We found our way through the crowd as the first float went by. My mom really did go all out. There were LOTS of giant balloons with Aunt Astrid and Uncle Bjourn’s faces on them. Everyone was loving it though. I could feel my mom’s happiness and spotted her with my dad in the crowd.
My current youngest set of siblings, until mom sneezed out number nineteen and twenty, popped to us. Grant, Bryce and Bradley smiled at me, Cassie, and Alexander. They were three years old. Bryce said, “Up please!” I laughed and put him on my shoulders. Cassie picked up Grant and Alexander picked up Bryce. Elise smiled at me.
We spent the rest of the parade like that. I spotted all my other siblings. All of them had ice cream. They were with some of our Hackura cousins. Hastein smiled at Alexander and winked like they shared a secret. I shot my brother a look.
I linked, “Really? Uncle Bjourn and Hastein get to know your deal before me?” He replied, “They figured it out and I can’t lie.” I shook my head and focused on Elise’s hand in mine. I didn’t want the day to end. I led us around the orgies happening so she wouldn’t be uncomfortable.
Eventually my dad found us, “I’m sorry son, but it’s time for Elise to go back to her family.” I frowned. He touched my shoulder, “It’s just for one day, then you’ll see her for the dance.” He winked at me.
Cassie squealed, “I’m so excited.” She was going to go with Jason. Alexander had already told him not to hurt our little sister. They weren’t mates, but they did like each other. Elise smiled. I didn’t know if she would be smiling when she found out Melanie was upset about it.
I could feel Alexander’s excitement in the bond. I was pleasantly surprised. I didn’t think he liked Charline as anything more than a friend. I popped Elise back to her family. They werealready waiting right where we left them. It hadn’t been that long for them.
Peter came over and hugged her, “Did you have fun, sweetie?” She blushed, “It was a lot of fun!” He smiled, “Good.” Ray interjected, “That realm just does things differently. The little Alpha took her on a horse ride. It was cute.” I blushed.
Elise rolled her eyes, “Don’t tease him!” Ray said, “I’m not. He considered your feelings making it cute.” I hugged Elise and whispered, “I’ll see you soon.” She smiled, “Yes, you will.”
I popped back to my house knowing my family would’ve come home already. Cousin Emmaline was with my siblings when arrived. Wesley looked confused, and Preston was pouting. I questioned, “What’s going on?” Cassie gave me a look.
I linked her, “What?” Cousin Emmaline smiled, “Your little siblings just want to know who Alexander’s mate is, but he doesn’t want me to answer.” I stared at my brother in surprise. I knew he wanted his mate.
Alexander explained, “I want my mate. I just don’t want Cousin Emmaline to tell me. I want to see how the universe brings us together. Like Aunt Lexi and Uncle Chase.” That made more sense. Brutus said, “I wouldn’t but I can see why he does.” I snorted, “We’ve always known.” Brutus pointed out, “The universe technically did that.” Both happened but he was right. Preston stood and crossed his arms, “But you’re sad! Cousin Emmaline could tell you and then you’d be happy.”
I raised an eyebrow, “Cousin Emmaline has met Alexander’s mate?” Emmaline shook her head, “No, I haven’t met her.” Preston deflated missing the evasion I was certain I heard. It was on the tip of my tongue to ask if she knew his mate anyway. She didn’t need to meet someone’s mate to know. She could see a picture, or sometimes she could even hear the names. The only thing that stopped me was the look on Alexander’s face.
Preston grumbled, “You should have her keep an eye out, Alexander.” Alexander kissed the top of his head, “I want to see how we are brought together.” Preston sighed, “Fine. I still think you should let Cousin Emmaline tell you.” Alexander left.
I waited but Cousin Emmaline popped to mom. I wanted to curse. I was going to ask her if she knew I’d just wanted to wait for the rest of my siblings to leave. She probably wouldn’t tell me, but I might be able to tell.
Slowly my siblings left until it was just me and Preston. I asked him, “What’s up, P?” He shrugged but said nothing. I sat down, “Come on P, it’s just you and me.” Preston said, “I just have this feeling his mate needs to be protected. Alexander said she’s probably fine.” I frowned.
