My mom closed her eyes, “He raped me for the first time when I was six. Never vaginally because I had to be pure for whoever he bartered me off to. Plus, he didn’t want me to get pregnant with a Fairy child.” Cassie shot sunlight at a vase. My mom stopped, giving us a second.

Cassie quietly encouraged, “Keep going mom.” My mom nodded, “There were horrible things done to me. I was deprived of sleep and woken up by being shocked awake. I was beaten regularly for being a partial Fairy without powers. I was operated on while I was awake. They poured lemonade down my throat and cut some organs away with iron knives.” That didn’t make sense. She was never powerless.

She answered my unspoken question, “I hid what I was from them and what I could do with my powers. I knew if Fabian found out, I’d never be free. I started being systematically raped by men in the Ring. Men who wanted Alania but couldn’t have her. I was who they acted their sick fantasies out on.”

Our silence was deafening. “I took it all. I knew that my dad was coming for me when I was sixteen. I was just hanging on until then.” She winced, “I didn’t make it to my goal. When I was thirteen, Fabian and my cousins Masium and Hexxus beat me.” She took a deep breath. I could feel she didn’t want to say whatever she was about to say.

She closed her eyes, “Aiden and Arion watched as they beat me.” I linked Alexander, “WHAT THE MOTHERFUCKINGFUCK?!” Alexander was stunned into silence. My mom continued, “Then Fabian told everyone to leave, so they did. He raped me for the last time then I fled. I will continue my story, but I want you to know neither of your Fairy uncles knew I was being abused so badly. They knew I was beaten, but that was it. They knew nothing of the experiments or the sexual abuse. Alania evaded with them and said that they’d see me raped in the streets and killed if they stopped it.”

Alexander asked, “Why?” My mom asked, “Why what, sweetie?” Alexander clarified, “Why would you be killed and raped if they stopped it?” My mom sighed, “Because that’s how families rise and fall in Faerie. When a takeover happens, the ruling family is killed. Everyone is raped and killed. From what Aiden and Arion knew I could not fight back with powers. Which is obviously not true, but they didn’t know that.”

She waved, “Anyway, I fled Faerie. When I did, I took that bracelet off. Your Grandpa Titus and your uncles felt me. Marcus came to me since he was posing as a doctor nearby. He got me out of the hospital, and he took me home to the Hackura realm. It killed them how broken I was.” She wiped a tear away.

“They put me back together and let me take my time opening up. For a while I only spoke to Marcus. They were determined though and wanted to know me. In all honesty, they saved me and brought me out of my shell.” She glanced at dad, and he kissed the side of her head.

She told us, “When I turned seventeen, war broke out between the Fairies and Werewolves. When I was nineteen, they all came to the table. Your Fairy uncles agreed to my marriage with your dad for peace.” I snarled, “They had no right! No right after what they did to give you away!”

My mom smiled and kissed my dad, “No they didn’t, but your dad wanted me, and he gets what he wants.” Cassie cried, “Are you guys not fated mates? You’re chosen mates?” I didn’t thinkthat was true, but it would rock her if it was. She believed in fated mates so much, but if chosen ones could look our parents then there was a solid argument for them.

My dad answered, “Your mom is my fated mate, Princess.” My mom smiled, “I was in the area going to school when Aiden and Arion tracked me down.” Dad teased, “You were unknowingly driving Thor crazy. He’d never met his fated mate, so he didn’t understand why sometimes we were drawn to an area or why a faint scent was driving us crazy.” She stuck her tongue out at him, and he chuckled.

She continued, “They told me what they’d agreed to. We all knew I had no choice if I wanted them to live despite what they said. While I didn’t know him personally at the time, I knew of your father. Your Uncle Bjourn and Grandpa Titus had me memorize everything about the Conners in case I needed to get help and couldn’t pop or portal home. I knew that if I didn't agree to marry your dad Aiden and Arion would’ve died.”

My dad took her hand, continuing the story, “I knew where she was because I’d had Aiden and Arion followed. She drove here that night, and Thor was on full alert not understanding our mate was closer than she was at school. Caleb came in and told me she was sitting on top of her car near one of our borders overlooking the castle. I went out to meet her, and it was as if I was struck by lightning. After over a decade, my mate was sitting there before me.”

