Tears streamed down my face as I admitted, “They raped her and broke every bone in her body. I wondered why she was so short, but it was just normal to me.” She just held me until I stopped talking.

She looked into my eyes, “Your mom is a bad ass.” I nodded, “She is. How could they do that to her?” She hugged me,“Because people are sick. We will fight to make sure this doesn’t happen to others.”

Peter walked in, which usually meant it was time for me to go, but I couldn’t. I closed my eyes whispering, “I need her. I’m sorry I just can’t leave right now.” Peter held up his hands, “I wasn’t going to ask you to leave. I was going to say I talked to your dad, and we decided you can stay here tonight.”

He put a hand on my shoulder, “I’m sorry for what happened to your mom all those years ago and I’m sorry that you heard it tonight. I’m sorry it brings you such pain. Just know your mom is an amazing woman. Her past is hard to hear about, but she’s a brave, strong woman.” He left the room.

Elise stood and led me upstairs to her room. She pushed me onto her bed before she walked into her bathroom. I snapped myself into athletic shorts. Elise came back in a black crop top that said Dreamand short shorts.

I cursed, “Fuck. My girl is trying to kill me.” She giggled and climbed into bed. She winked, “Your girl is trying to distract you. Is it working?” Brutus purred, “Yes.” At least he was talking. She kissed me softly then started to trail down my chest.

I whispered, “Elise.” She didn’t stop. I watched her with hooded eyes as she pulled my shorts off smirking when she saw I was hard. I was close to coming with her mouth so close to my dick. We’d done this before and managed to fumble our way through it last year.

I told her, “You don’t have to do this.” She smiled, “I want to.” Brutus told me, “Yeah, she wants to. So, shut up and enjoy.” I mentally rolled my eyes at my wolf. She took me in her mouth. She’d been working on taking me deeper because she hadn’t been able to take all of me when we started. I groaned when she hit further than she had before.

She locked eyes with me and used her hand to get what she couldn’t in her mouth. When she started playing with my ballsI groaned and came in her mouth. She let me out of her mouth with a pop and licked the tip of my dick.

I flipped her and tugged her shorts down. I whispered, “God, you smell so good.” I started licking her clit. Admittedly, I’d fumbled through this the first time we did it. I’d figured it out now and could now have her coming in minutes. She used a pillow to muffle her orgasm.

I crawled back up her body, kissed her, and pulled her shorts back on. I pulled on my own, and just held her to me. She whispered, “I’m so sorry about what you heard today. I can’t imagine.” I held her, “I can’t understand how that all happened. I do understand that I will protect you with everything I have. Nothing will happen to you or the family we have one day.”

Elise sat up, “Your mom had no one around her that would help her. She was groomed and conditioned from even before she could conceptualize the concept. She still fought back. I didn’t live that type of life. I’m so loved, and I’ve been raised to fight since I was little. Your mom didn’t have that. No one is going to hurt me in that way and live to tell about it.”

I crushed her to me, “No one will touch one hair on your perfect head. You’re mine, Elise Kyle. I will always protect you.” She curled up into my chest again. I held her tightly to me and kissed her forehead. We fell asleep like that.

I woke up in a meadow and startled. I looked frowning. I called out, “Hello? Mom? Dad? Alexander?” Before I could continue, I heard Alexander call, “Where the HELL are we, brother?” I answered, “I don’t know.” He found me and we hugged.

Cassie cried out, “Hello?” Alexander and I ran in the direction her voice came from. I yelled, “CASS!” She popped to us with wide eyes. She whispered, “Where are we?” A voice came from behind us, “The Beyond.” I whirled around pushing her behind me.

Cassie gasped, “Arion.” He nodded, “I’d prefer Uncle, but I imagine you don’t like me very much. You are still the spitting image of your mother Cassie. EJ and Alexander, you two look just like your dad through and through.” I asked, “Why are we here?”

