She smiled, “I’ll have to talk to him about it. Anyway, your dad brought me home and it was quite the time, but we got to share in the joy of knowing you three were coming.” She took a deep breath, “After you guys were born, Arion was convinced by Alania and Masium to bring me to Faerie with you three. The day your uncle died, your dad got word that Lucas was under attack and left to go help him. Your Uncle Arion could enchant people to sleep, and the pack went down.”

She winced, “I was also betrayed by some Hackura men who sent all our guards outside. They were attacked and fought their way into us. EJ…” My mom started crying. I popped beside her, “I’m fine, mom. I’m right here.” My dad and I rubbed her back.

My mom gathered herself, “EJ had to use his shield to protect you guys. All of you used your powers that day. You boys took Masium down but didn’t kill him. You did kill some of them with your pushing power. Cassie was shooting Fairies with her sunlight. I had to fight Arion.” Her sorrow was so great I wanted to cry. Brutus was whining in my head.

She wiped her tears, “EJ started crying from the strain of keeping up his shield.” She locked eyes with me whispering, “You were just a baby. Arion looked away from our fight and I….”My mom buried her head in her hands and cried her heart out. My dad wrapped her in his arms. I popped to my siblings, and we all hugged each other.

After several moments, my mom said, “God, I’m sorry.” Alexander consoled her, “It’s fine, mom. You have nothing to apologize for.” My mom whispered, “I killed him. I killed my big brother. I just couldn’t let him take us from your dad, from our lives. I couldn’t let you all live the life there I did.”

Cassie cried, “Why did you let me go there like nothing happened to you?” My mom smiled, “It’s a beautiful place. I do better there now, and it’s a part of all of you three. You wanted to go, and I know that heart of yours. You’re so like me, and that streak of Alpha in you is something I deeply admire. You had to go because you felt it was your journey, and I respect that. Your instincts took you there and I wasn’t going to take that away. None of us were.” I’d bet mom hid a lot of her anxiety in the bond about it though. She had to of.

She added, “Your dad, Uncle Aiden, Grandpa Titus, and I made sure you would be safe. I don’t want you three, or any of your siblings, to have my ghosts there. Things are different now. My problems are mine, not yours. They shouldn’t overshadow your lives.” Cassie shook her head, “I wouldn’t have gone.”

My mom took her hands, “I wanted you to go. You felt you should go. I always want you to follow your instincts. Your Uncle Aiden and Aunt Lucinda loved having you there. I know you had fun too.” Cassie shook her head, “I shouldn’t have. Not in a place that brought you such pain.”

My mom hugged her, “That’s just not true. Faerie is not the same place it was when I was there, or you wouldn’t have gone. Your Uncle Aiden has changed so many things. He has loved all of you from the moment he met you. He named you Duke’s and Duchess. My past does not change how much fun you had there. I have my own good memories before I left and since I was ableto go back. When I visited and saw how happy Cassie was when she stayed there it felt like getting a piece of my heart back.” Cassie sank into mom, crying.

Alexander had been quiet. I glanced at him sensing in the bond he was formulating something to say. Finally, he said, “You did what you had to do. From your childhood to the day Uncle Arion died and beyond. You protected us. You need to let it go.”

She admitted, “Sometimes I think I have, then I talk about it. I hate that I killed Arion.” I reasoned, “If you hadn’t, he’d have been tortured for a long time before he was killed. Dad wouldn’t have let that stand. Maybe you should've let dad do what should’ve been done.”

My mom shook her head, “I couldn’t bear that. He is and always will be my brother no matter his faults.” Cassie said, “Mom, he betrayed you.” My mom nodded, “He did. I’ve seen different versions of him though in the Ribbon. Versions where the three of us were as close as we were meant to be.”

She wiped tears away, “I knew he had that in him. Just as I know Alania stopped us from bonding and led him to the path he chose. I know this was a lot to absorb you guys. So, however you want to process this, your father and I support you. I will ask that you not share it with your younger siblings. I plan to sit all of you down when you are sixteen and explain. I will answer any questions you all have now or later as you think of them. So will your dad.”

Cassie asked, “Who’s Claudzilla? I thought she would be in the story. I’ve heard that name.” My mom said, “She’s a fucking bitch who happens to be the head on your dad’s table.” I snorted. We’d asked, of course, but they told us they’d tell us one day.

My dad explained, “Claudia had me charmed long before I met your mom. She came back into our lives after we met, and I was an asshole to your mom while I was charmed.” Cassiegasped, “She what?! But…” I winced knowing a lot of charms like that can seduce someone to their bed.

