Elise sobbed, “I believe her.” I held her, “I know you do. She’ll calm down. You know Ladybug is just upset. You know she’s wanted to meet Alexander forever.” Elise choked out, “Her Xander. She’s just so adamant.” I felt Alexander’s pride and hope in our bond.
I looked over urging, “Go get her, brother.” Alexander snorted, “I can’t. It’s not an emergency.” Elise frowned but said nothing. Out of nowhere my mate started laughing. I nudged her, “What’s so funny?” Elise shrugged, “Melanie’s Plan Z is happening eventually I guess.”
I groaned, “Oh god. That doesn't sound good. What on god’s green earth is Plan Z?” Elise smiled, “You’ll find out. I’m sure Mel will make it happen.” Alexander sighed, “She’ll win. She’s going to be gone for four years.”
I reasoned, “She’ll come home for the holidays.” Alexander shrugged, “Maybe. I wouldn’t if I was her.” Elise cried, “No, shehas to! I always see her on Christmas Eve, it’s our tradition! Christmas is her favorite holiday!”
Alexander sighed, “I won’t stop her from living her dreams.” I argued, “But she’s your dream.” Alexander nodded, “She is, but I won’t hold her back.” Elise whispered, “You're her dream too. She told me.” Alexander’s excitement filled him.
He nodded, “She’ll be back for holidays. Now that we’ve established it was never her crossing the border, they have no reason to not let her come over. Unless it’s about me.” Elise took his hand, “It can’t be. Anyone would be proud to have you as their pup’s mate.”
Alexander frowned, “Unless they see an Alpha Enforcer who’s possessive over a girl, just like everyone else. They see a monster.” He popped away. Brutus snarled. I growled, “FUCK ME! He’s not a damn monster! No one fucking sees him that way.”
I called my Uncle Bjourn. He answered, “EJ.” I asked, “Is Alexander there?” Uncle Bjourn laughed, “I’ll check the gym. What happened?” I ground out, “He thinks he’s a fucking monster. I’m kicking his ass later. No one thinks my brother is a monster, and if they do, I’ll show them one. Me.” I hung up and threw my phone smashing it to pieces before I snapped it back to normal.
Elise gently told me, “They don’t think that.” I acknowledged, “I don’t think they do. I will not be kind about this though if they have kept them apart all this time. I like Melanie and truly believe she is my brother's mate. I will not stand for someone keeping them apart intentionally. It certainly feels purposeful at this point.” I sneered, “It’s not a fucking emergency. I swear to God if that gets said ONE MORE DAMN TIME!” Elise was about to say something when Theo popped to us.
I looked up and took a deep breath before asking, “Theo, are you ok?” Theo didn’t answer me. He had questions of hisown. “What’s wrong with Alexander?” I told him, “That’s for our brother to say.” Theo frowned, “Wesley punched Tristan McAlister.” I sighed, “Well, fuck us all.”
I grabbed Elise and popped back to the house. Everly looked confused. Wesley growled, “I know it’s one of your faults!” My dad said, “Son.” Buttercup was trying to calm Wesley down. Wesley screamed, “I’ve had ENOUGH! STOP HURTING MY BIG BROTHER! LEAVE HIM ALONE!” I quickly ordered, “Wes, go to my office.” He popped away with Buttercup without another word.
Drake, Peter, Dalton, Dakota, Cooper, and Dane looked confused. Jason pointed at me, “That’s two of you tonight. What exactly did we do to Alexander?” Tristan wiped his nose, “I didn’t do a damn thing to him. I was with my mate. What the HELL happened?!”
I shrugged, “Among other things, your sister left for New York tonight.” Tristan’s eyes snapped to me, “What? No, she didn’t. Her flight’s tomorrow morning. She wasn’t even sure she wanted to go.” Drake explained, “In her anger they pushed up their flights. She’s already gone, they already boarded when we found out.”
Tristan’s eyes filled with tears, “But she didn’t meet Everly. She can’t be gone. She didn’t even say goodbye! Ladybug would never leave without saying goodbye.” Elise spat out, “She said she was going somewhere people would believe her.”
