Melanie ranted, “I could get away with crossing the darn border if I wanted to, but I NEVER have! Why do the Conners have that absurd emergency rule? I have no chance….You know what? I’m really going to have to go to New York and create an emergency to meet my Xander!” I winced, “Let’s call that Plan D.”

Melanie snorted, “It’s more like plan Z since A-Y hasn’t worked. I'll go to New York if I have to. I could win that dancecompetition in my sleep. I just….” She started full on sobbing. I couldn’t stop my own tears. This was so dang frustrating. Why did this keep happening?

I asked, “Are you ok?” Melanie was hiccupping. She said, “No... I just… why are they keeping me from him? It’s not fair. It’s his eighteenth birthday. That’s a big one. Especially for wolves who are Alpha’s. I just want to be there for him. Why can’t I?”

I whispered, “I don’t know Mel, but we’ll figure it out.” She cried, “I figured it out. I have to go thousands of miles away from everyone that I love to meet my Xander. I’m scared to go. That’s so far away from everyone, but… but what if it’s the only way to meet him? I don’t think I want to go.”

I reasoned, “You can’t miss my Mating or Luna ceremony, and Alexander will be there at both. EJ and I will work out when that will be. You have to come.” Melanie whispered, “I won’t leave the house the whole day. I’d never do anything to miss your big day.” I laughed, “See? Plan C forms.” Melanie snorted, “It’s plan Y and you know it. I want to meet him so badly.”

I closed my eyes, “I know that you do. I don’t know why this keeps happening.” She sighed, “I’ve never crossed our border without permission. Never. Maybe I should if people just keep accusing me of it.” I sighed, “Don’t do that.” She sniffled, “Why not? Everyone thinks I do it anyway! So, I might as well actually do it.”

I warned, “That will just get you in more trouble than you are now.” Melanie cried, “What does it matter if I do? I still don’t get to meet my Xander. If I crossed, I might get to…because I’d make it to Black Mountain.” I bit my lip, “You will meet him one day soon.” She sighed, “Maybe.” I encouraged, “Hey, don’t lose hope. We’ve got two plans already, and I’m sure we will come up with more.”

Melanie sighed, “We’ve run out of the Alphabet letters to make plans.” I laughed, “We’ll switch to operation names like the Hackura do. Ok?” Melanie said, “Ok.” I told her, “I’m going to call my dad.” Melanie whispered, “Ok. I love you, Elise.” I smiled at the phone, “Love you too, Ladybug.”

I immediately called my dad and got his voicemail. I left him a message, “Dad, come on you know this is bullshit! Call me back.” I hung up and winced because I didn’t want to go tell EJ and Alexander. I willed my dad to call me back so I could stall a little longer. Sadly, it didn’t work.

I didn’t want Alexander to find out when their group showed up and she wasn’t with them though. I just didn't want to be the person to completely ruin his whole day. The poor guy had changed his shirt fifteen times. I sighed and walked back into the room.

My phone rang the second I entered. Really dad? Worst timing ever. EJ wrapped me in his arms, and I answered the call. My dad immediately said, “I know but there’s nothing I could do.” Rhea grumbled, “I should just shift and run to go get her.” Then we could get in trouble. Rhea asked, “And? I’m in. Trouble is fun.” I nearly laughed, “Not EJ trouble kind of fun.” She grumbled, “Fine. I’m just saying.”

I defended Melanie to my dad. My dad sighed, “I know all that but Warriors wouldn’t lie to us. They didn’t even want to report it but had to. Why would they do that if they weren’t sure?” I screamed in annoyance and argued more.

My dad sighed, “You know there is nothing I can do. She’s Drake’s daughter. They think she’s rebelling because they keep her on a tight leash. It’s not as if it’s the most off the wall out there thought either. Plenty of pups do that.”

Except Melanie wasn’t like other people. Rhea sang, “Shift and Run. It’s sounding more and more like the best plan.” I knew arguing with my dad wasn’t going to get me anywhere. Ineeded to figure this out. It was overdue that someone did. I hung up on my dad knowing I’d probably pay for that later. I was just so annoyed.