My dad quickly interjected, “I never cheated on your mom, that never happened. It didn’t even come close. It was as unfathomable to be with anyone else then as it is now. Your mom has been everything to me from the moment I saw her. That never changed, charmed or not. Your mother had just returned to us from King Damon’s when the Summit was back on. I needed her with me.”

My dad looked as if he was in pain. My mom whispered, “Eric, it wasn't your fault.” My dad shook his head, “I fought with you and my wolf. I was an ass.” He turned to us, “I yelled at your mom after I lost control of myself to the charm. I’m not proud of what I did. I could’ve lost her and you guys. I should've been on your mom's side, but I heard Claudia’s first. I believed her without asking your mom what happened.” He looked like he might throw up.

“We figured all that out when we got back. Later, your Grandma Cassandra convinced me your mom needed peace during the rest of her pregnancy. We were getting very specific threats against your mother. I ignored my instincts, something I never want you guys to do, and didn’t tell your mom about the threats.” How did she manage that? Mom was used to threats, given who she was.

He continued, “I went to a meeting I knew was a trap. I was placed under a very dark spell with your uncles. Your mom showed up and used your guys’ powers. She saved us and so did you three. That’s just a very cursory overview of the situation. I’ll answer all your questions about it as well. My biggest regret in my life is how I hurt your mom then. Charmed or not, she’s my everything. You guys and your siblings are everything to me.” I nodded.

My mom rubbed his hands, “You were charmed. It’s not totally excusable, but you can’t fight the charm without getting angry. You were ready to kill Claudia before we got home from the Summit. You were fighting it for me, for us.” My dad kissed her, “You are the most amazing woman.”

We all got up and hugged as a family. I was trying to absorb all this information. Cassie whispered, “You promise you’ve never had a problem with dad, right mom?” My mom replied, “Your dad and I have had fights, but they have NEVER been physical. Your dad would never hurt me. We fight but we talk. I promise I’ve never thought of being with your dad as being with any of my rapists. That has never touched our lives there. Your dad has always been respectful. Does that answer your questions, Cass?” She nodded.

Alexander questioned, “How did you forgive Uncle Aiden?” My mom answered, “Quite easily. He didn’t know a lot of what was happening. Even before I knew Alania was the whispering voice, I forgave your uncle.” I pressed, “How?”

My mom smiled, “I love all your uncle’s. There is nothing they can do apart from hurting you kids or your dad that I would not eventually forgive. I have loved your Uncle Aiden my entire life. I always craved his acceptance. He started to come around even before he knew I had powers. He’s changed and that is not an easy thing for anyone to do. He acted in the way he thought he could protect me because of bad advice he was given. He was emotionally abused and manipulated himself. We have discussed and moved past it.”

Alexander asked, “How bad was it, mom? The beatings, the” He cut off, “rapes. How bad?” My mom looked down. Alexander started to cry, “It’s why you’re short, right? It’s why you’re short, but none of us are. It’s why all the Ribbon versions are taller than you. Even just by a little bit. They beat you that badly? They broke your legs, didn’t they?”

My mom nodded, “Every bone in my body was broken multiple times.” Cassie started sobbing. My mom stood so my dad could take Cassie in his arms. He rocked back and forth, holding her to him. Alexander and I hugged our mom. Tears were streaming down both our faces. Brutus was closed off in our link trying to process it all.

She consoled us, “Guys, it’s ok. I’m standing here with you today. We have our beautiful family and this was a long time ago. I still deal with the ghosts of my past, but that’s what it is. The past. It is ugly and brutal, but it brought me here to you guys. I’d do it all again to end up here with my family.”

I squeezed her tight, “I love you, mom.” She stood on her tiptoes, and I leaned down. She kissed my cheek, then Alexander’s. She said, “I love all of you.” I whispered, “You’re the strongest person I know mom.” Alexander agreed, “Me too.” Cassie cried, “Me three.”

My mom gently asked, “Are there any other questions you have for us now?” We were silent. She assured us, “Again, you can process this at your pace. I’m here for your questions and so is your dad. Your uncles and grandparents are as well.”

I said, “I need to see Elise.” My mom squeezed my shoulder encouraging, “Go to her then. It’s ok.” I shook my head because I needed answers first. Brutus was still whimpering but he’d opened our link again. He was clearly not in a talkative mood just yet.

I asked my siblings, “Where are you guys going?” Alexander shrugged, “To see Uncle Bjourn.” His eyes were blazing. It took me a minute to realize mine were too. Cassie said, “I just want to lay in mom and dad’s bed. Can we do that together? Like we did when we were little?” She often popped into their room to snuggle. My mom kissed her forehead, “Of course.” They popped away.