Tristan looked like she’d slapped him. He whispered, “Mel knows I believe her.” Elise wiped her eyes, “She knows I believe her too. It’s still what her text said.” Tristan frowned, “Let Wesley come back out here. I’d rather he beat the shit out of me than have my little sister think I don't believe in her.”
I disagreed, “I’m not letting Wesley back out here.” Tristan took out his phone and tried to call someone. I assumed he wastrying to call Melanie. He announced, “It’s going to voicemail.” Sam touched his shoulder, “They are still in the air flying.”
Jason said softly, “I already tried to call.” Tristan frowned and pulled a package out of his pocket. He wiped tears away, “This is for you Elise.” Elise took it then started crying and hugged him. It would’ve annoyed me if I didn’t know they were like siblings. Everly put a hand on Tristan’s back to comfort him.
Elise sobbed, “What if she doesn’t want to come home? When will we see Ladybug again?” Tristan let a few tears fall unchecked, “She’ll come home, or I’ll drag her back.” Elise cried, “You’re taking over soon so you won’t have time.” Jason snorted, “I’ve got time.” Alexander popped back in.
Jason teased, “Do I need to duck?” Alexander answered, “No, I’m sorry man.” Jason patted him on the back, “It’s fine. We good?” Alexander nodded. Uncle Bjourn must have gotten him to believe no one thought he was a monster.
My mom popped in and looked around angrily. She said, “Ok, I have no fucking clue what’s going on, but Angela is just not going to calm down until Eric, EJ, and Alexander go see her.” I popped to Angela immediately. She was crying. Alexander and my dad popped in next. Alexander must have brought him.
My dad scooped Angela up, “What’s wrong, Princess?” Angela cried, “I’m sorry Alexander. It’s just so blurry and I can’t get it right!” Alexander consoled her, “Hey, it’s not your fault.” She cried, “You and EJ fought.”
Alexander laughed, “We needed to fight, little one. We are fine now.” My dad studied us both. I nodded to him. I told Angela, “Alexander and I are fine.” Angela sighed, “Alexander needs to talk to Wes. He’s so upset, and TJ is too.”
Alexander winced, “I’ll go talk to him. Where is he?” I said, “My office. He hit T.” Alexander raised an eyebrow, “Why?” I snorted, “Guess.” Alexander sighed, “I’m sorry.” I shrugged, “It’snot really your fault. We are all protective of each other. As we should be.” Alexander left.
Angela’s tears dried up. She whispered, “I don’t know if it’s all going to be ok.” I told her, “It will be.” She shivered, “I don’t think so. I see this building. It looks like it will be for years with Alexander now. I just can’t see it! I don’t know why he’s so angry! Why can’t I see it?”
My dad hugged her, “It’s ok. Uncle Aiden said you could just be too focused on it.” Angela shook her head, “I know that’s not it.” I offered, “What if it’s because you’ve never met Alexander’s mate?” She whispered, “I didn’t meet Ray’s mate before, but I can see her clearly.”
I reasoned, “But you love Alexander and want to help him. Maybe it’s a focus thing and your love for him.” She shrugged, “Maybe.” I hugged her and walked out to find Elise.
I found her in the hallway with a new bracelet on. I smiled gently asking, “Ladybug?” She held it out explaining, “It’s a beaded charm bracelet with anL. She put in a charm of a mountain too. She’s gone, EJ.” I hugged her, “She’ll come back.”
Elise cried, “She’ll win. She’s so stubborn that she’ll stay away now that she gets a taste outside of the walls around her.” I pulled back, “Hey, she loves you. Besides, she gets homesick.” Pretty badly from what I knew.
Elise nodded, “I know but she’s going to realize how great she is. She wins competitions but getting into that school, she’ll shine. I want that for her, but I want her here. She can shine here with us where she belongs. What if she’s homesick but doesn’t say because she’s upset with us?”
I cupped her cheek with my hand saying, “First off, she’s not upset with you. Second, you know she’ll come back for you and her Xander.” It was weird calling my brother that. I knew it would help Elise calm down though. She pulled back, “Speakingof, I actually need to find him.” I snorted, “You prefer my brother now? I’m hurt.”