Peter smiled, “Thank you for the offer, EJ. She’s already healed. Her arm is just a little sore.” Sam said, “Drake, we need to get home right now! My poor pup!” They left with Tristan and Jason on their heels. I snapped everything packed.

Peter urged, “EJ, why don’t you pop on home? Elise can call you later.” I didn’t want to do that. I wanted to check on Melanie. I didn’t know if she was my brother’s mate, but I did know he cared about her. I knew that Elise did too.

Peter’s gaze softened, “Drake’s not going to let anyone near Melanie. He’s very protective of her.” I pointed out, “I’d never hurt her. Plus, I know she’s important to Elise.” Brutus huffed, “And to our brother. We could help, somehow.” I agreed with that.

Peter nodded, “I promise she’s ok. Chelsea is with her. Elise can call you later when we have more details.” I sighed, “Alright.” I kissed Elise and popped home. My dad was clearly startled by my arrival. He was in the living room with a glass of whiskey.

He said, “I thought you were staying longer.” I shrugged, “Something happened with Melanie. She dislocated her arm.” My dad frowned, “That’s why Luna Chelsea left and didn’t come back?” I nodded, “Melanie didn’t want to ruin her parents' party.” Eric frowned, “I’ll call and let them know your mom would heal her.” I told him, “I offered. They said she’d already healed, and her arm was just a little sore.”

My dad shrugged, “That was evasive, and something about it hurt your feelings. So, I’ll guess you offered and it was denied. I’ll offer anyway.” I nodded and walked upstairs knowing he’d be pissed off when they said the same thing to him that they had me.

My little brother, Theo, was waiting for me in my room. He asked, “I heard you say that the imaginary Melanie got hurt. Is she ok?” I nodded, “She is fine, her arm is just sore.” He jumped off my bed and ran away.

I raised an eyebrow, and I left my door open a crack and watched my little brother knock on Alexander’s bedroom. He was inside for a few minutes then came back out with twenty dollars. Brutus huffed, “You’ve GOT to be kidding me! Alexander paid Theo to ask us about Melanie.” I asked him, “Why isn’t Alexander telling me about this?” He sighed, “I don’t know.”

My phone lit up indicating a call. I checked it noting it was Elise. If it was anyone else I’d be charging in to speak to Alexander. Instead I answered, “If it isn’t my girl.” Elise was crying. I asked, “Elise? Babe? What’s wrong?”

She said, “Someone broke into the McAlister’s house and a few of the other houses in the pack. That’s how Melanie got hurt.Everyone else was at the party. By the time we got back they’d escaped somehow. She fought off eight adults and at least one was a Witch.”

I bolted up, “But she’s ok?” Elise said, “Her shoulder was already reset. She’s complaining that the pack doctor wants her arm in a sling for a few days. I’m scared now though. What if Drake’s not paranoid? What if Alpha Ezra really is coming for the McAlister’s?”

I assured her, “It was probably just luck Elise. No one was supposed to be home. They weren’t looking for Melanie.” Elise took a deep breath, “You’re right. Maybe they just wanted to break some stuff and let us know they got in.” I nodded, “I’m sure that’s it.” We hung up the phone.

I linked my dad, “Your office.” He didn’t answer for a minute. He sounded out of breath, “I’ll be there.” I knew that meant he’d been having sex with my mom. My dad walked into his office. I asked, “You’re watching Alpha Ezra, right?” My dad nodded, “Of course. Why?”

I answered, “Melanie got hurt in a break in. There was at least one Witch involved. They were long gone by the time Chelsea and some Warriors got there.” My dad frowned, “That wasn’t him but alright. Poor pup. Her dads going to put her on a stricter lock down.”

I pressed, “What if it was a test run?” My dad frowned, “I will look into it.” I nodded and went to bed. Preston’s words were running through my mind. Alexander’s mate needed us to protect her. I’d keep a closer eye on Melanie.

