is just devolving quickly.” I replied, “I get it from their side. They don’t know what’s going on, but they are smart. They can figure out that Alexander gets sad whenever Red Run comes in. They just don’t know it’s because Melanie isn’t with them.”
She agreed, “I know that.” EJ got Wesley out of there with Buttercup. I wanted to scream that Alexander’s side was a misunderstanding. He thought they saw him a certain way, but he was wrong. Wesley was just sick of feeling Alexander’s pain when Red Run came to these events.
Tristan went into denial over Melanie leaving. They talked about her moving her flight up. Rhea snarked, “No, that stupid family from New York gave her the choice. Why aren’t we yelling at those parents?” She had a point. I’d get their number and leave a scathing voicemail.
I may not have pups yet, but I would DEMAND they call and ask me first before taking my teenage daughter somewhere without my explicit ok. My mom mouthed, “Sam left them both angry voicemails. Drake did too.” Well good. They should give them shit. I was tempted to call their Alpha and throw around who my mate was, and I never did that.
Rhea encouraged, “Do that. Brutus would find it so hot.” I just might. Dalton liked me, “Tristan is pissed Mel didn’t even know he liked Everly. Now, they didn’t get to meet.” I replied, “Dalton, T is not as subtle as you all think and Melanie is incredibly curious. She knows he likes Everly. She was hoping they would find out they were mates.”
He asked, “She did?” I replied, “Yes. In fact, she’s mentioned he likes Everly several times.” Our conversation didn’t assuage my anger. My mom linked, “T didn’t do this and you’re not angry with him.” I wasn’t but he could’ve snuck her here.
Tristan actually recoiled from me. He felt so awful I could see it. EJ refuted his words. Tristan tried to call Mel, but it went to voicemail. Tristan handed me a present from Mel. I couldn’t stop myself from hugging him because he looked so sad.
I broke down with him. We were both always on Mel’s side. She had to know that. Dakota linked, “T told me to link you that we will get her home between us.” I agreed, “Ok.” We all knew he didn't have time to personally bring her back. He was going to take over the pack with my brothers in a few months.
Cooper linked me next, “I know that look. Jase has time.” I replied, “He doesn’t, and you know it. He’s already taking on Beta duties for Uncle Christopher. He’s also doing intense Warrior training to challenge for the Male Lead Warrior.” He begrudgingly admitted, “You’re right.” I knew that.
Alexander joined us, which I was impressed by. The Hackura realm moved faster so it made sense he’d calmed down. Haley popped out letting her confusion show. She often hid heremotions, but I think she desperately wanted someone to clue her in.
They all left immediately when Haley popped back in and said Angela needed them. Haley crossed her arms and glared around those remaining, “I may not know what’s happening out here, but let’s all remember the rule in this territory. People who act like assholes, get treated like one. Tonight is about Elise. So, if f you’re not going to fucking respect that leave. I love you all to pieces, but whatever is going on, it ends right fucking now. Are we clear?”
TJ popped out with tears in his eyes, “Mom, can we go to our treehouse?” Haley immediately bent down, “Of course sweetie.” She picked him up and popped away without another word.
Drake frowned, “She’s right. Tonight is about you Elise.” He hugged me, “I’m sorrier than you will ever know. I love you as if you were my own. I’m so very proud of you and I know Mel is too. You’ve become an amazing young woman.” I smiled, “Thanks, Drake.”
I quickly opened my present. There was a second package and a note for Alexander which didn’t surprise me. I quickly tucked that into my back pocket. Tristan raised an eyebrow letting me know he’d seen that move. Well, it was none of his business.
Dakota linked, “T would like to know if that’s for who he think it was.” I replied, “Ask if he actually wants to know.” He sighed, “He said, ‘Yes, she’s just got her heart set on it. Do you think he’ll keep the present? It would crush her if she found out he didn’t.’ I hate being your telephone.” I assured him, “He will keep it and your Beta asked you, not me.” It was still weird I couldn’t link the McAlister’s whenever I wanted.
I closed the link and unwrapped a beautiful bracelet. There was a charm with anLand mountain. I read the note.
Obviously, the mountain charm represents your current pack. On the back is the initials RR…for Red Run… which was also… probably not something you needed me to tell you… but I’m me so…I did…obviously because you’re reading this.. Never forget that you’ll always be a part of this pack too. We love you here.
I know you’ll be an amazing Luna. Which brings us to the L charm… It represents… well you... because you are the heart of Black Mountain as their Luna. You are also an Alpha though… and I don’t want you to forget that, which you can’t because well Rhea…
When you look at this bracelet remember you are the fierce, protective mother of the pack. They will all fight beside you proudly as I will. I love you, Elise.