I turned back to see Ray coming after us. Logically, Melanie had to be right. No one in the pack would shift to fight Melanie because Drake would kill them. EJ snarled and let go of my hand, shifting into Brutus in the next second. Damn my stupid birthday not happening yet. If I had my wolf, we’d tear those jerks to pieces! I could tell both EJ and Brutus were pissed.
I heard Ray was on his phone with Drake.. He knew where we were headed too. I heard Brutus’ snarl of anger. I linked my dad, “Someone is attacking Melanie! She doesn’t know who it is, but they are in wolf form.” He warned, “You be careful, we are on the way.” I told him, “I’m getting to her.” He said, “Fine. Just let EJ and Ray deal with those in wolf form.” That wouldn’t be the order once I had my wolf.
I came into the clearing to see that Melanie was just fine. The wolves were bleeding, but Melanie was fine. Pride filled me. We had to be right, and she had to be meant for Alexander. I ran to her as she clutched her wolf to her chest while EJ took down the wolf who was trying to rip it to shreds.
I grabbed her whispering, “Mel, you need focus on the fight. I could buy you another toy wolf, ok?” She shook her head, “He’s mine.” I sighed, “I know that but let’s focus.” I wished I could shift too and take these jerks down.
A wolf was circling towards us. Melanie drop kicked him in the face. I smirked. She’d broken his jaw. EJ had clearly had enough and used his pushing power. The wolves fighting dropped to the ground howling in pain.
Melanie whispered, “Wow,” EJ wasn’t letting them go. Ray shifted back. My dad, Drake, and Garrett ran up to us. I had an odd sense of Deja vu. My dad addressed me, “Sweetie, touch EJ and tell him to let them go.” I nodded, wondering why my mate hadn’t done that yet. He didn’t tend to keep people locked up mentally.
When he shifted back, I saw him fully naked. Focus, Elise. It was hard though because dang he was perfect. I wanted to drop to my knees right here and let him do wicked things to me after I sucked him into my mouth. I licked my lips then mentally smacked myself. My DAD is here, stop it, Elise! EJ was too distracting.
Tristan linked me, “Your dad wasn’t looking, but I didn’t need to see that either.” I replied, “Then don’t look.” He asked, “What the hell happened here?” I replied, “Honestly, that’s a good question.” He retorted, “I know. I’m a Beta, asking questions is my thing.”
I looked over at my dad surprised when EJ told us what this was about. He was busy looking at EJ so we didn’t lock eyes. I glanced at Ray who was frowning. No one in our pack would dothis. I didn’t recognize these wolves. Jason joined us and linked, “What the hell?!” Tristan said, “If I had a wolf these pricks would be fucking dead.” I agreed, “Same.”
I saw something flash in EJ’s eyes that I couldn’t quite identify. I could tell whatever it was it made EJ feel even more protective of Melanie. Tristan asked, “What was that? Does EJ know Ladybug thinks she’s Alexanders?” I mused, “It would be just like Mel to shout that she belonged to her Xander.” He rubbed his face.
Maybe EJ believed it with the conviction I did now that they were mates. He would protect his brother's mate with everything in him. Jason linked when the attackers shifted back. “EXCUSE ME BUT AREN’T THOSE FULL GROWN, ADULT MEN?!”
Before I could answer, the McAlister’s had moved to attack. I turned to study Melanie wondering how she had everything under control before we got here. She’d have saved her wolf and herself without help. How was that possible? I linked Jason and Tristan, “At least you got in some good shots before they made you stop.” They wanted more blood though, I could tell.
Dalton linked, “What the HELL is happening?” I answered, “Some other pack, because these aren’t rogues, attacked Melanie where she dances. She’s fine though.” He said, “My question still stands.” I nearly snorted. I admitted, “Yeah, I don’t know what anyone was thinking with this move, little brother.”
Tristan linked, “Seriously? They told her what pack they were from? Why? Because the only reason I can think of is they are lying. Or because they didn’t think she’d be able to tell us.” I pointed out, “They definitely didn’t think she could tell us.” He growled, “I didn’t get a link.” I admitted, “I did but after I linked her.” He groaned, “Yet another chat to have with her.” I didn’t know if that would work.
I knew this was trouble because we weren’t friends with Two Peaks. My dad didn’t like the Alpha. Actually, no one did. He wascreepy. I knew that and I’d only met him once. He’d checked my mom out, then me. My dad nearly killed him.
