Rhea chuckled, “Yeah, Oden’s never been more ready to go for the kill.” I groaned, “If only he would admit why.” I wanted to scream, “IT’S BECAUSE OF MELANIE MCALISTER!” but I didn’t. Which felt like great restraint on my part.

I felt bad for my dad when she appealed to him. He hated being betrayed, and he was her Alpha. We felt a responsibility towards pack members. I knew without asking that he hated that someone my age was going to die. He’d tried so hard with her though through the years. She was responsible for this.

Rhea snarled, “She gave up her friends without a hand being raised to her.” I told her, “Yeah, she’s pathetic.” I was relievedthat her friends were going to get another chance. Maybe they would be better without their crazy ringleader.

Charline actually looked disappointed they weren’t immediately sentenced to death. She was horrible. When Charline started taking jabs at Melanie, I stepped closer to EJ knowing we’d be leaving. I wanted to taunt her about Melanie being a literal a genius, but I didn’t. I had such self-control today. I quickly left knowing I didn’t want to know what Alexander was going to do.

The second we got up to the top and shut the door, Haley and EJ’s eyes blazed. My dad linked me, “That’s not their anger, is it?” I answered, “No, it’s definitely Alexander’s.” Haley was confused. Bless that woman. She was so observant and not at the same time. Her respect for others was off the charts though. You had to admire that. She believed Alexander would tell her his story in his time.

I couldn’t wait to tell Melanie that Charline’s had a new nickname. It was gold and she’d love it. Rhea linked, “Plus, said she wolf is dying tonight. There’s no way Charlooney will be breathing by the time Alexander gets up here.” I agreed, “Especially if he pushes at her. If he heard a quarter of what she’s said to Melanie, she is done for.” Rhea hummed in agreement.

My dad and Drake started to leave. I linked my dad, “Can’t I spend the night?” He reasoned, “You’ll be moving here soon.” My throat closed a little realizing I had a finite amount of time left at my home. I was ready, but moving was still a big life moment. I’d lived with my family my whole life. I couldn’t think about that, or I might cry. Growing up was hard sometimes.

I linked Tristan, “You guys head inside. We will be in once Alexander calms down.” Tristan snorted, “See you in the next life then.” I bit back my laugh, “Who knew you had jokes?” Tristan winked at me and walked inside with his brother.

I physically took a step back and Rhea hunkered down in my head when Alexander popped up to us. I could honestly say this was the angriest I’d ever seen him. Bjourn took him away after discussing Sunday dinner. I knew that dinner was going to be interesting.

Rhea purred, “Because mate told us everything.” She was right, I knew EJ wanted to discuss Alania with his family this Sunday. I knew their suspicions. I’d gently pointed out the family didn’t want his mom to know. He agreed and decided to find out why before he told his mom their theory. He got stuck on how to suitably distract her until Cassie came up with a plan. It was safe to say Haley would be busy while EJ got his answers.

By the time everything settled it was almost time for me to go home. Tristan teased me. I linked him, “Watch it, T. I’ll tease you when you find your mate.” He winked before EJ popped me home. We were making out on my porch until Ray cleared his throat.

Amusement danced in my eyes when he said he wouldn't take a night off if I turned into slugger. I asked, “Rhea, did you tell Ray what happened?” She replied, “Are you kidding me? No. I didn’t tell him or Karl.” Karl was his wolf.

I grumbled, “Yeah well, those girls will stay away from what was mine if they know what’s good for them.” She reasoned, “If he knows already said she wolves took our message to heart.” Time would tell. EJ wanted answers so I threw him off in the best way. I called him my boyfriend.

Ray managed not to laugh out loud. EJ didn’t like it when I called him my boyfriend. Rhea snorted, “Because he’s so much more.” I agreed, “I know.” Rhea purred, “Last time you said it the sex we had after you called him boyfriend was life changing. New plan! Let’s change his name to boyfriend in our phone. Someone will tell him and GOD.” She flashed images in my mind.

I quickly shut them down. She pouted, “No fun!” I replied, “He’s leaving, and our parents are inside. They don’t need to hear EJ taking me on the deck with everyone out here.” She grumbled, “He has Hackura blood. It’s workable.” I wanted to laugh really badly. I managed to get inside before Rhea had me ripping his clothes off on the front lawn.

