Ray laughed, “You would think it would be the other way around. She’s a spitfire. I keep hoping she and Alexander will meet. The more I think about it the more it solidifies for me. I’ll be damned if I know how she just knows but, I think she’s right. I think they are mates.”

He shrugged, “I’ve never heard of a wolf knowing without meeting someone, but those two together feels right. She’d bring him out of his shell, and he could be her calm.” I smiled, “You want to see them fight together.”

Ray smirked, “Hell yes I do. Those two fighting side by side? It will be a sight to see. It’s bound to happen one day since we are allies. Everyone here knows once she has a wolf, she wants to be the Lead Female Warrior. She could get a GED and challenge the day she turns sixteen and win.” I pointed out, “She won’t though. Drake and Sam want her to get a high school experience.

He replied, “Whenever she challenges, she’ll win that tournament easily. Hell, she could win now without a wolf. If she and Alexander haven’t met by then don’t you just know who’d pop in to watch the tournament?” I winked, “He might even drive.” Ray said, “The fact that you said that tells me he likes her. The Conners’ pups hate driving. They’d much rather pop or portal.” I acknowledged, “I agree. I think he likes her too.”

Ray started laughing hard. He snorted, “Think? Do you think he likes her? That girl already owns him. I know that, and I don’t even see him on a daily basis. It’s sad everyone doesn’t know. Well, I know why Haley doesn’t. She’s convinced Melanie isn’t real, and that everyone is pranking her.”

I rolled my eyes, “She will realize it’s not a prank soon enough. Plus, it’s not sad for everyone else. You see Alexanderwhen he’s with EJ, Cassie, and me. He’s less reserved around us.” Ray sighed, “That’s true. Haley is sharp as a tack. If he was overly obvious around her, she’d figure out how to get the two of them to meet and end the farce of her thinking Melanie is a prank. Why doesn’t he do that?”

I shrugged, “EJ and I can’t figure that out either. He just keeps saying he wants to see how they are brought together. He could tell Haley he liked her though. She’d respect his wishes, she’d just do something Fairy about it.” Ray laughed, “She’s one of a kind.” I smiled agreeing, “She is.”

We walked back to my house lost in my thoughts. I was worried about EJ. I’d heard rumors about what Haley went through before she’d met her Hackura family. I hoped they weren’t true.

My mom was waiting in the house. She gestured to the couch, “Have a seat, sweetie.” I nodded, “I actually wanted to talk to you. Can we go to my room?” My mom nodded. EJ had charmed my room so no one could hear in there. We walked in and I laid down on my bed. My mom sat down next to me.

I asked, “What did you want to talk about?” My mom sighed, “EJ will end up here at some point, and he will need you.” I sat up, “You know Haley’s story?” My mom smiled sadly, “I do. We had a pack member join back when you were little who had been abused. Once Haley got her degree as a therapist, she started hosting group therapy sessions for supernatural’s. I told the woman who joined our pack about it. She wanted to go, but only if I went too. I asked Haley if that would be ok. She said it was fine after she checked with her other members of the group.”

She looked away then wiped away tears, “That night Haley told everyone that sharing their story was personal. That it had to be done on their own terms and when they were ready, but not a moment before they were. Then she shared her own story. I have never heard a story like hers. It’s hard to hear that is herpast. She’s so nice, welcoming, and kind. I think if I had to deal with a fraction of what she had, I wouldn’t be nice or welcoming. I would have thorns and be prickly with hard and jaded edges. I would….” She shook herself and stopped talking.

I frowned, “It’s really that bad?” My mom nodded, “It really is. EJ will need you. All you can do is be there for him. Remind him that his mom is here, and everything is ok.” I nodded, “Ok.” My mom wiped tears out of the corner of her eyes, “Ok, that’s what I wanted to talk about. I hope your conversation is less heavy.”

I gulped, “Well, I…” trailed off then jumped in, “you said we could talk about sex stuff.” My mom smiled, “We can talk about sex stuff. I hope you know that your dad and I do that stuff. We have you and your brothers.” I shook my head, “Yes, I know that mom. I have really good hearing. I just pretend I don’t, let’s not pop that bubble.”

My mom laughed and held up her hands, “Ok, do you have questions about something?” I shook my head, “No, I just wanted to tell you I’m going to tell EJ I’m ready. I want him to claim me.” My mom searched my eyes, “This is your choice? You don’t feel pressured or….” I shook my head cutting her off, “EJ has never pressured me for anything. All the stuff we’ve done is because I have initiated it. We talked about it first. We’ve done everything except that.”

My mom nodded, “If that’s what you want to do that’s fine with me. He’s your mate, but even if he wasn’t you know yourself. If this is what you truly want, then that’s what’s important.” I smiled, “I really do want to. I want all of him. I love him.” My mom smiled, “I know.”

