Haley snorted, “That does no one any good. You have to learn, and sadly that often comes from making a mistake. I had to learn when I got here. I wasn’t infallible, and I’m still not. We do the best we can because at the end of the day we make mistakes. Everyone does. No one is fucking perfect. Life would be INCREDIBLY fucking boring if we were. This is for you.” She handed me the old Luna book handed down to other Luna’s for each pack.
I opened it and saw Haley’s name and her sisters in law’s. I whispered, “Thank you. I thought this was lost.” She said, “Well, it’s been found and now it’s yours to pass down and share with the other Luna’s of the pack.”
I squeezed her hands, “Thank you. I have a slight favor to ask.” She grinned, “Ask away.” I asked, “Can you snap my makeup and hair?” Haley nodded, “Of course. What do you want it to look like?” I told her, “A natural look with curly hair please.” Haley smiled and snapped me ready.
My mom came back in looking distracted. Haley called, “Chelsea, are you ok?” My mom answered, “What? Oh, yes. I’m fine” She looked at me and tears filled her eyes. She smiled, “Oh honey, you look so beautiful.” I smiled, “Thanks, mom.” She hugged me, “You just grew up so fast.” I laughed, “Not really.”
My mom kissed my cheek, “You did.” She wiped her eyes and gathered herself. “Ok, your dad is waiting outside the door to see you.” Haley smiled and hugged me, “I’ll see you out there.” She popped away.
My mom opened the door and my dad walked in. He smiled, “You look so beautiful, Elise. Your mom and I are so proud of you.” I smiled and hugged him. He stepped back and wiped away a few tears. I looked back at my mom and asked, “Mom, are you sure you’re ok?” She nodded, “Yes, I’m just going to get out there.” She was upset though, I could see it. I asked my dad, “So, have any more mates happened out there? I know two mates have been found already.”
My dad laughed, “I was there for one of those. I, for one, am glad that Raphael has his mate. He just riled up the Daniels ever since before Emmett and Emma were born. Alpha Chase has been riled up about him since before they were born.” I snorted, “Emma doesn’t mind him much. Only when he goads her dad.”
My dad raised an eyebrow, “Which is every time we see him.” I snorted, “I mean it’s more so because he’s a possessive Alphamale.” My dad laughed, “You do realize you married one.” I smiled, “That I did, and today I become his Luna. What made you and mom so upset?”
My dad frowned, “Let’s not discuss that right now, sweetie. Today is your day. Let’s just have your celebration. You’ve worked so hard for this.” I pressed, “You’ll tell me before you leave?” My dad frowned, “We will see. For now, let’s just get you out there. We can’t keep everyone waiting now, can we?” I frowned because we easily could, EJ wouldn’t mind.
I wondered what happened, but I knew he wasn’t going to tell me. Rhea told me, “Thunder won’t say either.” My dad’s wolf wasn’t usually tight lipped with Rhea. I sighed and nodded my acceptance.
We walked outside, but I didn’t see anyone in the crowd once I laid eyes on EJ. He was just so captivating. My eyes locked on his and the world faded away. Those ocean blue eyes drew me in and refused to let me go.
It always amazed me that the love I saw there reflected back at him in my own eyes. I teased him about the mates that had been found today already. I looked at Alexander, but he didn’t seem twitchy. I looked around realizing the McAlister’s were late. Hopefully, Melanie didn’t change again. She just got so nervous sometimes.
Rhea laughed, “Plus we kept her on the phone the whole time. I think we have to hope she didn’t show her mom all the choices again to confirm her selection.” I just hoped the second they arrived Alexander claimed her as his.
Eric linked me, “You have to answer if you accept the duties as the Luna here soon.” I blinked and looked at him. He was smirking. I linked, “Sorry.” Eric smiled as he talked to the crowd without faltering, or giving away that he was linking me.
