We decided to walk. My eyes were drawn to the number of Warriors in the hospital and around it. My mom’s entire guard was visible. Serion and Blade looked entirely too serious. Blade was always serious, but Serion was usually more playful. Javi’s eyes were hard, but what pulled me up short was the expression on Thomas and Sasha faces. They looked ready for war. They were the calmer two.
I linked my dad, “Is there already a threat against Angela?” My dad replied, “Put your siblings down for bed, and bringCassie and Alexander to my office.” I didn’t like the sound of that. I linked Cassie and Alexander, “After we put them down, we are going to dad’s office.” Cassie questioned, “Dad’s going to leave mom’s side?” I answered, “I guess.” That can’t be good. Brutus was on high alert in my head.
We put our little siblings down quickly, then popped into my dad’s office. He wasn’t there yet. I linked him, “We are in your office.” My dad said, “I’m just waiting on your Uncle Harold. Grandpa Nathan just walked in.” I did not like this at ALL.
Alexander said, “EJ…” I cut him off, “Dad’s waiting for Uncle Harold to come to mom’s room. Grandpa Nathan is already there.” Alexander stood to pace. My dad came in a few minutes later. He sat down, “You guys know that Angela is going to have the strongest sight Faerie has ever seen...” He trailed off.
He sighed, “Pop us all to the hospital.” Alexander stood, “Is mom ok?” Dad snorted, “She knows we are talking, and she wants to be a part of the conversation.” I grabbed his hand and nodded to my siblings. We popped to the hospital.
My dad kissed my mom, “I wanted you to get some sleep.” My mom smiled, “I’m up now. Angela was hungry and she didn’t want a bottle.” I smiled at my mom feeding my little sister. Alexander felt fiercely protective of them both. He asked, “What’s going on? Who’s threatening Angela?”
My mom put an arm on my dad. They clearly linked then my mom said, “I know you all know some things about my childhood. In a few years, I’ll answer all your questions. For now, there are few things to talk about concerning Alania.”
We all hated that woman. I knew enough about my mom to know that she’d never call Alania by her first name if she loved her. Alania was technically my grandmother, but mom had never told us stories about her. She’d actually never once called her our Grandma Alania. She still called Grandma Cassandra our grandma, but never Alania.
I could feel how angry my dad was. Brutus was growling in my head. My mom told us, “Alania also had sight.” I nodded, “I know.” My mom said, “A letter arrived today for me right before I went into labor.” I growled, “Another gift?” Mom always pulled her feelings back when those arrived.
My dad snorted, “They aren’t gifts. They are abusive tendencies from your mother’s Fairy family.” My mom sighed, “Alania was vain. She saw how powerful your sister was through her sight. She told me Angela would never be safe.”
Alexander, Cassie, and I all growled. Brutus snarled, “We will make our sister safe. Snow will never be hurt.” I asked, “Snow is Angela’s wolf?” He answered, “Yes. I spoke to her and Chet.” I prodded, “Chet would be TJ’s wolf?” He answered, “Of course.” I’d be sarcastic with him, but I had other priorities.
My dad said, “You guys know I won’t let anything happen to you or your siblings. Neither will your Grandpa Titus, Grammy Veronica, Grandpa Nathan, or any of your uncles and aunts.” Alexander said, “Sight can be wrong. She sees paths. Alania” He spat out her name, “didn’t live long enough to know which paths would truly be Angela’s.”
My mom agreed, “No, she didn’t. There are many options. She could see danger for Angela in all paths and uses that information to torment me. That doesn’t mean anything is going to happen to Angela. Our family is strong, and we will stand together.”
I looked over to the charred wall and knew my Uncle Aiden was appraised of the situation. I asked, “What did Uncle Aiden say?” My mom sighed, “He’s upset. We are all going to protect Angela. Your Uncle Bjourn is assigning six guards to her.” Cassie gasped, “Like you have?” My mom rolled her eyes, “I used to just have four, but yes like I do.”
Cassie smiled, “I have four, which seems odd. All my brothers have three.” My mom laughed, “Does it really seem odd whenyou think about the men of our family? I’m the reason you don’t have six too.” Cassie groaned, “Oh come on!”
