After a few rounds of pushing Robert must have told Alexander what he wanted to know. Elise asked, “What’s going on?” I said, “You know when we push, we get flashes of visionssometimes. I’m guessing Alexander didn’t like what he saw or heard.” Sometimes we could only hear what was said.

Peter and Drake ran inside. Drake said, “Oh shit.” Jason commented, “So I guess Robert doesn’t think Alpha’s that aren’t all black are real Alpha’s. On top of that he assaulted Elise.” Peter snarled, “HE DID WHAT?!” By this point most of the supernatural’s who went to the school were in the hallway. Tristan nodded to me, so I knew the humans were nowhere around.

I popped to my brother and put his hand on shoulder. He spoke the chant so I could hear him. I linked him, “What did you see when you pushed things at him?” Alexander replied, “Nothing. I heard him.” He didn’t seem like he was going to add more.

Drake spoke, “Let’s get back home.” Alexander glared at Robert. I could feel my brother desperately wanted to kill him. I linked dad, “About those feelings Alexander has, we have a little problem.” My dad replied, “I heard. Your guards called. Did you stop Alexander from killing Robert?”

I answered, “Until I know the reason Elise’s dress was ripped, I did. If I don’t like the answer, I’m going to kill him myself.” My dad sighed, “Let me know.” We walked in a group out to the car. Alexander was still angry, but he helped Charline into the car. She looked like a hungry tiger eyeing her meat, but Alexander couldn’t have been less interested in her.

We drove in silence until we reached Elise’s home where Chelsea was waiting outside. I asked, “Did Melanie win her competition?” Jason answered, “It’s a two day competition.” We got out of the car, and I grabbed Alexander’s arm. Everyone else went inside except me, Cassie, Alexander, and Elise.

I told Alexander, “Do something to calm down. If that means you pop to Uncle Bjourn or fight a Warrior I don’t care. You are on edge and ready to kill.” Alexander growled, “Of course I am!He’s VILE! He’s possessive over your mate and a nine year old and has been since she was three!”

I jerked back, “What do you mean he’s possessive of Elise?” Alexander snorted, “Just that. He wants her.” I snarled. Cassie said, “EJ, wanting doesn’t produce results.” Elise put her arms around me, “I’m yours, always.” I took several deep breaths.

Elise asked, “Alexander, what do you mean he’s possessive of Melanie? That’s what you meant, right? Robert always said he didn’t like her.” Alexander snarled, “He’s told her she’s his. His to toy with, and his to play with. He ridiculed her over her toy. He wants to rip it to pieces in front of her.”

I asked, “That’s what you heard when you pushed things to him?” Alexander’s jaw ticked, “He made her cry.” I frowned, “Go beat something up, then come back. Just calm down.” Alexander popped away.

Cassie studied me, “You’re simmering on detonation.” I looked at her, “Yes, I am. I’m the calmer one of us all, but this is about a little girl and my mate. So, we’re sticking with simmering. I’ll listen to his story. If I was older and the Alpha, I’d kill him.” We stalked inside.

I inclined my head, “Cassie, ask him how he feels about my mate.” Robert growled. Brutus took over, “Snarl at my sister again, whelp.” Robert clammed up and I took back over. Cassie snapped her fingers in his face so he’d look at her. “How do you feel about Elise Kyle?” Robert tried to fight it. His dad crossed his arms staring at his son.

Finally, Robert spoke, “I love her. She shouldn’t be with EJ Conners. She should be mine.” I snarled and charged forward, but Elise wrapped her arms around me. She whispered, “I’m yours.” Brutus was raging in my head, “We should kill him.” Ray put his hands in front of me. He linked, “Elise is right behind you.” Which meant I needed to calm down.

I told Brutus, “We just might get to kill him at this rate.” Robert was an idiot. I turned around, “Elise, what happened to your dress?” Robert had better pray there was a good enough answer. Elise sighed, “He approached me, and it was admittedly creepily. I knocked him down. He was just trying to grab something to keep from falling. He didn’t mean to rip my strap off.” I was not alone in my growl.

I turned back to Robert, “She’s saved your life twice now tonight. Cassie.” It was all I needed to say. Cassie questioned, “What have you been doing to Melanie McAlister and why?” Everyone visibly stiffened.

