She appealed to Peter, “Alpha Peter please, I’ll be good.” My mom snorted, “Unfuckinglikely Charlooney.” Peter sighed,“We’ve been trying for four years to get you to see reason. This is out of my hands, and in their shoes, I’d do the same thing. You are clearly a danger to their family. You should’ve known better. Who else knew?” Charline quickly gave up her friends.

Peter asked my dad, “What do you want to do?” My dad shrugged, “Talk to them yourself. They didn’t attack my son. You’re an Alpha that I trust. I know whatever punishment you decide will be fair. If they come after my son again, they will die as well.” Peter nodded, “I’ll talk to them, and we can go from there.” My dad nodded.

I asked, “Did you dare Melanie McAlister to cross the border?” Charline smirked, “Yes, she wouldn’t do it though and it wasn’t today either. That bitch crossed the border today though. She thinks she’s so smart, but she’s not.” Alexander growled, “I’d like my minute now.” My dad nodded.

My mom kissed his cheek and popped us all outside. Alexander’s anger barreled into my parents and I so hard our eyes all blazed. Peter winced. Drake laughed, “What else could she say to piss him off so much?” My mom frowned, “I don’t know. What a fucking bitch!” I locked eyes with my dad then Elise. Peter also didn’t say anything. So, he knew too.

My Uncle Bjourn stood silently in the back. He kissed my mom’s cheek, “Go on and put TJ and Angela down for the night. I’ll take care of Alexander’s anger.” My mom sighed, “Fine, but Charlooney dies tofuckingnight.” My Uncle nodded, “She will, little one.” My mom popped away.

Drake hugged Tristan and Jason who’d joined us. Before Drake and Peter left, my future father in law looked back. He told me, “Have Elise popped home by one in the morning.” I nodded. Elise sighed, “Can’t I spend….?” Her dad chuckled cutting her off, “Soon enough, you’ll be moving here.” Elise nodded, “Ok, dad.” I put my arm around her as they left.

Jason and Tristan migrated inside. I refused to leave because I was waiting for Alexander. My eyes were still blazing from his anger. He popped up to our group. Uncle Bjourn announced, “We will be back tomorrow, Eric.”

My dad hugged Alexander then said, “It’s Sunday dinner. We’ll just join you both there.” I nodded at my brother, and he did the same in return. Alexander and I had questions for our Hackura family. We even had a plan to keep mom busy and away from the conversation.

I linked him, “Is she dead?” Alexander replied, “Yes.” I hugged him, “Go get your anger out. Everything is ok and her words are just that. Words.” Alexander gave me a look before nodding. It didn’t take a genius to know her words about Melanie upset him. He popped my Uncle Bjourn away.

I walked Elise upstairs and looked at the time, “Damn it. I didn’t realize it was so late.” Elise sighed, “I did but I knew that if Alexander used his power, he’d hear all the shit Charline said to Ladybug. I knew he’d need you even if was just a brotherly communication nod.”

I winced, “I hadn’t thought about that. No wonder he was so pissed.” Tristan came up, “You guys are cutting it close.” I told him, “I’ll be right back. Tell Jase that Alexander is in the Hackura realm so he’s with us tonight.” Tristan nodded.

I grabbed Elise and popped her home. I held her in my arms on her porch. I leaned down and kissed her. I could smell Ray coming up to us, but I didn’t care. Eventually when he cleared his throat, I pulled back from Elise.

Ray smirked, “Little Luna, when I get the night off then I hear you punch people, it makes me think I shouldn’t take the night off.” I laughed, “You still need to tell me about that.” Elise tapped my nose, “Ain’t nothing but a thing boyfriend.” I rolled my eyes.

Brutus grumbled, “I hate that word. We are so much more than her boyfriend.” I reminded him, ‘“It’s what humans say.”Brutus retorted, “We are so far from being human it’s crazy.” I laughed in my head. I kissed her again, “Goodnight, Elise.” She walked inside.

I commented to the man behind me, “In a few weeks you’ll both be back with us in Black Mountain.” Ray nodded. I said, “I’d still like for you to keep an eye on her once you get back.” Ray smiled, “Is that my assignment?” I nodded, “If you’d like it. It’s not as intense as here, but…” I trailed off.

Ray admitted, “I’ve watched her grow up. She’s like my own daughter now. So, I don’t think I could stop.” I clapped him on the back, “Good. I’ll see you back home soon. Mom has your cottage ready to go.” He nodded, “I appreciate that, but you mean I’ll see you tomorrow. It’s Sunday dinner.”