I whispered, “Will daddy be disappointed?” My mom laughed, “No, he won’t. I don’t know that you want to tell him directly you’re having sex. There’s a difference in knowing and being told outright.” I rolled my eyes, “I didn’t plan to tell him,but he just knows things.” My mom smiled, “He’ll know. As long as EJ is respectful and it’s what you want, your dad will be fine.” I nodded. We talked for a while and then I waited for EJ to get here.

I went downstairs to the living room and paced. Where was he? How long was this talk? I watched the clock as it got later and later. I should just get a Warrior to drive me to him. I could feel it in my very marrow that EJ needed me.

Right before I was about to get my dad to have someone drive me a pop sounded. My mate’s eyes were bloodshot and puffy. He’d been crying which shocked me. EJ was not a crier. I ran to him. The second I wrapped my arms around him he was sobbing into my neck. My heart broke hearing it because he was so broken.

I let him talk himself out. I linked my dad, “Dad, I think EJ really needs me tonight.” He replied, “It just so happens I’m on the phone with Eric right now.” I gratefully said, “Thanks, dad.” He told me, “I’ll do anything for you.” I knew that was true.

When we went upstairs to my room I knew EJ was numb and I needed to bring him out of it. I stared at my reflection in my bathroom, “Think.” I wished I had my wolf right now so we could figure out what to do. Then it hit me I loved the taste of him. An orgasm would definitely take his mind off things. I nodded to myself and got ready for bed.

My plan worked. Then all thoughts left my mind as he brought me to my own orgasm. I hadn’t planned for him to reciprocate. I just wanted him to take care of him and make him feel better. We talked until I fell asleep. I felt EJ jolt awake and frowned. Did he have a bad dream?

My brain was slowly waking up as I ran a hand over his arms. Gosh he spent so much time in the gym. His arms were so muscular. My mom interrupted whatever was about to happen. Ilooked at EJ’s half naked body. Images of us were running away in my head, but I snapped out of it.

I thought about telling EJ that I didn’t want him to stop touching me ever. Ultimately, I didn’t want our first time to be rushed though. I wanted us to be able to take our time. I forced myself to walk into the bathroom. I took several deep breaths then got ready.

We all ate breakfast in silence, even my brothers. Everyone was throwing worried looks EJ’s way. He was uncharacteristically silent. I knew he was still thinking about everything. There were things he didn’t understand. It was a lot to absorb.

Dalton linked me, “Is he ok?” I replied, “Not really.” He winced. Cooper looked like he wanted to say something about sixty times, but ultimately didn’t. Dakota seemed at a loss too. They were all always joking like EJ was already family. Our breakfast was usually all smiles.

My mom linked me, “Follow your instincts. You know what to do with and for him to get him out of his head.” I asked, “How do you know?” She replied, “Because even when I barely knew your dad, it came naturally.” I pointed out, “You had a wolf.” She agreed, “Yes, but even touching him helped. Alpha’s need places to quiet the noise in their heads.” I thought over her words and knew what to do.

I lead him away. Ray nodded to me and walked out of hearing distance. We were still in his line of sight. I was distracted hearing about the Beyond. The Beyond? I didn’t even know what that was. I didn’t like the sound of him being pulled somewhere like that. I linked Melanie, “Do you know about Fairy stuff? I’ve seen your duffle bag of books, so I hope you do.”

She squeaked, “Fairy books? What…? That’s so… huh?” I snorted, “You’re a bad liar. When EJ leaves, I have questions about something he said.” She replied, “Well… I could be able tohelp… that’s a thing… that I could maybe do…I read a lot so…” I told her, “I’m going to focus over here so you can calm down. I’m not upset you have the books.” She replied, “BORROWED! I didn’t steal them or anything and…” I cut her off, “I know you don’t steal.”

I successfully distracted my mate until he left. I saw his pants twitch when I mentioned sex. I hid my smirk successfully, I think. Honestly, I wanted him to mark me, but I was willing to wait on that. I knew no one would understand if I was marked before I was eighteen. We had rules, but his Fairy side made it different.

I was shocked when EJ took off for a fight. I knew where we were going. I linked, “MELANIE JANE!” She didn’t answer for a second. She replied, “I am a little busy… well… yes…and…” I asked, “Who shifted to fight you?” She replied, “Uhh well… so… the thing about that is ….I do not know. I’ve never seen these wolves before. I guess the thought my dancing was offensive or something….cause they aren’t from our pack…so…I clearly upset them…I did yell…which in all fairness…was deserved….they totally deserved to be yelled at.” What the hell had happened?