I didn’t know what she was to Alexander, but she was important. He cared about things deeply. He was a little aloof with others, but our family knew Alexander in a way no one else did. I had to protect my brother and my girl’s hearts. I could do that. I closed my eyes thinking over plans.

The Beginning of Something

Elise is Fourteen Years Old

Elise had just gotten back from hiking with her family. Vacation was fun, but I wished EJ was here. My phone finally had service again and Tristan was calling me. My mom teased, “Do you think Melanie stole his phone again?” I smiled knowing it was likely since she was bored earlier. Melanie normally always had something going on. Our teachers were already saying she was a genius because she was ridiculously smart.

I answered my phone, “Is this Tristan or Melanie?” Tristan snorted, “Why would it be Ladybug?” I laughed, “It was earlier. She took your phone and called me.” Jason announced, “We need to talk.” So, I guess it was both McAlister boys.

I frowned as I ran up to my room in our vacation house. Once inside I asked, “What’s going on guys?” Tristan asked, “Has EJ said anything to you about thinking we are taking advantage of the partial Fairies?” I questioned, “What are you talking about?”

Jason answered, “Dad just got a text from Alpha Eric saying that unless something was an emergency, he didn’t want us to ask them to pop us somewhere or use their powers.” My jaw dropped, “What? That doesn’t make sense. EJ pops to me all the time.”

Jason snorted, “And he will keep doing so. You’re his mate so it’s different. If they offer to pop or use their powers it’s different; however, they still only want bigger things to be an emergency. Do they feel like we were taking advantage of them? Have they said anything like that to you?”

I thought about it then answered, “They have never said anything like that to me. I’ll talk to EJ.” Tristan quickly replied,“No, don’t. That would only make it worse. They might feel like we are trying to use you to change their mind.” I sighed, “Guys, you know Haley Conners is the nicest lady ever. There’s no way she just wants anyone hurting unless it’s an emergency.”

Tristan sighed, “But if Alpha Eric feels like we are relying on them too much he’s protecting his mate and family. We just wondered if EJ said something to you because I’ve never heard him say anything. Jase said he’s never heard Alexander say anything either.” Jason snorted, “He’s a quiet guy, but I’m sure he would’ve said something.” Alexander was quiet and he tended to be a bit more emotional.

Finally, I said, “They both would’ve said something to me, and I have no idea what this is about.” Tristan sighed, “Alpha Lucas said the same thing about it though. He and Alpha Eric are on the same page.” I assured them, “I’ll go ask dad.” Jason said, “I’d hate it if I upset Alexander.” I reasoned, “You didn’t. He’d have told me. Or EJ would’ve. It must have been some other pack. Maybe it was Blue Moon that was upset, and Eric just agreed to present a united front.” Jason exhaled, “I hope so. Alexander’s my best friend.”

I asked, “What did Mel say about it?” Jason said, “That was the weirdest thing. She got really quiet then went out to her spot to dance, with her stuffed wolf of course. I love that she just carries that thing around still to prove a point to our pack.” I bit my lip knowing that wasn’t why she carried it around at all. It was because she still had a giant crush on her Xander.

Tristan said, “It’s not the weirdest thing, Jase. Go outside.” Jason snorted, “I can tell when I’m not wanted.” I heard Tristan moving around before he spoke again. “Ok, he’s outside.” I laughed, “How does he not know Mel has a huge crush on Alexander?”

Tristan laughed, “He just doesn’t see her at the age where she can have a crush.” I snorted, “You've known since she was threeyears old.” Tristan laughed, “I’m closer with EJ than Alexander. Ladybug knows I’m not going to embarrass her and tell her crush about it.”

I pointed out, “Jason wouldn’t tell either.” Tristan said, “I know that, but Ladybug is Ladybug. Her explanation of it all is built in logic and I’m not about to refute any of it.” I informed him, “She was bored earlier.” Tristan said, “She’s been in a mood since Wednesday.” I was confused but shrugged that off. I sighed, “Well, I’m going to talk to my parents. I’ll text you later.”