Levi smiled, “I was told you were smart. That was apparently not a lie. Also, you can call me Levi.” She blushed, “I guess…. Well people say I’m a genius. My I.Q. is pretty high. I’m working on something you might be….”
Tristan cleared his throat, “Aren’t you in enough trouble?” Melanie got a stubborn look on her face. She retorted, “I might as well cross the dang border if people keep lying about it. I just want to go to the party! Everyone’s going. Everyone’s met ALL the Conners and the Lyons… and well… I’m the ONLY one who hasn’t met the Fairy Hackura Luna Princess! It’s not fair! I didn’t even do anything!”
Tristan snorted, “That’s not why you want to go.” Melanie blushed. Jason interjected, “What? Yes it is.” Tristan didn’t say anything. Melanie huffed, “It’s not fair, T! I didn’t do it…. and they lied AGAIN! I didn’t go near Charline this morning or afternoon!” That seemed like she did go near Charline after she found out she lied about her crossing the border.
Tristan frowned, “I told you earlier that I’ll look into it. I believe you, but I don’t have any proof they lied.” Melanie sat down in a huff, “They suck! The mom monster cookies strike again.” The what? Tristan laughed and sat beside her, “It will be ok Ladybug. You’ll meet your crush one day.”
She gasped and pushed him, “T! Why would you…?” Jason jumped in, “Uhh crush?! What crush? You’re too young to have a crush. There are no crushes!” I laughed and Melanie looked at the ground.
Jason asked, “What the hell? Whose ass am I kicking?”
Tristan smirked, “I wouldn’t recommend that, little brother.” Levi threw out, “Nor would I.” Melanie looked up then pushed Tristan again. She sounded betrayed, “You told him! You promised that…” Tristan held his hands up, “I didn’t tell him.”
Levi smiled declaring, “I’m a Duke of the Hackura, Ladybug. I’m observant. Little things lined up for me. Your brother didn’t tell me anything.” Jason shouted, “I’m fucking observant. What the HELL is going on?” Then I saw it click for him. Brutus grumbled, “It took him long enough.”
Jase yelled, “Are you KIDDING ME?! You like Alexander?! You’ve never even met him!” Melanie squealed, “JASE!” Tears filled her eyes as they darted to me. Jason rolled his eyes, “Please, he already knows. He has to especially since Elise absolutely knows.”
I growled, “Elise didn’t tell me.” Jason countered, “But you know.” I rolled my eyes, “Her stuffed wolf looks familiar to me.” Jason gasped, “Nooooo! He’s eighteen and you’re only thirteen! You’re just a pup.” Brutus said, “That was uncalled for.” As a brother, I got it. Especially since I lived in this realm, but it was uncalled for. Five year age gaps were nothing to us.
Melanie started crying, “Yeah well, this pup helped him! You didn’t help him, I did! I saved him! You didn’t even know about...” She trailed off. Brutus said, “Hang on there. Saved him? She said saved, yes?” I answered, “She did.” I shot a glance at Levi who had a raised eyebrow.
I tilted my head, “What are you talking about? You helped my brother with what exactly?” Melanie flushed, “Nothing… I mean… I was just talking… about… nothing… that’s a thing that I do… sometimes…”
Levi snorted, “I’m officially team Melanie didn’t cross the border. She’s a terrible liar. Come on T, that was just sad.” Brutus commented, “I mean, it really was. Her voice jumped three octaves.” I agreed.
Melanie pursed her lips at my cousin. Tristan pressed, “What did you help Alexander with Ladybug?”
I realized that was what happened earlier. Alexander was excited because she’d talked to him. I laughed, “T didn’t forgethis phone, did he? You stole it and talked to my brother.” Melanie flushed red.
Tristan took out his phone. He shook his head, “I don’t have a call, or a text sent to Alexander.”
Levi snorted, “She’s smart. So, she’d have deleted it. That’s what I’d have done.” Jason groaned, “Oh god. What did you do, Ladybug?” Melanie crossed her arms, “I helped Xander!” Jason shrieked, “XANDER? YOU CALL HIM XANDER? No one calls him that. In fact, he beat a guy up for calling him that.” Melanie stuck her tongue out at him.
