Tristan walked up to us. He nudged me, “Who is she?” He pointed at Tabitha and Beta Bond's oldest daughter. I answered, “Everly Bond.” He smirked, “Introduce us.” I asked, “Why?” He snorted, “Because she’s pretty.” I laughed.

I walked over to her with him. I greeted, “Hey, Everly.” She smiled, “Hey, Alexander. Happy late birthday.” I winked, “I’m EJ.” She sighed, “Dang it! I took a shot but I always get you two mixed up.” I laughed, “It’s ok, most people do.”

She warned, “When Elise marks you, you’ll just have to walk around shirtless. That way I’ll know who is who.” I laughed, “I’ll keep that in mind. This is my good friend Tristan McAlister. He’s the future Beta of our allied pack, Red Run Beta.” Everly flushed, “Hi, I’m Everly. I guess EJ said that already.” Tristan smiled back at her, “Hi, I’m Tristan but my friends call me T.” They walked off together.

Alexander snorted behind me. I turned back, “How are you, little brother?” Alexander shrugged, “I don’t really know the answer to that.” At least he didn’t say he needed space. Brutus agreed, “That’s progress. I’m going to take it.” Him and I both. I told Alexander, “Peter had men on Charline.” He nodded, “I know. We saw them.”

The rest of the party passed by quickly. Lucas and Emmaline returned without Fegle and Julianna. I wasn’t about to ask where they went and set Lucas off. Though it could be a fun distraction if things went south with the party.

I saw Tristan and Everly laughing outside. I nudged Cousin Emmaline and pointed at them. She laughed, “What about them?” I raised an eyebrow, “You know what about them.” Emmaline whispered, “if you’re asking about mates....” I interrupted, “I won’t tell anyone except Elise if she asks.”

She contemplated then answered my unspoken question, “They are mates.” I smiled, “That will be fun. I know T doesn’t want to know but they will find out soon enough.” Emmaline smiled, “Everly comes around often enough.” I nodded.

That was because my mom really liked Tabitha Bond. She popped her back here to hang out every so often. So, Everly was here a lot because she hung out with her mom a lot. I saw Tristan take out his phone, watching as they exchanged numbers.

I laughed, “I guess we will see how everything gets resolved. How are you doing about Julianna?” Emmaline smiled, “I’m fine. He’s a good man that I know will take care good of my baby and treat her with the respect she deserves. I’ve known her whole life who her mate was.”

I laughed, “What about my little brother?” Emmaline evaded, “Which one?” I raised an eyebrow, “You know which one.” She smiled, “I can’t tell you per his request.” I countered, “But that tells me you know who it is.” I grinned at her as her cheeks pinkened.

Tristan and Jason ended up deciding to stay here for the night. Tristan because he was absolutely refusing to leave until Everly did. Once her family popped out, he sighed. This was going to be a hard secret to keep, but my mom raised me to respect other people’s decisions and their paths.

I walked outside with Tristan by my side. My dad, his, and Peter were already waiting. Elise joined us. I kissed her, “And where have you been?” Elise winked, “Around.” I laughed, “How evasive.” Elise smiled, “I’ve got to keep up with you and your Fairy siblings.”

Tristan snorted, “I heard you punched someone.” Elise coyly replied, “Maybe I did.” I asked, “What now?” Elise kissed my cheek, “It’s all good. I have to defend what’s mine.” I growled and pulled her into me, “That’s hot, babe.” Tristan groaned, “Gross.” I laughed, “You’re just jealous.” Tristan grumbled but didn’t say anything else.

We joined the group as Alexander walked up. Peter said, “Let’s get this over with.” I didn’t need to ask if Elise was coming because I knew she was. The second the door opened to the dungeon I heard screaming. I immediately popped to the sound, then laughed. “Hi, mom.”

My mom turned and I noted she was covered in blood that wasn’t hers. She wasn’t usually one for torturing people, but she had her exceptions. Charline screamed, “GET THEM OFF ME!” My mom rolled her eyes. Alexander popped next to me. I raised an eyebrow stating the obvious. “There’s nothing on you, Charline.”

