Rhea told me, “I want to know exactly what happened. We need to resolve this right now. She was on the phone with us. I dare them to call us liar ever, but especially tonight. Brutus would rip them to pieces. That sounds sexy. This is Oden’s fault. He put thoughts into my head of this because Brutus would never let Oden rip people to pieces without him.” She sighed in my head.
Honestly, I wanted to kick some ass myself. I couldn’t believe they kept her from coming today. The car accident was one thing because it was an accident. This though? This didn’t just punish Melanie, it punished and hurt me too.
EJ was furious in the bond once he began to filter through my feelings. He didn’t want me to be sad today, but I couldn’t help it. Ladybug wasn’t here to celebrate with me when they promised she was coming.
Rhea complained, “Why couldn't she have Fairy blood? I have come to love that inability to lie they all have. Then they would’ve HAD to bring her because of her inability to lie.” I told her, “She’s a horrible liar anyway. I should’ve just insisted she come out here and get ready with me. Why didn’t I do that?”
She replied, “They promised she’d come, and she found a way to get ready with us that made her dad comfortable because they are wackadoodles about her leaving the territory alone.” It was an accurate description, but hindsight felt like a bitch tonight.
EJ came up with a plan. Rhea purred, “That’s why I love him so much. Why is he so sexy when we can’t climb him? He’s a man with a plan. Get that plan done so we get back to being naked.” I was on board with her this time. She squealed, “FINALLY!”
EJ popped us all back to the main group. My anger doubled standing here in front of them. Rhea growled, “I am also pissed. Their wolves are trying to apologize, but I’m shutting them down.” Good. They deserved her anger and mine. We loved Melanie.
EJ’s voice was like a whip across the group. Rhea groaned, “Why is always so sexy?” I honestly had no idea. I did know that everyone was stunned. EJ gave Drake and Sam a verbal lashing. Drake was pissed off too.
Rhea linked, “Melanie must have lashed out. Pepper is very upset too.” I replied, “Well, they had it coming. This is fourteen years of people lying about her. I know she didn’t mean whatever she said to them anyway.” On some level they knew that too. She was the biggest Daddy’s girl who loved her family so much.
I took EJ’s hand because he was close to losing it. I told Rhea, “It’s weird asking about their patrols versus ours. I guess they aren’t our pack anymore though.” She reasoned, “They will always be our home pack.”
Rhea growled when she heard the time. I shared a look of disbelief with EJ because that wasn’t possible. Drake’s face crumbled when we explained how it was absolutely impossible. I finally felt a little bad for him. I knew how much he loved Melanie. I’m sure whatever she said broke his heart.
I looked around for Cassie to help with getting the truth of the matter, but she must have already left. Which was fair, she didn’t really live here anymore. She had her room, but she was with her mate. I was impressed she did Alpha duties around here too though. She was an excellent multitasker.
Rhea said, “Maybe Thor will link Haley.” It wasn’t necessary. The Warrior acknowledged he could be wrong from the picture of the only pup that could possibly be thought of as Melanie. Honestly, you’d have to be pretty far away though. Rhea scoffed, “Or need glasses.” Some supernatural’s did but not often. Usually only if they were a hybrid with human blood.
I could see in the Warriors’ eyes he didn’t think it was the pup he’d seen in the picture though. What the hell? My dad laid out a plan to have Mel come and spend the night here to calm everyone down. Rhea linked, “Just so you know Fang told me he linked Dominic that plan to link to Thunder for dad to say.” Of course Dylan was somewhere around. Why didn’t he just come out and offer the solution?
This was good though. Melanie would come and we’d figure everything out. I nearly jumped up cheering when Drake agreed. Rhea told me, “I think you should it’s definitely called for.” EJ said that he’d pop us to her and come back. Drake was about to say it wasn’t an emergency.
The venom and anger in EJ’s voice when he told him not to finish his sentence even had me stepping back in shock. I looked around noting Eric was trying not to laugh. What was going on? Were they all high? It was THEIR RULE.