Arion sighed, “Your mental defenses were lowered enough I could call you here. I wanted to explain everything. I should’ve pulled you before. It’s not that I don’t watch out for you guys, I do. I know all about you. I just didn’t feel it was my place to pull you here and field questions you’d inevitably have. Haley told me I could pull you, but I wanted everything done on her timeline.”

Alexander asked, “Did you kill the man that first beat up our mother?” Arion nodded his head, “I did not think that would be your first question, but yes I did. Aiden and I killed who we could get away with killing over the years.” I knew we all looked shocked. Arion rolled his eyes, “Let me guess, my bleeding heart brother didn’t tell you that part.” We said nothing.

Arion sighed, “Of course not. He loves you all. If you want to be mad at someone, be mad at me. Not Haley or Aiden.” Alexander hissed, “Where’s Alania?” Arion snorted, “She does not come to this side of the Beyond. Neither my father, Uncle Lochtan, Auntie Fae, nor I wish to see her.”

I angrily yelled, “They needed you. You are supposed to be their balance.” Arion looked away. He whispered, “I know. I brought you all here to apologize and answer any questions you have. If it’s anger you need to get out, then take it out on me. I’ll pull you here as much as it takes.”

Alexander asked, “Why did you allow this to happen?” Arion sighed, “After I kidnapped your mother, I was broken. I wanted to call it off, but Alania convinced me not to. The moment I took your mom, it was over for me. We didn’t know that we were the promised siblings, but it wouldn’t have mattered. Your dadwould’ve been waiting and watching for me. He’d have killed me one day.”

Alexander said, “If he hadn’t, I would’ve.” Arion smiled, “Ahh, the Warrior Enforcer of you all. I’d imagine you would. You feel stronger like your mother, but your father’s DNA is in there too. Something I am very grateful for. Which feels odd to say. We are frenemies as you say.” I snorted.

He winked, “He does appreciate me now even though that upsets him. My fate was my fault and mine alone. I just don’t want you to blame Aiden for what happened to your mom.” I replied, “I don’t.” Alexander grunted his head in my direction showing his agreement with me.

Arion looked at Cassie. She whispered, “Same. I hate Alania, but we weren’t raised to think she was our grandma. You look like our cousins.” Arion smiled, “My children are quite handsome and beautiful.” I agreed, “You look like Lila. Or she looks like you, I guess.” Lila was our partial Fairy/Witch cousin.

Arion smiled, “She’s beautiful.” I told him, “You should call her here.” Arion smiled, “I do. Just know things are not always as they seem. Go back to your lives but lower your defenses anytime you have questions or wish to see me. I will call you if you do.” He pushed me backwards.

I sat up with a start and looked around. I was back in Elise’s room. I linked Alexander and Cassie, “Are you guys ok? Was that real?” Alexander answered, “I’m fine and I think it was real.” Cassie said, “Also fine. It was definitely real. I read about the Beyond in Faerie.” I replied, “Alright then. Are you guys ok?” Cassie replied, “Relatively.” Alexander grunted but he felt ok in the bond.

I sighed and looked at Elise, unable to stop myself from kissing her. She responded so I gently ran my hands up and down her body. I groaned as I cupped her breasts. I whispered,“You’re so perfect.” We were about to take it further when a metaphorical cup of water was thrown on us.

Her mom yelled, “COME GET BREAKFAST.” I eased back while Elise looked at me. She was frustrated and there was a blatant need in her eyes. I whispered, “You need to stop looking at me like that, babe. I won’t be able to stop myself.” Elise closed her eyes, sat up, and went into the bathroom.

When she came out, we went downstairs for breakfast. We ate quickly and she led me outside. Her family didn’t say anything. They were just giving us space. Elise walked outside a ways, then sat down. She asked me, “Are you ok?” I answered her honestly, “No, but I’m better. Being with you makes it feel like I can breathe again. I just can’t wrap my mind around the things they did to her.”

Elise rubbed my arms, “I don’t think you ever can.” I shook myself, “My Uncle Arion pulled me to the Beyond with my siblings. God, I need a distraction from this subject. Do you have any Melanie stories for me?” Elise laughed, “Do I ever, but I have something else I want to talk about.”