I looked into her eyes whispering, “Are you ok?” Elise smiled sleepily, “I’m more than fine. That was amazing. I love you.” Her eyes fluttered closed. I pulled out of her slowly then ran into the bathroom. I conjured a washrag, went back and gently cleaned her off. I walked back into the bathroom and cleaned myself off. I popped to bed and pulled the sheets over us. I conjured my phone and texted Peter.

Me:Elise is exhausted. I conjured us a treehouse to say in tonight.

Peter:Thanks for letting me know. Take care of my little girl.


I put my phone down and pulled Elise over to me. I kissed her forehead, “I love you, Elise Kyle.” I fell asleep with my arms wrapped around her feeling like everything was right with her in here with me.

I’m Ready

Elise is (almost) Sixteen Years Old

Elise jogged towards the spot where Melanie had said to meet her. My heart sank the closer I got because I could hear a fight. I knew Ray heard it too. We took off at a full sprint. We found Charline and her friends trying to take on Melanie, not for the first time. They were losing again too.

I growled, “ENOUGH!” Melanie stopped fighting instantly but Charline used that chance to hit Melanie. She punched her in the back of the head. Crap. Melanie turned around and punched her right in the nose, which started gushing blood. Charline screamed bloody murder.

I looked at Ray who sighed and called my dad. I walked over to Mel, “Ladybug, what happened?” Melanie’s jaw tightened. Charline screeched, “She’s a psycho brat!” I heard a growl behind us, “Don’t talk about my daughter like that!”

I turned to see Drake, my dad, and Garrett had joined us. All looked annoyed. Melanie threw her hands in the air, “What does it matter? You won’t take my side, you never do. Even though all she does is lie… everyone acknowledges I can’t lie, but then you say I’m the liar. It doesn’t make ANY sense and…”

Drake interrupted, “Ladybug, that’s not true. What happened?” It was kind of true. Charline yelled, “She broke my nose.” I countered, “You punched her in the back of the head after I told you to stop fighting. She listened, you didn’t.” Charline glared at me as if I was a traitor.

My dad cleared his throat, “Melanie, what happened here?” Charline’s friend Hannah snorted, “She attacked us.” Melanie argued, “I did not! I was out here DANCING! They walked upand started talking about me being too old to have a stuffed animal. Then they tried to take him! They teased me like they always do! And she…” Melanie trailed off.

I looked at Ray knowing Charline had said something about Alexander. Charline snorted, “I was talking about my boyfriend.” Melanie shot back, “He’s not your boyfriend, you psycho bitch! He doesn’t even….” Drake cut her off, “Melanie Jane, language!”

Melanie huffed, “I didn’t do anything wrong. She came at me first and I was just defending myself… which is allowed under pack bylaws. She’s the one who should get in trouble…” Ray was trying to cover a laugh with a cough. I hugged her.

Charline sneered, “No one believes you, Melanie. You are just a problem pup.” Melanie glared at her, “No I am not. You are the problem... It’s not my fault you can’t finish what you start. You’re just jealous because you start the fights and I end them. Usually, I end them by breaking your fake ass plastic nose!”

Drake growled, “MELANIE, LANGUAGE!” I bit my lip. Charline had gotten a nose job last year. I had no idea why though. Her nose had been perfectly fine. She must have really upset Melanie though because she usually didn’t curse.

Ray was now silently chuckling. Charline said, “Alpha, you should make her keep that stupid stuffed animal inside. It causes all the problems. Instead, we all have to cater to Princess Melanie.” My dad growled, “Watch how you speak to me, Charline. I am your Alpha. You do not dictate things around here.” Charline flushed and bared her neck.

Melanie smarted off, “Oh she thinks she’ll be taken as a Conners’ brother’s chosen mate…because she’s delusional…. then you’ll be punished for all the times you didn’t take her side. Plus…” Charline lunged at Melanie. I shoved her back as fury filled my veins.

I yelled, “HOW DARE YOU?! You threatened MY DAD?! YOUR ALPHA?! WITH MY MATES FAMILY! EJ would have YOUR HEAD FOR THAT!” I could do that. Melanie sighed, “Please, please, tell him Elise. She’s unhinged… and just has no idea how anything actually works in our pack. I know more about it than she does. She’s even making an Omega do her homework to pass her classes…under a threat…which is mean.” WHAT?

My dad said, “Your parents are all in my office, girls. Obviously, we have things to discuss. You cannot threaten me, Charline. I am your Alpha. You are not any of the Conners’ boys' mates, which you know since you’ve met them all. Their dad waited for his fated mate longer than any wolf ever has. They will not take chosen mates. Hell, YOU have a mate out there. We will have to discuss you threatening a pack member to do your homework. That’s not at all how this pack works. Melanie, stay away from them.” Melanie frowned but nodded, “Yes, Alpha.”

Drake said, “Ladybug, go back home. I’ll come talk to you with your mom later.” Melanie sighed but nodded and their group walked away. I asked, “What did she say?” Melanie frowned, “It’s not fair! I try to stay away from them... but they seek me out. She’s the crazy one obsessed with Xander and talking about how he’s her boyfriend. HE’S NOT HERS!”

I hugged her, “No, he’s not. He doesn’t like her and he’s not her boyfriend. Don’t let her get under your skin.” Melanie snorted, “I was letting it go until she took a swing. Like I said, she’s a psycho. She knows she can’t beat me. I don’t understand why she keeps trying… unless she’s trying to beat me to impress Xander. Which is so not happening.” I smiled knowing that was true.

Melanie was good, I couldn’t even beat her. Our matches ended in a draw in practice. Ray nudged her, “Did you get her good?” Melanie nodded. Ray smirked, “Good girl. Now,get on home before you get in more trouble.” Melanie sighed, “I seriously don’t see why it’s my fault that she’s crazy. She starts the fight… I can’t just let her beat me….that would be silly….they’d jump me…and I’m not losing to her…that’s...” I agreed, “No you can’t. Just get home before you get grounded.” She took off.

I laid down on the ground and groaned. Ray asked, “Are you going to tell your young Alpha?” I sighed, “I can’t tell him today. He’s having that talk with his mom. Why can’t Charline just take a hint? Why does she even care about Melanie?”

Ray snorted, “Do you really not know why?” I admitted, “No.” Ray laughed, “Melanie was right about why Charline wants to beat her in a fight. Honestly, I think your dad and Drake are the only people who haven’t put together why Melanie loves that wolf so much.” Interesting.

“People around here talk about how much sense Alexander and Melanie would make as mates because of their fighting skills. Charline is jealous. She tries to fight Melanie because she thinks Alexander will talk to her if she wins. People talk about what a good fighter Melanie is. Everyone has already declared she’ll be the Female Lead Warrior the day she challenges for it.” I knew that.

He winked, “In fact, people have said that to Alexander’s face when Charline was present. There’s a light in the boy's eyes when people say that. He’s proud of her and Charline is jealous of that.” I snorted, “She’s jealous of an eleven year old? This is just absurd. We know Charline isn’t Alexander’s.”

Ray shrugged, “Apparently, she has a dream of being his chosen mate still.” I snorted, “Melanie’s right then, Charline is psycho. Alexander doesn’t like her. He couldn’t make that clearer.” Ray said, “He might have to. This might need to be directly stated, but Ladybug is rarely wrong. She’s too damn smart for her own good sometimes.” I sighed and bit my lip.

Ray mused, “I think the problem will be if Charline gets smarter about this after today. Melanie doesn’t tell when she gets in fights. Other people do.” I tilted my head, “Which is weird when you consider that they lose.”