Another one encouraged her, “You go for Alexander, I'll go for EJ.” Several people growled. The girl rolled her eyes, “Calm down. He’s not mated yet. The goody two shoes Alpha pup wouldn’t get hurt from the mate bond.” Ok, that was IT.

Rhea snarled, “PUP?!” Yeah, that was all kinds of offensive. Along with saying this girl wanted to get Alexander as tipsy as he could get and try to sleep with him knowing his wishes. Rheas reasoned, “As Haley pointed out earlier that’s rape.” Agreed.

I stepped out and several people’s eyes widened. I asked the girl who wanted EJ, “And you are?” She crossed her arms,“Morgan. Who’s asking?” I snorted, “The goody two shoes Alpha pup. I prefer Elise though. My wolf prefers not to be called a pup. I’ll tell you once, EJ is MINE. Now, both you and that Claire girl, need to get out of here.”

Claire sneered, “Or what? Alexander wants me here.” I laughed, “I’d know about you if he did. I’d imagine he was embarrassed seeing as how I have literally heard nothing about this supposed kiss you shared. His wolf didn’t tell mine either. Side note, he can’t get drunk and it’s god awful to suggest that’s how you get someone into your bed. It’s called rape, let’s not be a rapist. Now you and Morgan need to leave. Or I will make you.”

Morgan snorted, “You aren’t the Luna here yet.” I shrugged, “And?” Claire snarked, “You can’t make us leave.” I laughed, “Actually I can and you’d probably prefer it. Since the current Lead Luna around here doesn’t mess around about her pups safety. She feels specific ways about rapist too.” Claire screamed, “Stop saying that! I’m not a rapist, it’s just to loosen up.” I snorted, “And if a male wolf said that about you? What would you call it?” She went to speak several times and stopped.

Rhea grumbled, “I didn’t get to shift last time. I’m just saying.” I thought about it. I told her, “Well, they did call us a pup. You should prove to them we aren’t. Our mate would say that’s fair.” I felt her happiness and again felt bad for her. She always expected me to say no because of a past human who never listened to her. That wasn’t our dynamic at all though. I knew it would take time, but she’d stop being surprised that I listened to her one day.

I shifted into Rhea and growled at them. They backed up. Claire smirked, “I’m a Warrior's daughter.” Rhea snorted at them. Claire shifted and was visibly smaller than I us. Rhea linked me, “Are they high? They can clearly see we are an Alpha’s daughter.” I replied, “They knew that before. They called us, an Alpha, a PUP.” She growled when I reminded her.

We circled each other and I lunged. I took her down easily. Her wolf submitted to Rhea. I shifted back and Angela snapped clothes on us both. I turned, hearing her clomping up behind me. I whirled and dodged her punch and decked her square in the face.

Loudly I declared, “You may be a Warrior's daughter, but you’re not a Warrior. Besides, I’m an ALPHA’S Daughter.” Morgan tried to sneak up behind me next. Her words about bedding EJ rang in my ears. I flipped her over my back and rammed my knee into her chest. I knew she was having trouble breathing, but I didn’t care.

Rhea squealed, “You go human of mine!” I snarled at Morgan, “Now that we’ve established I can wipe the floor with you, I suggest you listen. Honestly, I know a thirteen year old who gives more of a challenge than you two put together.”

I knew that was not really a fair comparison but practicing with Melanie was an edge I used. She made me work harder because she was so good. I reiterated, “Stay the hell away from what’s mine. EJ IS MINE! Are we clear, Morgan?” Morgan whimpered but nodded.

I turned to Claire, “Do yourself a favor and stay away from Alexander. We have a rule about one crazy girl per night per Conners male and female, particularly a ‘c’ named she wolf. There’s already one here sentenced to death for trying to rape him. Do you wanna make that two?” She screamed. I let Morgan up and they both fled.

Angela snapped me clean. She nodded, “The party paths are much calmer now. Thanks, Elise.” I laughed, “Anytime.” Liam and his son, Thaddius, walked up. Thaddius grinned, “Hey Slugger, nice one.” I flipped my hair, “Thanks, Thad.” He generally went by his nickname with friends.

Liam sighed, “Angela, you could’ve told me about this.” Angela frowned, “That wasn’t as fun a path as this one.”Everyone around us started laughing while Liam tried not to. Thaddius, on the other hand, lost it. Liam rolled his eyes, “Fairies.” Angela smirked finishing, “Are so much fun. You’d be bored without us.”

