Alexander didn’t bother to hide his pride, “Jase said she’s skilled.” I snorted, “Skilled is an understatement. Even Uncle Bjourn would be impressed by her.” Alexander reiterated, “But she’s ok?” I assured him, “She’s perfectly fine and so am I. I’ll be home in a bit.” Alexander replied, “If you need me…” I cut him off, “I’ll call.”
Alexander asked, “What pack?” I didn’t answer because I knew exactly what would happen if I did. As it stood our allies and us might be taking over Two Peaks. I warned, “Be on alert, little brother. We might be taking over a pack.” He growled, “Damn straight. Which one?” I still wasn’t going to answer that.Brutus snorted, “He’s not good at hiding his crush.” No, he wasn’t.
Sam announced, “We need to get going Ladybug. You have a competition we can’t miss.” Peter rubbed his face. He told her, “Take five Warriors with you guys. Melanie was their target. They will be waiting at your SUV. Drake, go see them off.” Drake nodded and walked with his entire family out of the field.
Peter waited until Drake was far enough away, so he couldn’t hear, then he asked, “How old are you guys?” They flinched. Peter growled, “EJ.” Brutus was happy our father in law was asking us to help him. One yelled, “No! God, no! Don’t do that again! I’m twenty years old. They are twenty-three.”
I growled, “SHE’S ELEVEN!” The ringleader snored, “Someone should tell her body that.” It was true supernatural’s developed faster, but wolves weren’t considered mature until sixteen. Everyone snarled. Peter grabbed him by the throat, “You have GOT to be kidding me! You knew she was an unshifted pup. You could smell it!” Then threw him into a tree. I heard his spine break, and he howled in agony.
Drake came running back. He looked at Peter and frowned, “I see how it is. You get to have all the fun.” Peter was breathing hard. Chelsea put her hands on his chest, “It’s ok, Peter. Ladybug is fine. Elise, Ray, and EJ got here in time.”
I snorted, “I think she’d have been just fine without us.” She might have lost her stuffed wolf though. Drake questioned, “Peter, what happened?” Peter snarled, “They are in their damn twenties.” Drake closed his eyes and started shaking. He was going to shift.
He backed away from Peter as his wolf, Pepper, took over. He growled at the wolves. This was a wolf defending his pup, and that was not going to end well if one of them so much as twitched. One of the morons shifted to fight him. Drake tore him apart easily.
I linked my dad, “I’d prepare for some type of action. These guys are in their twenties. Drake just ripped one apart.” My dad growled, “TWENTIES?! Are they Warriors?” I answered, “They have to be.” Peter called, “Drake.” Drake shifted back.
I snapped him clean and with clothes while he was breathing heavily. He growled, “That’s my daughter. What the HELL is wrong with everyone?! Tristan, why weren’t you with her?” Tristan cringed, “I didn’t know she was coming out here. I was doing homework, and she must not have wanted to disturb me.” Drake took a deep breath but nodded.
He ground out, “I’m so sick of this shit! Sam has already been talking about that competition to go to Fiorello H. LaGuardia High School of Music & Art and Performing Arts. For god’s sake Peter, I shouldn’t feel like my little girl would be safer there than here. I’m leaning towards letting her compete when she’s fourteen to see if she wins just to keep her safe!” Fear gripped me and even Brutus stilled in my mind.
I looked at Elise noting she looked startled too. She clearly didn’t know about this competition yet. Peter and Chelsea didn’t look surprised though. Peter said, “She is safe here, Drake.” Drake put his head in his hands, “I’m a shit dad. I can’t protect my little girl.” Peter pulled Drake in for a hug. He whispered, “You can protect her. It’s what you’re doing right now. She is safe here and loved.” Drake whispered, “What if she’s safer there?”
I couldn’t stop myself, “What if she’s more vulnerable there? No one there cares for her like they do here. She could go off on her own there like she does here. Who would look for her if none of us were there?” Drake startled but nodded at me.
I let Brutus come forward so I didn’t show my relief. I did not want to be around my brother if Melanie went off to high school in New York before he met her. Alexander was bad enough when she was in the state and the possibility to meet her existed. At least Drake was thinking about what I said.
If Melanie competed, she’d win. She always won. That meant I had three years to get them together. Warriors grabbed the remaining men. We all walked back towards the main house in silence. Drake, Peter, and Garrett went into their office while Elise, Ray and I went back outside.