Drake was clearly confused but made the call anyway. My heart sank when he said she’d already left. Rhea argued, “No way! Ladybug wouldn’t just leave without saying goodbye to us. No matter what they’d done to piss her off, she wouldn’t just leave us all without a word.” I agreed, “You’re right. She wasn’t like that. She would’ve texted them and she would’ve called me.”
Hell, she’d have the family that was taking her to New York bring her here first. Ladybug wouldn’t just leave. My blood felt like ice when Sam confirmed it. Fury filled me and I nearly shifted. My dad linked, “Pup, calm down.” I gritted my teeth letting his Alpha command help me.
I told him, “If they had just let her come this wouldn't have happened. Melanie is reacting like a teenager for the first time in her life because THEY pushed her. I know it’s hard to remember sometimes but she is only fourteen.”
He replied, “I know that.” I snarked, “They practically gave her the keys to run and never look back. I love them like family but at this exact moment I want to forget that.” He told me, “That’s reasonable but you do love them.” I did and I think that made it all hurt more.
I walked away before I said something I’d regret. Rhea linked, “You tell them! Definitely screw their sorry! That was an epic parting line.” She was just as pissed. I was surprised Sam even called after me. If she was looking for absolution, she wouldn’t get it from me. Mel was gone and it wasn’t fair. I just needed space to walk and have everything be quiet for a moment.
I walked until I couldn’t stand it anymore. Rhea sighed, “Finally. We are ready to talk. I will SCRATCH THEIR EYES OUT! We love her! They forget she’s just a pup! HOW could the Warriors just let Melanie leave with some other family without calling her parents? What kind of crack are they on? AND WHY DIDN’T THEY SHARE IT?! It had to be some good shit. EJ would NEVER allow that to fly here.” She was right.
I sat down and a second later Alexander popped beside me. He put his hand on my shoulder and I let out a sob. Alexander knew what I was upset about with asking. He consoled me, “Someone will get in trouble for letting that just happen. Your dad will put someone through a wall for just letting Melanie leave.”
He added, “Who gives a shit if they called her parents and left a message? They just let the Beta’s daughter leave the pack without Drake’s permission. They let her leave without saying goodbye. I wouldn’t want to be any of them at trainingtomorrow. Drake, Tristan, and Jase will destroy them.” I snorted, “Good.”
That’s how EJ found us. He offered his thoughts to Alexander that they weren’t keeping Melanie from him intentionally. Rhea snorted, “They THINK? We KNOW they aren’t keeping him from her.” I agreed, “I’m with you. They definitely aren’t. Especially now. If they are mates, then Mel would come home, and they could smooth this out.”
EJ made some excellent points. I linked my dad, “Did EJ tell you he thought someone in the pack was keeping Melanie away from the allies?” He answered, “Yes, and it’s a valid point and logical concern. I will look into it.” Dammit! Why didn’t I think of that sooner?
I cried on EJ’s shoulder until he conjured me my phone. I had a text and a few missed calls from Melanie. I listened to the first voicemail. Her sobbing apology played, “I…. stayed…. home... all... day…. those... jerks…I mean they are nice… normally… Jerk may be harsh… but it’s not! They lied. I’m... I’m so sorry Elise. I wanted to be there for your big day. It’s not fair! I didn’t do it, Elise. I wouldn’t. Not today. It’s such an important day for you. You’re the big sister I never had, but always had… you know?” I did know.
It wasn’t by blood, but Mel was my little sister. Rhea snarled, “Let’s get them all. She sounds distraught.” She really did. The next voicemail said, “I sent your present with T. There’s an extra present if you could deliver it for me. All those projects I was working on are under my bed. I was going to surprise everyone, and I’ll just never get to.”
“Why can’t I be there for you? Why can’t I meet my Xander? He promised me we’d meet one day. Why can’t that day be today? I wanted it to be today so bad…” She just cried for several minutes. Then she stopped. She whispered, “What the heck was that?” The phone call ended.
What the heck was what? Rhea replied, “It’s the last voicemail. Maybe she texted the answer.” Hopefully. I looked at her text. I wiped my eyes trying to stop my tears. My heart was broken for three people though. I didn’t know if I could stop crying.