I changed my mind because I knew there was someone I wanted to talk to. Alexander said, “You seemed conflicted.” I explained, “I'm going to see Uncle Aiden first.” Alexander considered my words. He announced, “I’m coming with you.”
We popped to Uncle Aiden, who appeared to be waiting for us. He pointed to two chairs. There were three out though. He urged, “Ask whatever you want boys.” I asked, “How could you watch someone hurt mom? I would die before I saw Cassie or Angela beaten! Ever since I was little you always knew everything. How did you not know what was truly happening to mom?”
Uncle Aiden looked away, “I wish I had a better answer for you boys. My father dying was a defining moment for Arion and me. My dad was the strongest of us, and his murder went unsolved. Alania turned cold, or so we thought at the time. She had always shown us a false face. We didn’t know the version of her that came out after my dad died was actually her true self.”
He rubbed his temples, “We were taught partial Fairies didn’t have powers. That they were less than us. I was always so conflicted about the things I was told had to happen with Haley. Because from the moment she was born I loved your mother. She was such a beautiful baby and child.”
He admitted, “The first time I found out she’d been beaten I nearly killed the Fairy that did it. Fabian pulled me off him at the last moment then told me to go see my mother. To my shock, she admonished me. She told me to remember what could happen if we lost power.”
Uncle Aiden looked away, “Arion was devastated we had to allow this to happen or watch for enemies everywhere. Despite what you might think of me at this moment, you cannot hate me more than I hate myself for those years.” I asked, “What happened to that Fairy?”
Uncle Aiden smirked, “I can tell you what I suspect happened to him, but officially it’s unsolved to this day. He recovered from the wounds I’d caused and never went near your mother again. Then, several years later he was beaten to death. His murderer was not caught, but I believe it was your Uncle Arion.”
Alexander asked, “Why do you think that?” Uncle Aiden smiled, “I trained with my brother, meaning I know his style as you know yours. I would be stunned if he didn’t do it.” I frowned, “Mom doesn’t know that.” Uncle Aiden shook his head, “No, she doesn’t even know I beat the first man who hurt her let alone that Arion killed him.”
I shot back, “Why not?” Uncle Aiden sighed, “Because it’s not enough.” Alexander argued, “I think it would mean a lot to her to know.” It would. I asked, “How did you not know the other things? The rapes.” My voice broke. It killed me that this had happened to my mom.
Uncle Aiden sighed, “I was blind. Maybe I wanted to be, but I swear to you boys I would not have allowed that. I traveled often when Haley lived here. My mother had me going places to settle unrest since I was my father’s son. Arion started to join me when he could not stand to see Haley suffer anymore.” I studied my uncle closely.
I was about to speak when Alexander said, “You look haunted. You have seen ports of what happened to her.” Uncle Aiden frowned, “I have. Before you ask the answer is no. The pain of viewing that is what gave me my wings. I will give you kids anything, but not that. No one needs to see that.” I believed him.
He added, “Just know your mother is the strongest person I have ever known. That she is a loving, adorable, innocent, and functioning is incredible. She has every right to be bitter and hateful, but she is not.” Alexander got quiet again. I could feel him working through things.
I expressed my feelings, “What you did back then was not ok, but I think you know that. The man I know, would walk through fire for my mom. You and I won’t have any problems if you continue being the man I’ve always known. You’re my loving uncle and you always have been.”
Uncle Aiden cried, “Thank you. I’m so sorry.” I hugged him, “You don’t owe me an apology. You did nothing to me, and mom forgave you long ago. That’s the past.” When we parted, Alexander stood and hugged Uncle Aiden too. Much to our uncle’s surprise.
Alexander pulled back, “I love you, Uncle Aiden. I’m reeling from all this information. I’ll always love you though. I agree with EJ. You are the man we’ve always known to come help us. I’m angry, but not with you.”
Uncle Aiden quickly said, “Don’t be mad at your mom. She does not deserve that. Be angry with me.” Alexander shook his head, “I’m mad at Alania. She ruined the promised siblings. She knew, she had to.” Uncle Aiden nodded, “She did. I am mad at her too.” We all hugged.
