I leaned forward and kissed her, “The floor is yours.” She blushed, “After my birthday, I’m ready.” I asked, “Ready for what?” She stared at me. I asked, “Brutus?” He replied, “I don’t know.” Elise pushed me slightly, “Gosh, Alpha’s really are lost without their Beta’s.” I frowned, “Hey now.”
Elise said, “I want you at my first shift.” I snorted, “Nothing could keep me away. I’ll be there for you the whole time.” Elise nodded, “Afterwards, I want our first time together to happen.” My dick actually jumped. I searched her eyes, “We don’t have to do that.” She nodded, “I know we don’t. I’m ready though.” I kissed her hard.
I pulled back, “Ok, I’ll conjure a treehouse for us in your territory that night. If you’re too tired from your shift though, that’s ok. We don’t have to do anything other than sleep. I’lljust hold you.” She smiled, “We’re doing more than sleeping.” I kissed her again, “Let’s just see how you feel. I’m onboard for whatever. I want you more than you can imagine and want you to be comfortable. I want our first time to be special for you.”
Elise said, “It’s us, so it’s going to be special. I was thinking outside in the grass, but you’re over here like ‘I’ll conjure you a treehouse.’ You’re perfect.” I rubbed her shoulders, “Just know if you’re too tired I won’t be mad. Ok?” She nodded, “Ok, I’ll let you know. I promise. Did I distract you?” I snorted, “Yes, you did. In the best way.”
We sat in silence for a moment. I looked over at her, “You know I love you, right? You’re everything to me.” She turned her head and kissed me. She whispered, “I love you too, EJ Conners.” Brutus was practically doing backflips in my mind about her getting her wolf later this week.
We were holding each other when I heard a fight. It was far enough away I barely heard it. My siblings and my hearing was off the charts. Even better than our dad’s. I jumped up. Elise asked, “EJ?” I grabbed her hand and ran into the forest.
My heart sank when I realized where were heading. This was where Melanie practiced her dancing. Elise started running harder coming to the same conclusion I did. I heard a growl and shriek of pain. A WOLF was fighting Melanie?! Brutus snarled, “We need to shift.” I was still processing the fact that someone shifted and was fighting her. Brutus urged, “Focus.” I let a snarl loose and shifted myself.
Elise shouted, “Go, EJ! Make sure she’s ok!” This was getting ridiculous. She was only eleven years old. Who shifted into their damn wolf to fight an eleven year old? I charged into the field only to stop in surprise. Brutus said, “Oden would be proud.” Yeah, he would because Melanie McAlister was taking on three wolves and winning. Easily.
They were bleeding, but she was perfectly fine. I quickly evaluated her realizing there was not even a scratch on her. I snarled in warning. I saw a fourth wolf going for her toy wolf. Brutus growled, “For GOD’S SAKE! IT’S A STUFFED ANIMAL!” I was going to buy a billboard ad saying, ‘IT’S A MOTHER FUCKING TOY FIND SOME CHILL FOR THE LOVE OF GOD!’ I’d find one in this area that was free and do it.
Melanie screamed when she realized where the fourth wolf was going. She yelled, “NO!” She turned and ran to her stuffed wolf. Damn, she was fast. People weren’t kidding about that. I pinned the wolf that was about to swipe at her to the ground. She clutched her wolf behind her back.
Elise ran over to her, and the wolves began to circle them. I snarled in warning because no one was hurting my mate. Brutus bared his teeth ready to rip them apart. I knocked the one I was fighting out. I heard a shift and growl.
Brutus howled happily because we knew the scent. It was Ray. He’d had followed us. I nodded to him. He linked, “Being a football field away from you guys is hazardous. I thought it was a respectful distance. LINK ME NEXT TIME KID!” He had a point. He snarled in warning to those circling us, but these wolves were determined to take Melanie’s toy.
I let a warning growl loose at the one closest to the girls. Brutus chuckled in my head when Melanie kicked the wolf in the face. I heard its jaw breaking. He howled in pain. I used my pushing power and they all went down.
I heard snips in my mind, “You are mine!” “No, she’s mine!” “I’ll be your first kiss!” “That wolf needs to go! It should be brown!” “No, it should be gray!” “She’s not yours! She’s mine!” “I’m not any of yours!” “You don’t know that!” “YES I DO!” I heard clothes tearing in my mind as if it was happening now.
I shook myself when I felt Elise’s hands on my back. She whispered, “Let them go, EJ. Everything is ok. I’m safe and so isMel.” I turned, looked in her eyes, and mentally released them. I shifted back and snapped Ray and myself clothes. He nodded to me.