The second it was just the three of us Elise started bawling. I pulled her into a hug, “Elise?” She cried, “She’ll win! She’ll go to New York and I won’t see her anymore. She’s like my little sister! What about her and Alexander? What about Alexander’s feelings? What about Melanie? She’d be alone all the way in New York. She gets homesick at two day competitions!”
I consoled her, “Shh, it’s not a done deal. You don’t know if Drake will let her go.” She cried, “If this stuff keeps happening, he’ll have her compete and she’ll win.” I reasoned, “I can pop you to her.” Elise shook her head, “No you can’t, you promised.” I cringed. Fuck! She was right. It had to be an emergency.
I tried again, “You could Skype or FaceTime her. You could call her and text her. She has a phone now, right?” Elise nodded. The McAlister’s wanted her to be able to call for help after that incident with the rogues and Witches.
An attack we’d come up with nothing about. My parents were worried, I knew that much. They didn’t like that there was no trail and neither did I. My mom still thought Melanie was a prank, but she was worried about the attack.
I whispered, “Hey, that’s three years away. Melanie could lose interest in dancing.” Elise shot me a look. I winced, “Ok, it’s unlikely, but we both know she won’t want to be away from her Xander.” Elise wiped tears away, “No, no she wouldn’t.”
I held her for several moments, then a pop sounded. My dad and Mom were in the yard. Two more pops hit my ears. I smiled at Alexander and Cassie. Another pop and my cousin Bexley, with our Lead Male Warrior Liam joined us. Cousin Emmalinepopped in with the Blue Moon group. Surprisingly, Dylan was not with them.
I shot my cousin Jayden a surprised look. He looked amused but shook his head. Jacob actually laughed, “I told you they’d wonder where he was, dad.” They didn’t seem like they were going to say more. My dad rolled his eyes which meant he knew where Dylan was.
My mom kissed his cheek, “I have a dispute I have to get back to. Let me know if you need me for anything.” He cupped her cheek, “You know I will, Angel.” They kissed before she popped away.
My cousin, Brooke Thomas, popped in with Christopher Kyle and they shared a kiss. They split time between her pack and this one. When Brooke turned eighteen, they were coming here permanently. Brooke had decided to let her brother lead her dad’s pack. Christopher was going to stay on with his siblings now and lead with Brooke at his side when she came of age.
Alexander walked over to me. He linked, “Where is Melanie? Is she ok?” I replied, “She left for a dance competition and she’s still fine.” He deflated. Peter, Drake, and Garrett walked out. Peter walked over to Christopher and gave him a hug.
He smiled greeting, “Welcome home, brother. Hello, Brooke.” Brooke smiled, “Home to stay too. I conjured all our stuff to the wing you have set up for us. I’ll mostly be staying here. Since I uhh kind of accidentally shared my light again with Christopher. We can’t really be apart right now since we are twice light bound” Peter’s excitement was easily seen all over his face. He clapped Christopher on the back.
He looked at me warning, “Don’t you get any ideas.” I laughed. Brooke frowned, “It really was an accident.” Christopher comforted her, “I know but I can’t say I’m mad about it.” Peter addressed everyone, “Thank you all for coming.Alpha Johnson is blaming Melanie for the situation. He demands we return his Warriors that attacked her.”
I snorted, “What the hell? She was just dancing in the forest. Hell, she was in her own territory.” Drake growled, “Apparently they watch her with binoculars because she’d smell them if they didn’t.” Alexander and I snarled. Peter said, “Well Christopher, you have good timing. We’ll take over Alpha Johnson’s pack and it will become yours. We’ll just get another expansion done on our main house, just as we did when Sebastian took on a pack. We’ll stay together like the Conners and Daniels do.”
Christopher smiled, “I’d be honored, brother.” Sebastian and Susie Kyle walked out. She was pregnant with their first pup. Sebastian hugged Christopher. Ben McAlister and Peter’s dad walked up with Warriors.
Peter addressed them, “Red Run, we will be taking over Two Peaks today. They attacked our Beta’s daughter.” Snarling sounded. Several warriors yelled, “Ladybug? Is she ok?” Peter put up his hands, “Melanie is fine. She’s at her dance competition with Warriors guarding her. She held her own as you all know she can. EJ, Elise, and Ray helped her take them down before we got there. They are in our dungeons, and they won’t be going home. Let’s go.”