Tristan spoke to her again, “Ladybug, you shouldn’t take my phone. What did you tell Alexander?” Melanie answered, “I texted him the truth. No one else would’ve believed me, but he did. He said so…and he can’t lie…”
Jason interrupted, “We’d believe you, Ladybug. What did you tell him?” Brutus linked, “That’s an adorable stubborn look on her face.” He was right. She wasn’t going to answer them, and it was written all over her face. Brutus said, “You should do something because it looks like it physically pains her to not talk. She’s biting her tongue. We can’t deal with Oden if she gets hurt. Or bites off her own tongue.” He had yet another point.
Levi and I exchanged a glance knowing she’d believe me. Which meant I could get her to tell us what was going on. I cleared my throat, “Ladybug.” She looked up at me. I said, “I’ll believe you. I always have, and you know that. I need to know if my brother needs help. I always have his back. I need to know if he’s in danger.”
Melanie frowned, “He went with his uncle’s and his cousin. He promised he’d be safe, and he can’t break a promise.” Jason raised an eyebrow then shrugged. God, he needed to get a clue. Melanie’s crush wasn’t one sided. Alexander would promise her the world.
I nodded, “I know he did. He told me, but he’s my little brother. Tell me what you told him, please.” Melanie stared into my eyes while biting her cheek. Brutus groaned, “Please don’t make me link Oden that she’s bleeding. He’ll kill someone.” I might have to bring Elise here.
Eventually Melanie admitted, “I told him what I overheard right before everyone left. I had to help him…. and I did… so… helping… that’s a good thing.” Jason started to speak but I growled. He wasn’t helping. He shut his mouth quickly.
I looked back at Melanie, “How did you help him?” She shrugged, “I warned him about Charline… and her plans… well…I…” Tristan’s eyes narrowed. Jason groaned, “Oh my god! Do you fight with Charline about Alexander? Christ almighty.” I looked over, “Jason, shut it.” Jason glared at me but stopped talking.
I prodded, “What about Charline, Ladybug?” Melanie kicked the dirt with her shoes. Eventually she whispered, “I heard her and some of her friends saying she’d found a Witch who’d send her into heat. She was going to use it and get Alexander alone so he couldn’t resist her…and have a pup… but that’s not nice or fair. He’s not hers and he doesn't want her. She’s tricking him….plus it’s obviously a dark Witch so…that’s also bad…”
I didn’t mean to be so loud but yelled, “WHAT?!” Melanie looked up startled. I growled, “And he went after Charline? Why? Where is she?” Melanie frowned, “I told him where she was and what time she was meeting the Witch… so… he wanted to check it out, but he wasn’t alone. I would’ve gone but it’s not in our territory and…”
I groaned, “What the hell is he thinking?” Melanie whispered, “Well, he can call one of his other sides forward. She thinks he can’t, but he could resist her heat by calling one of his other sides forward. There was… well… no, he just can.” All of us stared at her while she picked at her sleeve.
I asked, “How do you know that?” I knew how I knew that, but she shouldn’t. Melanie rambled, “Well, Jared lets me borrow some Fairy books. Your Uncle Aiden wrote one on hybrids, and I read it… with a lot of other books. Because we have a deal with homework and books…”
Brutus chuckled, “We know that Uncle Aiden wrote books.” Yes, we did. Jason groaned, “Oh god. Mel, you’re going to get your heart broken.” She pulled back, “No I won’t. You can’t tell him, Jase. Please!” Jason snorted, “I’m not telling him. I’m not going to be responsible for crushing my sister’s heart.” She nodded, relieved.
Brutus grumbled, “Broken heart? I swear he is the most oblivious Beta blood around.” I reasoned, “It’s about his sister. He doesn’t want to see it.” Brutus huffed. Tristan ordered, “Go back home, Ladybug. We won’t tell mom and dad you snuck out if you go back now.”