I asked, “Why do you think that?” Preston sighed, “I don’t know. It’s just that I have a feeling she needs us. Like people are being mean to her.” Thoughts swirled around me. Was Melanie’s crush more than a crush? Could she really be my brother’s mate? They both shared an affinity for fighting. If she was Alexander’s mate Preston was getting the sense that she was being bullied. I intended to handle that.
I told him, “Tell you what, I’ll keep a lookout.” Preston got up mumbling, “I don’t know how you could do anything. You’re not the Soul Searcher and we don’t know who she is.” I laughed, “No I’m not, but I’m still your big brother. I’ll protect all of you with everything in me. That includes Alexander’s heart.” Preston walked away, “He’s so sensitive.” I couldn’t help but laugh.
My Aunt Molly came in. She looked around, “I swear you were all in here like ten minutes ago.” I pointed out, “I can link them all or pull them to me. What’s going on?” Molly said, “Your mom is in labor.” I checked the bond and realized mom had pulled back her feelings. I hated that she could do that, especially without us noticing. No matter how hard I tried I couldn’t pull back like she could.
I said, “Dad could’ve linked us.” Aunt Molly snorted, “Your dad is being next level about the security of the pack with your new little sister and brother’s impending arrival. He’s gone full Alpha Male.” She might think that wasn’t necessary, but we’d been preparing for my sister’s arrival since before I couldn’t remember.
I linked my siblings, “Mom’s in labor. Pop to the hospital.” I grabbed my Aunt Molly and popped us there. My Grandpa Nathan was pacing along with my uncles. Cassie popped in, “Whoa, we need WAY too much calm in here.” I linked her, “It’s about our sister.” Cassie replied, “I’m aware.”
Alexander popped in and I did a double take. I asked, “Is that my shirt?” He blushed and looked down. Brutus said, “It is.” Nana Blanch must have switched it that day she took my laundry. I sighed, “Stealing my clothes, little brother?” He didn’t reply.
I chuckled, “Wash it and get it back to me.” His emotions through me too fast for me to decipher them. I could see it on his face though. He didn’t want to give me the shirt back. I linked him, “Hey, forget about it. You can keep it.” He asked, “Really?”
I replied, “Of course. It’s just a shirt.” I could conjure myself another one. He hugged me. I inhaled realizing this shirt missed the laundry. Why the hell was he wearing my dirty shirt? What on earth was going on with him? Brutus linked, “You missed something.” I asked, “About what?”
Before he could answer Uncle Jackson announced, “We can go in.” My siblings and I popped in. My dad was holding a pup in a pink blanket. I quickly walked to my mom and kissed her cheek. I asked, “Who’s this?” They hadn’t told anyone the names.
My mom smiled answering, “This is TJ.” I questioned, “What’s it stand for?” My mom looked at my Grandpa Tituswho had just entered the room. She smiled, “Titus Junior.” My grandpa teared up and came over to my mom.
I walked over to where most of my siblings had gathered. Alexander was already holding our little sister. I asked, “What’s her name?” My dad announced, “This is Angela.” I took her from Alexander next. Cassie sighed, “Ok, I call next. I’ve been waiting for a little sister for fourteen years, people.” I teased, “You love all our little brothers.” Cassie smiled at them, “I do love you all, but now I have someone who will know the pain of overprotective brothers.” I snorted, “We aren’t that bad.”
Cassie raised an eyebrow, “ALL of you have told Jase he’d better behave himself. Even our youngest brothers. He’s a family friend, and you’ve all acted like he committed a crime asking me to a dance.” Bradley growled. I laughed, “Did they really?” Everyone nodded.
I shrugged, “Jase is a brave man.” Cassie sighed, “And you ALL know him, you even LIKE him. He’s here all the time and he’s Alexander’s best friend.” Alexander muttered, “One of them anyway.” I turned to him in surprise.
He had a definite tone when he’d said that. I linked Cassie, “What was that?” Cassie frowned, “I don’t know. He’s been off since…” I interrupted, “The promise.” Cassie nodded. We spent as much time with our siblings as we could before mom asked us to get the youngest set of triplets to bed. They all groaned.