I took Alexander’s hand. I told Uncle Aiden, “For the record, Cassie is not upset with you either. She’s just with mom and dad right now.” Uncle Aiden nodded, “I expected you two tonight. Cassie takes more time to process, like your mom. You boys are direct like your dad. I put out three chairs in case I was wrong.”
I assured him, “We love you.” Uncle Aiden wiped tears away, “I love you all too. So much. Even if you decide you’re mad at me later, that’s fine. I’ll always be there for you all.” I leaned forward and hugged him again.
Alexander said, “Dat canbe ticytoky. Forgave own. Dat's ticytoky to the. Own answered questions tho own expected hatred. Ina cunbe own. Own Aiden (Forgive yourself uncle it is long past time. Mom forgave you long ago. It's time to let yourself off the hook. You answered our questions but youexpected our hatred. None of us could ever hate you. You are our Uncle Aiden).”
I echoed his sentiments, “Meself. Taught lives megroup negg mistakes. Own messed fli. Own admitted dat. Own moved ove. Own changed. Canbe negg. Own the megroup falhing (I agree. Mom has taught us our whole lives that we are not our worst mistakes. You messed up. You admitted it. You moved on. You changed. Change is not easy. You are the man we all love).”
Uncle Aiden cried, “Meself own guys so. Meself. Own guys. Dat's (I love you guys so much. I love your mom. You guys... our family. it's everything).” We broke apart and said goodbye. I grabbed Alexander and we popped to the Hackura realm.
Alexander frowned saying, “You don’t need to stay with me, brother. Go to Elise.” I nodded, “I will. I wanted to talk to our Hackura uncles first.” We walked into the main room where they were all waiting. Uncle Bjourn greeted, “EJ, Alexander. We thought we might be seeing you.” \
I looked at my Uncle Marcus knowing he saved mom and any of my uncle’s here would’ve too. Alexander just walked into Uncle Bjourn’s arms and started sobbing. I bent down and started sobbing too. My Grandpa Titus wrapped his arms around me, and I clung to him.
I asked, “Quomodo posset hoc faciunt illi? Ipsa est lux. Quæ est mater mea. Et non nocuerunt mihi indignamini eius et non (How could they do this to her? She is light itself. She's my mother. They hurt her and I don't... I am so angry)!”
My grandpa just held me as I cried myself out. Everything my mom had said, everything she’d gone through broke me. When I stepped back, Alexander had just done the same. He sank onto the couch. I popped to my brother and held him.
My grandpa spoke, “We had many of those moments when your mom came here. Sometimes we still do. It’s not an easy cross to bear. The knowledge of what happened to her guts meevery day because she’s my little girl. My princess. I do not understand why she was tortured. Or how they could do that to her. She’s the sweetest thing. I know you must be disappointed in me because I failed her and this family.” My Uncle’s made noises of protest over his feelings.
I argued, “No, you didn’t Grandpa. They did.” Alexander agreed, “You did not fail mom.” My bond with my Grandpa told me my words eased his soul. This was too much to handle. I needed my rock, and she wasn’t here. I had to go to her.
I shook myself, “I need Elise. Brother, are you ok?” Alexander nodded, “I’ll get my anger out here like I usually do. Let Elise take care of you.” I looked around and felt the need to say something first. I addressed the room, “Thank you for being the men I’ve always known you all were. I’ve looked up to all my entire life and I’m proud to say that. You saved mom and are the reason we are all here. Thank you.” I hugged each of them then popped to Elise.
She ran to me, wrapping her arms around me. I cried all over again. I whispered, “They hurt her. They hurt my mom so badly. It’s worse than I ever expected.” She rubbed my back, “It’s ok. I’m right here and your mom is here with us.” When I finally pulled apart from her, we sat on the couch in her house.
I put my head in my hands. Elise put both her hands on my face and brought my face up to hers. She kissed me softly and climbed into my lap. She told me, “I’m here, babe.” I wrapped my arms around her and repeated, “It was worse than I’d ever imagined.” She hugged me tighter.