I was taken into the memory where I was sitting in my room crying. EJ popped in, “Elise? What’s wrong?” I cried, “Mommy is so mad at me.” I looked up at him and my face was covered in my mom’s very expensive make up.

Rhea snickered, “Oh my god, you looked like a clown.” I really did. He snapped his fingers, and it was off all my face. He stepped into the hallway and I followed him. He found my mom and conjured her new makeup.

She smiled at him, “That’s not really the point, but I appreciate you getting me new makeup. Elise is in trouble. I am sorry, but you’ll have to go home.” He pursed his lips but nodded. He turned around and I sobbed as he led me back to my room.

He laid down on my bed with me and waited until I stopped crying. He conjured me a makeup kit. I gasped, “For me?” He chuckled, “Well, it’s certainly not for me.” He looked at the door. I sighed, “You have to go.” Tears fell down my face again. He put a finger to his mouth and faded back.

My dad came in and spotted the makeup kit. He asked, “EJ?” I nodded. He said, “You knew better than to get into your mom’s makeup.” I whispered, “I just wanted to look pretty like mommy.” He hugged me, “You are the most beautiful little girl in the world. You’ll come out and apologize to your mom later, and your allowance will go towards replacing what you used for the next few weeks. Ok?” I nodded, “Ok.”

He left and EJ faded back in to hold me. The memory cleared and I wiped my tears again. I whispered, “He’s trying to make me cry today.” Rhea hummed, “Yet your makeup looks perfect.” I gasped startled and looked into the vanity mirror and discovered she was right. Waterproof makeup was definitely a smart call.

The next thing I found was a pair of ice skates. I chuckled, “I had a brief time where I fancied myself an ice skater.” Rhea replied, “I know. I have your memories.” I took the note off the laces.

I was so nervous this day.

The memory surrounded me. EJ knocked on my front door. I opened it and giggled, “You’re supposed to pop in, silly.” He gulped, “Well, I asked your dad, and he said it was fine. So, I wanted to ask you the right way.” I asked, “Right way to what?”He gulped, “Can I take you on a date?” I squealed, “YES! BYE, MOM!”

My mom laughed and came out. She said, “Ray is going with you guys.” I groaned, “Mom!” She said, “You’re thirteen years old. He’s going.” Ray jogged over and winked at me. I sighed and EJ popped us to the ice skating rink. I grinned, “I’m such a good skater.”

He snapped me into a beautiful blue skating dress that shimmered with diamonds and his outfit matched mine. I grinned at him, and he took my hand. He conjured our skates on, and we went onto the ice. I gasped realizing he learned the same routine I had.

We danced it as a partner skate, and he threw in some lifts. I asked, “Aren’t you full of surprises?” He blushed, “I asked Aunt Lexi to teach me so I could surprise you. I wanted everything to be perfect for our date.” I kissed him on the cheek, “It’s perfect.” He looked like I gave him the whole world. The memory faded.

Rhea said, “We should totally recreate that date. I know why you dropped skating, but it would be nice to do it for fun.” I did love to skate, I just didn’t have the drive to compete like it required. That was the Daniels’ kids forte. They were so good. Rhea said, “You were really good too.” I wasn’t bad.

I could smell I was getting closer to EJ. I found the next note with an object I was unsure about. I picked it up and stared at it. It was a new seal. Rhea squealed, “IT’S OUR LUNA SEAL! He designed it for us.” I gasped and realized that was true. My eyes filled with tears again. I read the note.

I had to show him what I’d done for you.

I was thrown into a memory where EJ was again knocking on my front door. My dad answered and EJ popped them to my dad’s favorite restaurant. I asked, “You took my dad to the Mintin Colorado? Why?” Rhea said, “They can’t answer you.” I did actually know that.

I followed them into the restaurant that was shut down. Obviously EJ wanted privacy. Their food was cooked after they selected their cuts of meat. They made small talk until my dad cleared his throat. He said, “I think we both know why we are here. Let’s just put it out there and enjoy the meal.”

I asked, “Was this recently.” Rhea said, “Check out the wall.” There was a calendar that showed it was one week ago. EJ cleared his throat, “I’d like your blessing to propose to Elise.” I screamed, “YOU WHAT?!” Rhea snickered, “That’s not surprising.”

I watched EJ put two things on the table. One was a ring box. He said, “I’ve had the ring for almost a year now. I’ve been designing it since I was sixteen.” I sniffled, “You have?” My dad pointed at the seal. He asked, “And that is?” EJ answered, “Elise’s Luna seal. I had it designed before mine because I want you to know she’s my priority.” I wiped at my tears while Rhea purred.

My dad said, “Son, I’ve known my daughter is your priority before she was born. You saved her life, and Chelsea’s when you were a pup. You probably don’t even remember it, but I do. You have my blessing to marry my daughter. You would even if you were here asking to be her chosen mate.” EJ’s jaw dropped.

My dad continued, “You have done nothing but love and protect my daughter her whole life. You make her light up and smile brighter. All I’ve ever wanted for my pups is that crazy kind of love I share with Chelsea. You give her that.”

He added, “I also know you’ve offered to let her be the Alpha while you’re the Alpha Male in Red Run multiple times. As an Alpha, I know how hard that offer is to make. You were willing to sacrifice it all for my daughter’s happiness. You have my blessingto ask her. I love you as my own you know.” I wished I could conjure a damn Kleenex. The memory cleared and I took off.

I found him and he made me wish I had a tissue even more. His speech was beautiful and everything I’d imagined. He knelt down and I saw the ring. Rhea purred, “It’s perfect.” It was. I never imagined my ring, but this was complete and utter perfection. He slid it onto my finger, and I was happier than I ever had been. I was going to be Elise Conners, and it was a great feeling.

Out of Space

EJ is Nineteen Years Old

EJ woke up to the sound of an obnoxious phone ringtone. I groaned while Elise giggled. She answered, “Hi, Ladybug.” I grumbled, “It’s too early.” I heard Melanie laugh, “It’s noon.” I bolted up and looked at the screen of Elise’s phone. Melanie had Facetimed her.

I asked, “What the hell?!” Elise laughed, “I asked Alexander to handle everything today so you could sleep in. It’s a big day.” I crawled over and kissed her. I pulled back, “Yes, it is, Elise Conners.” Melanie cooed, “Awww you guys are cute! On a separate note, I have AN EMERGENCY!”

Elise stiffened, “What? What’s wrong?” Melanie threw herself on her bed, “I don’t know what to wear to your Luna ceremony! I have narrowed it down to ten outfits.” I laughed, “That’s considered narrowing it down?” Melanie sat up, “Yes, it started at thirty options. Ten is narrowed down.”

I held up my hands, “Well, I’m out. Have fun, Elise.” Elise giggled. I kissed her again, “By the end of today, you’ll officially be my Luna.” I’d taken over the pack with Alexander and Cassie six months ago. We didn’t have the struggles with our dad that a lot of the other Alpha’s did. He’d totally backed off and was now just an advisor. I smiled thinking about our ceremony