After I explained what happened Alexander was upset. I wanted to reach out to him, and only held back because his wolf was close to the surface. Unlike EJ, my presence wouldn’t really comfort his wolf. Rhea huffed, “Both wolf and human are upset. Off to the Hackura realm to fight they go. Oden is just growling.” I hated that.

Rhea grumbled, “I hate that Alexander looks as if he couldn't have been less interested in the party that he’s just changed his shirt sixteen times for. Why can’t he just admit his feelings to us? It bothers mate and me.” I replied, “I’m not sure what his hang up about it is honestly.” She grumbled in reply.

I wished I could link Angela to ask if she was ok seeing the path veer off what she thought today would be. I’d talked to her, and she said there were several blurry paths in her Sight. She believed that meant Alexander’s mate was coming because he was happy on those paths. She tried so hard to figure everything out to make people happy. This would hit her hard.

Rhea warned, “This situation is heading into a huge blow up because Alexander won’t confide in mate.” I agreed, “I know.” I just didn’t like it. I knew if we could just get them to meet this would all be over. I didn’t like them both being upset like this.

EJ comforted me when he popped out. Rhea purred, “Mate is perfect. He always knows what we need.” Yes, he certainly did. I still wanted to know why it never worked out the way we planned with those two. It was as if some cosmic force was blocking us at every turn.

That was ridiculous though. The Moon Goddess should want them to meet. Alexander even had a god and two goddesses and a god with his DNA on his side. We should have the starsaligning for them just like they did with EJ and me. Why was this so goddamn hard?

Rhea said, “It’s not your fault.” I didn’t really believe that. Ultimately this time, I blamed myself. I should’ve just stayed with her today. They wouldn’t dare say the both of us were lying. I’d have no reason to lie.

I asked Rhea, “Do you think Alexander has a hard time admitting his feelings to EJ because of Mel’s age?” She answered, “No. He has Fairy and Hackura blood. Wolves have the most trouble with that being raised in the human realm and their laws shade that way of thinking because their children are not like supernaturals. Alexander has seen other realms.”

I guess he’d tell us when he was ready. I told Rhea, “Let’s just agree that if Charline shows up, we deck her a good one.” Rhea cackled, “I’m so beyond in for that plan. She needs it. Honestly, she reminds me of my past human.” That made me feel really bad for my wolf. Rhea snorted, “You definitely should.”

I asked Rhea, “What does Thor think?” Eric and EJ were talking so my wolf could ask him. She replied, “He believes Melanie and thinks it’s another pup that looks like her in a different pack.” That was at least a solid working theory that made more sense than they just wanted to annoy me and ruin my plans.

Hope started to fill me again. Maybe we could find a look alike and validate Eric and Thor’s theory. I’d never met anyone who looked like her, but it wasn’t impossible. Maybe from the back someone could pass as Melanie. Black hair wasn’t uncommon. Maybe they were just seeing her from behind and assuming. That could work.

I could tell even EJ was hopeful about this plan. Eric still seemed frustrated. Rhea told me, “Thor prides himself on knowing things. Plus, it frustrates and upsets his pups.” That all made sense. Eric even had a plan ready to go if we could. Thedisappointment I felt from earlier was still there, but I felt better with a plan.

Rhea chuckled, “Thor said Angela wouldn’t let them move the party around for Cassie.” I wanted to laugh out loud because they didn’t seem to see it, but Angela already ran the board. She would make paths happen with her sight. It was absolutely adorable.

Rhea grumbled, “I hate that her and Snow get upset about the blurry paths.” Like Alexander’s mate. She didn’t understand why. I wanted to say it was cosmic intervention. My thoughts were swirling. Was it actually a bigger conspiracy? Who would care? And why? What does Melanie not meeting the bigger group of our allies even achieve? No one could possibly care about that. Right?

Rhea agreed, “That’s true. It’s not just Alexander. Only mate has met her.” She made a valid point because that was weird at this point. She was thirteen. I’d known all these people for as long as I could remember. So had Tristan and Jason.

EJ brought me out of my thoughts and I realized I was being silly. I shoved those thoughts aside and focused on my mate. I got lost him as I always did when he was inside me. It was really his fault because it wasn’t fair how mouthwateringly hot he was.