Peter, Drake, and Garrett were here now. I looked to my right and saw that Tristan and Jason had Melanie. I asked her, “Are you ok, Ladybug?” I’d heard people call her that so much it just came out. She nodded, “Yes, thank you EJ.” I replied, “Of course.”
I turned to Peter, “We have a rather large problem. These wolves were upset because they were arguing over who Melanie belonged to. When she screamed that she wasn’t theirs, they shifted to fight her.” Drake snarled, “WHAT?! THEY DID WHAT? FOR GOD’S SAKE PETER!”
Melanie gaped at me. Tristan asked, “How do you know that?” I replied, “You know when I use my pushing power, sometimes I see things or hear them. In this case, I heard them.” I also heard the conviction in Melanie’s voice when she said she wasn’t theirs. She truly believed with every fiber of her being she belonged to my brother. Whether that was true or not, I didn’t know yet.
Peter ordered the four wolves, “Shift back. NOW!” He used an Alpha command, leaving them no choice but to shift back. Drake attacked one with Tristan right beside him. Jason joined the fight, and I could tell why. These guys had attacked someone who didn’t have a wolf yet. She was a pup.
Melanie yelled, “DAD! T! JASE! COME ON! I had it handled! Then.... well… EJ… well Brutus showed up. I mean… is it EJ or Brutus? It’s both, right? Like…” Brutus chuckled in my head. I knew she’d ramble on if not stopped. I said, “Either works but it’s definitely both. We are a team.” She seemed to consider my words.
Peter looked angry. He turned to Garret, “Get our Warriors here right now!” I looked at the wolves. Brutus linked, “Thesearen’t newly shifted wolves. I don’t recognize them though.” He was right. They didn’t smell like rogues, but I’d swear they weren’t Red Run wolves.
Peter snarled, “I want to know how the FUCK they got past our border. I want to know who they are. DRAKE, STOP!” He stopped fighting. Drake snarled, “What damn pack are you dead men from?” They all stalled.
Melanie answered, “Two Peaks. Well… that’s what they said… I guess they could’ve lied… but I don’t think they did.” Jason went over to her and started talking softly to her. Brutus told me, “They are from Two Peaks. The one that’s shaking over there wolf told me.” I asked, “Why did he tell you that?” He replied, “My presence is intimidating. Or maybe I warned him my human can cause him a severe headache that ends with his head exploding.” I wanted to laugh out loud.
I linked my dad, “Two Peaks wolves just attacked Melanie McAlister.” My dad snarled, “WHAT?! Is she ok?” I said, “She was doing just fine taking on three of them when I got here.” My dad sighed, “It just had to be the one Alpha we aren’t allies with in this area.” I questioned, “Why aren’t we?” My dad answered, “I don’t like him, and he doesn’t like me. I almost killed him a few years ago when he flirted with your mother.” So, the guy was a jackass. Noted.
Peter ordered, “Drake, get Alpha Johnson on the phone. Tell him he’s got some Warriors that he’s not getting back. Also mention that he’d better keep his pack in line.” He knelt down and asked the one Drake had in a vice grip, “What are you doing here?” The guy didn’t answer him.
Brutus linked, “That was a clear invitation. I warned them.” Good to know. I pushed at him again. He started screaming. Peter jerked his head to me as I closed my eyes. I heard it all again. “That girl is stunning. I want her. Let’s take her. The al….” It faded when Elise tugged my sleeve.
I let him go mentally then answered Peter. “They were here for Melanie. They saw her dancing and decided to kidnap her.” One wolf snarled at me, “How are you doing that?” Elise retorted, “He’s EJ Conners. Show some respect or I’ll kick your teeth in.” I laughed, “That’s my girl.” I kissed her.
When I pulled back Tristan and Jason were being held back by two warriors. Drake shouted, “ENOUGH! Boys, we’ve got this.” He ordered the Warriors, “Let go of my sons, now.”
Sam ran into the clearing with Chelsea, rushing straight to Melanie, “Ladybug, oh my god!” She crushed her into a hug. Garrett answered his phone, “Hello Alpha Eric.” He paused then said, “I’m sure you did. Yes, Melanie’s fine. EJ is also fine. I don’t know if we are taking over the pack. We haven’t talked to Alpha Johnson yet.” Sharon must have charmed his phone so no one could hear his conversations. My mom had done that to my dad’s.
I got a frantic link in my head from my brother, “Is Melanie ok? Are you ok? What happened?” I replied, “Alexander, she’s perfectly fine. She was taking on three, what appeared to be Warriors, and winning. They are bleeding, but she’s perfectly fine. I think I’d enjoy seeing the two of you fight each other.”