My mom kissed him, “Your dad had no intention of letting me go. I was a little confused because I’d always been told I would not get a mate by Faries. Or that if I did, he wouldn’t want me. I really didn’t think it would be an option for me despite my Hackura family saying otherwise. I couldn’t stand to be touched, but your dad changed all that for me. I do a lot better now.”

I asked, “What does that mean?” My mom sighed, “I used to be physically ill if men not related to me touched me. Thatnever happened with your dad though. It was different from the beginning in ways I never expected. I experienced what others must.” Alexander asked, “Huh?”

She explained, “I have never considered a man my quote ‘type’ as my friends and family say. I was never attracted to anyone and felt broken. I was attracted to your dad the moment I saw him. I wanted nothing more than his lips on mine which was quite the damn foreign thought for me.”

She assured us, “Everything between us has been consensual and your father asked me what I wanted, and he listened. Always. That’s what I expect from each of you in any relationships you pursue.” I was only going to pursue Elise, but Cassie nor Alexander had met their mate yet.

Alexander asked, “How did Uncle Arion die? No one ever says.” My mom looked down, “After your dad and I got married I went into my concupiscence, and we conceived you guys. The Moon and the Fairy Goddess visited me. The Fairy Goddess gave me protections I didn’t understand. I didn’t know about you three yet.” Cassie questioned, “How is that possible?”

She explained, “I was just accepting my Fairy side at the time. I could see my own glow, but I didn’t use my Fairy senses to sense how many lights were inside me. I found out about you guys after your dad left for the Summit.”

Cassie interjected, “Without you? He never goes without you!” My dad sighed, “I made a bad call. It was the tactical response, but it was wrong. The Vampire King at the time had been promised your mom as a pet by Fabian.” Alexander, Cassie, and I snarled.

My dad snorted, “I felt the same way. He was slated to come to the Summit, and I didn’t want him near her. I thought she would be safer here. I also thought her guard was here. Our people and your grandpa’s were lied to. Her guard wasn’t here, and we were attacked. Communication to us was cut off.”

My mom jumped in, “I fought hard and got the pack to safety. In doing so, I was hit multiple times with iron.” I winced. My mom kept going, “I almost made it to safety when Arion said my name. I thought he was here to help me. I turned my back on him,” She teared up, “and I got hit with iron again.”

I was staggered by that admission. Uncle Arion betrayed mom? Alexander surmised, “So you two never bonded. He fractured his very soul, and you didn’t fix him. Good for you, mom.” My mom winced, “I would’ve. We didn’t know we were the promised siblings at the time.” Something that obviously hurt her.

She continued, “I was taken and snacked on by four vampires. I was put through SIMS by Fabian.” Tears escaped my eyes as horror filled me. I knew you didn’t put a pregnant Fairy in SIMS. Uncle Aiden had declared it treason about sixteen years ago which made sense now.

“Arion realized I was twice light bound to your dad and started trying to work with your uncle Aiden to get me back to your dad.” I asked, “So he betrayed you and Uncle Aiden?” Mom nodded, “He did. Alania was whispering in his ear.”

I asked, “How do you know that?” My mom said, “Fabian still pulls me to the Beyond on occasion after a flashback or panic attack where my defenses are lowered. Arion protects me from him now. We’ve talked.” I looked at my dad.

I knew he hated Uncle Arion and now I couldn’t say I blamed him. My dad said, “Your mom saved herself by killing the Vampire King and brought an enclosure down so we could get to her. Fabian shot your Uncle Arion with iron.”

My mom pursed her lips, “I had no intention of letting Arion die, even before that moment. No matter what he was, Arion was my brother. I tried to use my healing light, but I was so messed up I couldn’t do it. I ordered Masium to take him home andsave him. They made it to the healing waters in time.” Alexander raised an eyebrow.

Brutus linked, “Our sister needs us.” I shook myself out of my own grief and hugged Cassie. She was still crying. My mom sighed, “I got back to your dad that day. When I brought the enclosure down, he was ready with the armies, Wolf and Werewolf. Your dad asked Uncle Aiden to stay out of it due to the Vampires, but he wanted to be there.”

My dad snorted, “He was there.” Mom jolted and stared at him. She whispered, “He was?” He nodded, “I thought he told you that. He made it rain so I wasn’t covered in blood by the time I reached you.” I’d bet Uncle Aiden did more than that.