Thaddius threw out, “Dad, I have Fairy blood.” Liam smirked, “I am aware. I have fun with the Fairies, son. Especially your mother.” Thaddius sighed, “Yeah, unfortunately we all know that. As much as I try to not know that fact, I know.”

Liam rolled his eyes and addressed me, “Little Luna, you’d better go find the young Alpha before he realizes you're missing. I’ll make sure those girls get back to their territory.” I asked, “Whose territory would that be?” Liam sighed, “Alpha Theo’s.” Great. He’d probably say it was Blue Moon’s fault somehow. Their bad blood had waned since Haley worked on it, but they were still at odds.

I knew the story. Alpha Lucas had defended his pack member and had every right to. The Alpha he’d killed was Alpha Theo’s brother though. I’d heard Alpha Aaron, Alpha Theo’s brother, was actually close with Alpha Lucas. I couldn’t imagine the position Alpha Lucas was put in to end his friend’s life to save a member of his pack. That had to hurt. I sighed and went off in search of EJ.

I found him easily in the center of everything. Rhea purred, “He is just mmmm girl. We need to climb all over that.” I pointed out, “We did earlier.” Rhea snickered, “We need to all the time. Twenty-four seven. Let’s just lock ourselves away in a room.” That idea had merit.

I had to evade my exact whereabouts during the party. I was quite good at doing that at this point. I’d been taking lessons from his family my whole life. Tristan linked, “Yeah, I head you got a in a few fights from our Warriors.”

I replied, “Well, at least they know how to accurately portray things. It was two. Which is a couple and not a few to betechnical though. I’ll give them a pass SINCE THEY SUCK AT REPORTING!” Tristan made a face. Rhea snickered, “Good one. Apollo laughed.” Apollo was Tristan’s wolf.

EJ pulled me against him, and I melted into his strong embrace. Did he HAVE to be so distracting and sexy? Rhea answered, “Yes. Yes, he does.” Our group headed off to deal with Charline. I looked at my dad when the door opened because I could scent someone down there with Charline.

Rhea groaned, “Sadly, we know her shrill scream. She does it so often.” I knew that scream and the smell down there with her was clearly Haley Conners. EJ popped away and so did Alexander. Eric sighed, “I’m going out on a limb and saying my Angel beat us here.” Beta Jim Kruthers snorted, “A limb? It’s not a limb, Eric. We can all smell her, and you feel her. Limb my ass.”

Bjourn laughed, “She’s down there, but so is Blade. He’s faded back. I just know this report from him is going to be funny.” Eric shrugged. I could tell he was proud of his mate, as he should be.

When we got down there, I had to laugh. I wanted to be Haley Conners when I grew up. The amusement I felt that Charline thought she had snakes all over her couldn’t be contained. I linked my mom, “You helped Haley Conners torture Charline?”

My mom snorted, “That’s certainly a way to put it. I gave her information. To be honest, I’d have helped her torture her if she’d asked. I didn’t know that’s where she was going with said information she asked for, but I should’ve guessed.”

Haley had certainly done a number on Charline. Rhea was cackling in my head looking at her. Charline was bleeding from shallow cuts all over her body. If I wasn’t mistaken, Charline had been waxed too. With wax that was entirely too hot.

Aiden popped in and shot me a wink before he set Charline’s hair on fire. The smell of burned hair and skin was not one I carefor, but I was going to be EJ’s Luna. I could handle this stuff. Rhea agreed, “The smell is quite awful, but we can do this.” She always gave me the confidence I needed.

I quickly realized Alexander wanted to kill her himself. Rhea agreed, “He does. Oden said so. He’s quite upset and snarly.” Alexander announced it not long after. My dad linked me, “Does he often request to do this to people who hurt him?” I acknowledged, “He usually lets Haley do it if she’s this mad.” He hummed in reply. I knew he was amused like me. This was about Melanie more than Alexander to the man himself.

Haley was muttering under her breath about amazing new nicknames. I linked my mom laughing. She replied, “You and your dad are laughing. Sam said Drake is too. What’s so funny?” I answered, “Haley has a new name for Charline.” My mom asked, “What is it?” I laughed, “Charlooney.” My mom started laughing too. Haley Conners was a national treasure and no one could convince me otherwise.

Charline’s plan was completely deluded. Rhea scoffed, “As if she could outsmart our dad. Thunder is too smart to fall for her bullshit.” I knew that. My dad and his wolf were smart. I replied, “She’s insane. She truly believes Alexander won’t let her die.”