I laughed, “You’re coming then?” Ray said, “Yes, because I leave her alone for a night and she turns into Slugger.” I laughed, “True. I’m sure she had a good reason though.” He walked away muttering, “You. You are the reason. Alpha bloods, man.” I rolled my eyes. Brutus grumbled, “Let’s find out what happened.” I agreed, “We will.”

I popped into my house. I eyed Tristan, “I could easily find out by linking a Warrior, but I’d like you to tell me. The Warriors and I will be having words with me about not linking me when it happened. What fight did Elise get into?” Tristan laughed, “A girl from Alpha Theo’s pack was talking about you. Elise let her know you were hers. It would also appear there’s another girl obsessed with Alexander.” I groaned.

Brutus offered, “I could shift and rip her head off.” I closed my eyes. I asked, “Why?” He shrugged, “I guess he got drunk at your party last year and made out with her.” My jaw dropped. I immediately yelled, “What? He can’t get drunk! We can only get tipsy and he certainly wouldn’t have forgotten that. Yet he’s never said anything to me about making out with someone.”

Jason snorted, “Probably because he was lip raped. He was as tipsy as he could possibly get that night. The girl you’re talking about called his name then grabbed him by the collar. Before he could do anything, she’d kissed him. Make out is a strong term for their lips touching for a split second before he pulled her off him and walked away.”

He winced, “Then he beat the shit out of a heavy bag in the gym. I didn’t see the problem. The girl’s a Warrior's daughter and she’s hot. None of those words made him feel better. He just repeatedly hit the bag as if he didn’t hear me.” I frowned not liking that I hadn’t heard this before.

Brutus grumbled, “The space for Alexander is getting so VERY small.” It really was. Tristan asked, “Why didn’t you tell me that, Jase?” Jason answered, “Uhhh I personally never wanted to mention it again. I don’t know if you know this about our friend Alexander, but he’s intense. He was not on board with what happened and doesn't want to talk about it. My momma raised me to respect that.” Tristan laughed.

Jason added, “If I didn’t need to clarify that he did not in fact make out with anyone; I’d never have said anything.” I nodded, “You’re a good friend.” Jason smiled, “I know. I’m fabulous.” I laughed. He quietly added, “My mate’s not from around here though.”

I questioned, “Why do you say that?” Jason sighed, “I asked Emmaline if she knew. She said she’d never heard my mate’s name or met her.” I encouraged him, “You’ll find her man.” Jason sighed, “I know.” Tristan laughed, “You and me brother. We’ll find them.” Brutus chuckled because we both knew Tristan would find his soon enough. He turned eighteen in a few weeks. Everly would turn eighteen in six months. We spent the night playing video games.

The next day flew by and before I knew it, I was popping to the Kyle’s home and picking up Elise. She ran into my arms.Ray came up to us and put a hand on my shoulder. I popped us to Sunday dinner. Alexander nodded to me, looking and feeling much calmer. He was ready to enact our plan.

I looked around, sad that there was still no sign Cass. Angela said she was ok though. I did a double take when I saw my brother Max. I hugged him saying, “I thought you had something with Uncle Aiden today.” Max shrugged, “I did. Plus, I just got here. Angela wouldn’t stop bugging mom about me coming today.” Something was up.

He added, “Who am I to upset my little sister?” I laughed, “We would never do that.” He looked around and frowned. He asked me, “Cass still isn’t back?” I sighed, “Doesn’t look like it.” I searched out my bond with her. She was blissfully happy, so I was going to let it go despite missing her.

Angela squealed, “MAXY! You came.” I laughed because she was the only one who got away with calling Max that. Max bent down, “Of course I did. You wanted me here.” She clapped, “YAY!” I noticed everyone in the room that we needed to talk to and get answers from was here.

I said, “Hey, mom.” I popped over and kissed her. She smiled, “Hey, EJ.” I asked, “Don’t you think it’s been a while since there’s been a party here?” My mom tilted her head thinking, “Actually, yes.” I kissed her cheek again, “I thought you could plan something to celebrate Aunt Astrid and Uncle Bjourn’s reign so far. There’s a planning committee for it right now on the ceremony fields.”

My mom gasped, “They wouldn’t plan a fucking party without me! Bjourn!” My Uncle raised his hands, “I had nothing to do with this.” I laughed, “He didn’t know. You could help plan it all up and get back in time for dinner.”