Robert fought harder to not tell us anything, but it didn’t matter. He couldn’t lie if Cassie didn’t want him to. Robert answered, “I bully her.” Drake growled, “WHAT?! STILL? Did he mean that in the present tense?” Robert answered, “Yes, still. She’s still got that wolf and she shouldn’t have it! She should have a different colored wolf!”

Peter rolled his eyes, “My god. This is about that stuffed animal again. I have had Fairies AND Covens examine it. IT’S JUST A FUCKING TOY FOR GODS SAKE! There’s nothing magical about it. Get over the damn toy!”

Robert growled, “She’s nine! She's too old to have a stuffed animal!” Peter snarled and Robert whimpered. Peter said, “You forget your place, pup. I am the Alpha of this pack.” He rubbed his temples clarifying, “You’re telling me you’re still trying to take her toy? She’s said nothing about it.” Robert didn’t say anything.

I linked Cassie, “Ask him if he really saw Melanie cross the border before our birthday.” Cassie immediately asked, “Robert, did you actually see Melanie cross the border before our birthday last year?” Robert looked directly into her eyes, “No, but other people said that did so I told Beta Female Sam about it. Everyone knows the Beta’s are crazy about her security. Theykept her home, and she stopped telling them when I bugged her.” Drake had to be held back.

I stopped Tristan but we were missing Alexander for Jason. Cassie was clearly not inclined to stop him. Brutus laughed in my head when I shot her a look and she smiled back. Jason hit Robert, “LEAVE MY SISTER ALONE! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!” Garrett got ahold of Jason.

Drake questioned, “But she did cross the border, right?” Robert shrugged, “I guess. I didn’t see it, but plenty of other people did.” Did they? I wasn’t so sure. Drake nodded mostly to himself as Alexander popped back in. He had obviously taken a shower; his hair was still wet.

Cassie linked me, “Since when does showering calm him down?” I answered, “Never.” I linked him, “You seem calmer.” He just nodded. Peter spoke, “We will deal with this. Cassie, Alexander, and EJ you guys can go home.” Brutus grumbled, “He won’t handle it right. We should rip his head off and be done with it.” I didn’t disagree with that sentiment.

Elise took my hand and led me outside. She squeezed my hand. I hugged her, “I’m so sorry that the night turned out this way Elise. I know you were looking forward to it.” I actually felt some guilt from Alexander in our bond.

He apologized, “I’m sorry about ruining the night, Elise.” Elise told him, “You have nothing to be sorry for. You had every right to kick his butt. Don’t worry about it, and honestly he started it.” He sighed and I knew he was going to worry about it.

Cassie hugged Jason, “Thanks for taking me, Jase. I had fun.” Jason blushed, “Me too. We should do it again sometime.” Cassie smiled, “That would be fun.” Charline said, “I had fun, Alexander.” Alexander coolly said, “I’m glad you did. Sorry about the ending.” Charline didn’t pick up his hint he wasn’t interested. She said, “We should do it again sometime.”Alexander shrugged, “Ummm.” Charline skipped away before he could finish as if he’d agreed.

Oh good. Brutus snorted, “Stage five clinger alert.” I pointed out, “You don’t know that. I’m your first human.” He said, “I don’t need to have more than one life to know that girl wants our brother. Oden did not like her at all. He’s snarling about her scent giving him a headache.”

I replied, “That was probably her overwhelming perfume. It was intense for a Werewolf.” When you add in me and my siblings had a better sense of smell than most it was brutally intense. Brutus chuckled, “He claims it was both.” A moody human and wolf what fun that would be.

I linked my siblings, “Give us a minute.” They popped away. Jason sighed and went back inside. I hugged Elise again, “I did have fun until the end.” She smiled, “Me too. I should’ve taken Cassie with me to the bathroom. What was I thinking?”

I snorted, “That no member of your pack would lay hands on you. Besides, you handled him just fine on your own. My girl is a bad ass.” She blushed and I had to kiss her. I licked her bottom lip and she opened her mouth slightly. Our tongues met for a brief moment.

I pulled back, “That’s how I meant for this night to end.” Elise smiled, “I like your plan.” I looked back at the house before warning, “If he looks in your direction lay him out and ask questions later.”