The next day I went to see Melanie because Sam said I could go up to her room. I found her quietly reading herThoroughbredbook series. I laughed, “How many times have you read through those?” Melanie smiled and shut her book. “A few times. Ashleigh Griffen is my favorite character….Well, no…but also yes. Honestly, I’d say Melanie but that seems vain.”

I laughed, “It’s a character, it's not vain.” She just smiled. I asked, “How long are you grounded?” Melanie shrugged, “They said if I admitted I did it that I’d be free, but I’m not admitting to something I didn’t do.” I wouldn’t either. I nodded, “Fair enough.”

She asked, “Is my Xander ok?” I assured her, “He’s fine. Charline has a new name. It’s Charlooney and she’s also never coming back.” She snickered, “That’s the best nickname ever… well… ever is a long time… but, it’s up there… it’s got to be in the top five and…”

I cut her off, “I hear you talked to him.” She blushed, “Yeah, I texted him. He believed me…. right off the bat no questions. He even made me a promise… which was like… WOW… because he has Fairy blood… he promised we’d meet someday and that he’d be ok. So, I guess… I did know he was ok… technically speaking… because promises…. and whatnot.”

I nudged her with my elbow, “Well, he can’t break a promise.” Melanie sighed, “He wouldn’t be specific though… and I was texting him because… well, I don’t think I’d have told him why I called and we’d still be on the phone… I know he’d make me nervous…. and Jase says I ramble around my points sometimes,which is true… especially when I’m nervous. It’s just that Fairies live for a very long time and saying we will meet some day is not specific enough…at all.”

I laughed, “But now you know you’ll meet him.” Melanie nodded, “I know. Because… well… he did promise… plus ya know… he’s mine.” I nodded, “I hope so.” Melanie muttered, “He is. I know it.” We hung out for an hour before Sam told me I had to go.

I changed quickly before EJ arrived to take me to Sunday dinner in the Hackura realm. Ray came with us of course. Now he was just never going to let me go anywhere alone. Even though I handled myself just fine. EJ’s family was here, minus Cassie. I didn’t expect her though.

While EJ was talking to Max I shot a look at Angela. She just sent me her megawatt smile at me. I’d noticed Micah was never around if Max was. Angela was setting them up to meet. I stiffened. Were they mates? I raised an eyebrow at Angela who just kept grinning. Rhea said, “You cracked it. I’m so proud of us.” Maybe I had. Time would tell us the answer quickly.

EJ deployed Cassie’s plan to get their mom out of the house. It was about a party being planned without her. The Hackura weren’t exactly known for throwing parties. Not the way Haley Conners did anyway. She couldn’t resist popping away to fix it.

Everyone else knew it was a calculated move based on the looks on their face. We sat down and they asked their questions. EJ and Alexander had explained it to their siblings, so they weren’t shocked by the conversation. They were just as interested, especially Angela.

The poor thing. She knew there was something about Alania that involved her, but she didn’t know what it was. I knew though. Alania was a spiteful, jealous bitch about the fact that Angela was more powerful than her. Rhea growled, “Jealous of her own grandpup. I wish I could kick that Fairy’s ass.” Fromwhat I knew it could’ve only helped the situation. Someone should’ve.

Rhea snickered, “They did.” I argued, “Torture and giving a swift ass kicking are different.” Though I wouldn’t be surprised if a Hackura did kick Alania’s ass when Haley was taken by Damon. It would’ve been odd if they didn’t. Still, a wolf needed to put the hurt on her.” Rhea agreed, “Definitely.” Too bad she was officially dead.

Rhea told me, “Thor said he and Eric suspected from the moment Haley told him her mom died. He got confirmation when some letter showed up. Full disclosure don’t ask about the letter. At least don’t ask Thor. He’s snarling pissed off about it.” Good to know.

I wanted to clap when the killer was revealed. I squealed to Rhea, “I knew it was Titus!” The man himself seemed to be reliving the moment the last gift from Alania came when the triplets and I were three. Haley had almost lost Preston, William, and Julian. I loved all three of them and knew they had big destinies. I could feel it.

Preston shot me a wink. I rolled my eyes at him to avoid shedding a tear. I did know that the world was definitely better off having them in it. Alania infuriated me with her pettiness towards Haley. Especially when I noticed that Angela had a stubborn look on her face. I knew that look. She was already trying to outsmart Alania. She probably could. We just needed to be vigilant about what was going on here.