He confided, “It’s not a problem. During Haley’s ceremony I didn’t hear a single word said really. Just say you accept rightnow.” I was grateful he had gotten my attention. The words came out at the exact right time.
Eric winked at me and linked, “You and EJ are lucky to have always had each other. I am so proud of both of you. You complete each other and always have. You’ve both done such an amazing job so far. I know you will take this pack farther than Haley and I did. I’m very happy to have you as a daughter in law. Take care of my son. He needs someone to pull him away every now and again to have fun. He’s a lot like his old man.”
Eric looked past me to Haley. I assured him, “I’ll do my best.” Eric replied “Haley and I are always here for you both. We aren’t going anywhere, but this is your time. Grab it by the horns and follow your destiny. Never forget about each other though.” I smiled at him, grateful for his words.
Everyone started to strip for our run. I’d just have to see what happened with Mel afterwards. Then I’d tease her mercilessly for being late. EJ and I led the pack on our run. Mated couples started splitting off. Alexander led the unmated group after EJ and I split off.
Poor things. He’d probably have them run a couple more miles to work off his nervous energy. EJ shifted back. I could feel in our bond and see in his eyes exactly where his head was. His lust barreled into me. It was insane how intense the Hackura bond was, but I loved it.
I shifted back and he attacked me. His grunts did things to me. I brought us to the edge quickly. I had more plans for other rounds. I was contemplating round two when EJ let loose a growl that vibrated through me.
Rhea sighed, “I mean it’s just not fair that makes me want to jump him even more. Can he have a growl that’s not sexy?” I could feel through our bond that whoever EJ felt, they were very angry. It had to be an intense emotion to bleed into our bond. We were going to have to check it out.
Rhea pouted, “Oh come on! Just one more round. Or a quickie. Someone will still be mad in fifteen minutes. We can talk EJ and Brutus into a quickie. I believe in you, Elise.” I was trying not to laugh as the situation didn’t call for that.
EJ snapped us into clothes. Rhea sighed, “You see what happens when you hesitate? The window closes. Mark that down and remember it later. This absolutely could’ve waited fifteen minutes.” EJ popped us back to the main yard.
I saw Everly and Tristan slipping inside. Then noticed Melanie and Alexander were missing too. I knew he wouldn’t mate with her yet, but maybe they went somewhere private to talk. Jason was nursing what was already a black eye which made me gasp.
Rhea began to growl. I linked my mom yelling, “THEY DID NOT leave Mel at home. Not today of all days. They couldn’t.” She sighed, “I don’t know exactly what happened.” I cut her off, “They are liars is what happened. They PROMISED me that she would be here.” I told Rhea, “Shut down our link unless it’s important or EJ.” She agreed, “Happily.” She was pissed.
Rhea snarled, “You. Are. Fucking. Kidding. Me. She got grounded?” The pack link was sparking like wildfire over Alexander punching Jason and roaring in anger. Several Warriors were already on the way to the gym in the vain hope of Alexander not upping training if he happened to see them already working out. I feared it was a lost cause.
The entire situation as chaos. What I didn’t get was why Alexander hit Jason. Rhea said, “Maybe he’s the one who said Melanie was grounded.” I reasoned, “Alexander wouldn’t hit him for that.” What was going on?
I spotted Angela all huddled up on the stairs. I linked her, “This isn't your fault.” Angela replied, “You need to follow EJ. He’s going to be upset with Alexander.” I assured her, “I’ll follow them. We’ll get it straightened out. I promise.”
EJ was only two strides ahead of me, but his anger was palpable. I didn’t need our bond to know he was frustrated. We ran several miles away. I could hear sobbing and the sound of something hitting something else. What was Alexander hitting?
When we came into view, I couldn’t stop my gasp. Alexander’s hands were a bloody mess. He’d been punching a tree and torn his skin to shreds. No wonder Angela was so upset. EJ’s fury burned into my veins. I gripped a tree to keep upright. Rhea was shocked.