My dad kissed her on the top of the head, “You’re my Princess and I will always make sure you are well protected.” Alexander and I exchanged looks. He didn’t like this anymore than I did. We said our goodnights and went back up to our house.
I couldn’t get to sleep. Eventually I called Elise. I just needed to hear her voice. She picked up whispering, “EJ?” I sighed, “I woke you up. I’m sorry, I just…” She immediately asked, “What’s wrong?” I answered, “My siblings were born. Their names are TJ and Angela.”
Elise squealed, “That’s great!” She sounded worried, “But you’re upset.” I explained, “Alania is torturing my family from the grave. She told my mom Angela would never be safe.” Elise gasped, “What? No, that’s not true! We will protect Angela. No one will hurt her. Who could beat all of us anyway?” I didn’t have an answer for her. Brutus said, “She’s the best.”
I whispered, “What if I fail my little sister?” Elise spoke softly, “Hey, you’re not going to fail Angela. WE will not fail Angela.” I smiled, “We, huh?” Elise snorted, “She’s my sister too. No one is taking MY little sister.” I couldn't stop my smile. Elise was fiercely protective of my siblings just like I was, and I felt the same about her brothers.
I told her, “I just needed to hear your voice.” Elise laughed quietly, “Don’t hang up. We’ll just leave the phones on. It will be like I’m there with you.” It wouldn’t be. My arms would itch to hold her, but I didn’t want to hang up either. We fell asleep like that.
I spent the next day going over reports. A fighting ring for supernatural’s had come up. Alexander and I both had bad feelings about it. Dad and all my uncles were investigating it, but they couldn’t find anything sinister about it.
My dad was worried. He said there was something suspicious about the underground fighting ring. Alexander and I felt it too. Time seemed to crawl by, but we finally made it to the day of the dance.
My mom used her phone to take all our pictures. She told us, “Chelsea promised to send me all pictures of you with your dates.” She bit her lip, “Maybe I should just come with you.” Alexander assured her, “Mom, it’s ok. You’re just a little scared to leave Angela and TJ right now. It’s a dance. Our guards are going. You can stay here and take care of you.”
My mom sighed, “I’m the parent here, you know? When did you guys get so smart?” She kissed both of our heads, “You take care of each other. That includes Elise and your sister. Promise me?” We both smiled and I reassured her, “That’s the easiest promise ever, mom. I promise.” Alexander agreed, “Me too.” My dad walked in.
My mom said, “I’m going to go get Cassie. She is ready and no one will lose their shit. Are we clear?” We nodded and my mom popped away and popped back with Cassie. My dad’s hands twitched. He grumbled, “You look beautiful, Princess.” She did.
Brutus huffed, “She just made our promise to mom so hard.” True. She was in a two piece dress. The crop top was white with pearls and the bottom was white with blue flowers. I linked Alexander, “Anyone but Jase looks at her and they are dead meat.” Alexander agreed, “Right on. We are going to be busy tonight. She looks amazing.” I agreed with him.
I smiled, “You look beautiful, Cass.” Alexander complimented her, “You do.” My mom fanned her face, “Eric.” My dad kissed her, “They will be fine. Go on you guys or you’ll be late.” Alexander grabbed our hands and popped.
I looked at him when we landed in Elise’s yard. I asked, “Since when are you so excited about this dance?” Alexander said, “Let’s just go inside.” I swore I caught him scenting theair, but that had to be wrong since I was in front of him. Brutus chuckled, “You’re not wrong. He’s scenting the air.” I subtly glanced back acknowledging my wolf was right.
We walked where Jason and Tristan were already waiting. Elise hadn’t come down yet. Drake smiled, “You boys look nice. Cassie, wow, you look beautiful.” Cassie asked, “Where’s Melanie? Elise said she’d be here today.”
Drake sighed, “She’s at a competition with her mom.” Alexander’s head whipped up, “What? I thought you said she didn’t have one tonight, Jase.” Jason sighed, “She didn’t, then one came up.” Alexander got quiet again and he pulled his feelings back in the bond. He couldn’t block them like mom could. He was disappointed.