I linked Tristan, “What were they doing here? Were they here scouting? They couldn't possibly think they could take us. They aren’t even a quarter of our pack’s size.” He replied, “That would take serious balls, but that pack isn’t exactly led by stellar leadership.” True.
Everything got crazy again. Jason linked, “EJ just blocked their view of my sister!” He had and it was deliberate. Tristan and Jason snarled down the link hearing Melanie was the target. Why? She was a pup, and that pack couldn’t even know who she was. She’d never met them.
Dalton linked me, “Drake is going to reach his breaking point.” I replied, “It’s impressive he hasn’t so far. You come try and help to contain Jase and T.” He snorted, “I like my face how it is and free of blood. Plus, it would be hypocritical. I’d already have killed someone if this was you.” Fair enough, I guess.
Tristan said, “We need Mel out of here.” I pointed out, “Surely your mom will remember her recital once she’s assured her pup is safe.” I was right. Dalton linked me again, “So, this is going to hell in a handbasket.” I agreed, “Yes, it is. I know we age quickly, but unshifted pups are off limits.” Every supernatural had their ages where things were appropriate and sixteen was ours. Especially with an older wolf. The Hackura had their ways in their realm, but we tended to follow human traditions in that aspect.
I linked Tristan, “What art school is he talking about? Mel can’t be ALONE in NEW YORK!” He replied, “Dad thinks she might be safer further away from Alpha Ezra’s pack.” I asked, “Does she want to compete for the spot?” He didn’t reply. I was thinking that answer was no then.
I linked Jason, “Surely, your dad knows that Melanie loves him so much. She is such a daddy’s girl.” He agreed, “Yeah, Iknow she is.” My mind wandered while they talked. I just hoped it didn’t come to fruition. Melanie being so far away in New York hurt my very soul. I wanted her with me.
If we could just get Alexander and Melanie to meet this wouldn’t be happening. Suddenly we only had three years to accomplish what we hadn’t been able to in eleven years. Every time they were supposed to meet something came up. What if she went off to New York before they met?
I’d gotten it into my head that she and I would be together in Black Mountain. Now my little sister would be thousands of miles away. I broke down when it was EJ, me, and Ray. Not caring that I’d confirmed to Ray that Melanie liked Alexander. He knew that anyway. Plus, I was pretty sure Alexander liked her too. I knew Ray wouldn’t say anything.
I did know that if people kept coming for her and she kept getting in fights Drake would let her compete. He’d think she was safer away from us. If she competed, she’d win because she always won. She’d literally never lost anything she’d ever tried let alone in dance. My thoughts were swirling because I didn’t want to lose Mel. Pops sounded all around us.
By the time I pulled back, all our allies were here. My Uncle Christopher was home, but I couldn’t even let myself be excited to see him. Alexander walked up to EJ and me, unsure if he noticed the new way I was looking at him because he was my hope to keep Melanie around.
I prayed a silent prayer, “Moon Goddess, PLEASE let them be mates.” Brooke and Uncle Christopher’s situation gave me ideas. Tristan linked, “Your dad literally told you not to get ideas.” I huffed, “I mean it’s impossible not to. I am not ready to leave home, but being without EJ all the time is torture.” He said, “Well, Mel would miss you.” Damn him going for my Achilles heel.
They were all going off to take over Alpha Johnson’s pack. I did notice that Alexander was red faced angry. My eyes lingered on EJ until he popped away. I grumbled, “If I had a wolf, I could go with them.” My Aunt Susie laughed, “T and Jason grabbed a Fairy, so you could’ve tried that.” I groaned, “Dang it!” She inclined her head, “Come on inside.” I sighed, wanting to point out that Brooke got to go. She had a wolf though, but she was only a little bit older than me.
I trudged inside, sat down on the couch, and started crying. My Aunt Susie said, “It’s ok, Elise. They will all be fine.” I shook my head, “It’s Mel. They are talking about sending her to some fancy dance school in New York.”
My Aunt Susie frowned, “When?” I cried, “For high school.” Aunt Susie sighed, “Honey, that’s three years away. I’m sure there are dance schools around here she could go to.” I snorted, “Maybe in Nashville, but we all know Drake won’t send her there.” Aunt Susie snorted, “No he won’t do that. My brother would be up in arms.” I knew that already.
Alpha Chase Daniels from Yellow Hills was Susie’s oldest brother. He hated a specific pack in Nashville, which turned him against Nashville as a whole. Not to mention Eric didn’t like Nashville prior to that. We descended into silence as we waited.