Charline screamed, “YES THERE ARE! THERE ARE SNAKES ALL OVER ME!” I asked, “You didn’t go with spiders, mom?” My mom shrugged, “Chelsea said Charline hates snakes.” My dad laughed and kissed her, “I do so love you, Angel.” She blew him a kiss then decked Charline in the face.

She grabbed her by the chin warning, “NO ONE hurts my kids. Or takes advantage of them. I will walk through the fires of hell itself before one of my kids is raped. DO YOU HEAR ME?!” I winced. Alexander touched her shoulder, “I’m ok, mom. I was with Uncle Bjourn and Uncle Marcus. Even Spencer came. I can’t be compelled like that. I would just call one of my other sides forward.”

Uncle Aiden popped in. He smiled, “I assume this is the she wolf you were upset about, little sister.” My mom nearly snarled, “This is her. The C named bitch. Poor she wolves like Chelsea and Cassie are out here combatting all the bullshit the crazy Cnamed wolves make them deal with. They have normal fucking names though.”

My dad laughed, “Christy is a normal name.” My mom gasped, “Exfuckingcuse me?! Her name WAS Chrisassty and that’s not a normal name.” I laughed because that was so like my mom. Uncle Aiden set Charline’s hair on fire. She was screaming until he called the fire back to him. He’d let it burn her scalp.

My mom kissed his cheek, “Thank you, brother.” My Uncle smiled, “I would not let some crazy she wolf hurt my nephew.” Alexander asked him, “How did you know?” My Uncle laughed, “My sister told me you had someone here that was going to hurt you. She also mentioned she wanted me to set her on fire. We compromised at burning her hair off.”

Alexander smirked, “I felt the Fairy presence outside the Witch’s shop, uncle. You knew what Charliene was doing.” Uncle Aiden laughed, “Suspected. They were going to stay back and listen to what she had to say to his wolves.” He pointed at Peter.

He added, “If she said what I thought, we were going to take her. Alas, you found out yourself and my fun is spoiled.” Alexander winked at him. Uncle Aiden laughed and popped to him. He kissed his cheek, “I love you, nephew.” He popped out.

My dad sweetly said, “Angel, we’d like to talk to her.” My mom shrugged, “So talk.” My dad nuzzled her neck, “She can’t answer if she’s screaming about snakes.” My mom rolled her eyes and chanted. My dad kissed her before she went to sit down, then he turned to Alexander.

Dad asked, “Do you have questions?” Alexander nodded, “When everyone else is done I want some privacy with her.” My dad nodded, “Fair enough.” Brutus snorted, “Do we get to stay? That seems fair since we have to deal with all the space he wants.” I replied, “I doubt we do.” I left him to grumble in my head.

My dad linked me, “Ask your questions.” I was happy he was letting me take the lead. I asked, “What was your plan, Charline? Was it just to make Alexander have sex with you? Then what?” Charline looked terrified.

Brutus huffed, “She isn’t even looking at us.” He was right, she was looking directly at my mom. My mom said, “Bitch, you can’t fucking lie while I’m here so don’t even try crazy psychotic C named she wolf.” She clapped announcing, “Charlooney. That’s her new name, people.” I laughed.

Charline cried, “If I got pregnant, I was going to make him take me as his chosen mate if he wanted to see the pup.” I laughed, “You think he couldn’t have seen his pup? You thought you’d have lived past the pup being born when we found out what you’d done?”

Charline cried, “I don’t know how anyone found out. There were Fairies, Hackura, and Wolves there! Even Alpha Peter knew.” Peter snorted, “I didn’t know what you were doing, but you were going to be questioned. Did you actually think you could outsmart me?” Charline answered, “Yes.”

Peter rolled his eyes, “You had your whole life ahead of you and you just threw it away.” Charline looked at Alexander in a panic, “You can’t let them kill me!” Alexander laughed, “I’m not going to let them kill you.” She sighed in relief. His tone was deadly when he told her, “I’m going to kill you.” Brutus smarmily said, “Because she upset Melanie. He’s barely upset about this.” I got that though. I’d feel the same way about Elise.

Charline cried, “You can’t!” Alexander replied, “I think you’ll find I can. Quite easily, in fact. What did you think? I’d let you go so you could come up with another plan? I don’t want you. I want my mate and that’s it.” Charline sobbed as reality crashed down on her.