I asked, “Why did she do that?” Alexander answered, “Cayden is on mission, and he’s gone dark. He was supposed to be back, but he and Micah are still MIA. Aunt Astrid doesn’t want to be crowned without one of her nephews here. It’s next month now. Uncle Gunner is worried about Micah.” I winced.

Micah was Uncle Gunner’s son with a lesbian Hackura couple. He was just as techy as his dad, even at his age. He was younger than I was. I asked, “So Cass is upset?” Cassie was going to Faerie for a whole month. We were going to pop to see her, but she wanted to stay in Faerie.

My dad only agreed because she was staying with Uncle Aiden and Aunt Lucinda in their summer home. Mom would shut down about it, but she genuinely wanted Cassie to have a good time. Uncle Aiden agreed to let six Hackura guards go with Cassie for the duration of her stay.

Uncle Aiden was also assigning Fairy warriors to her. It seemed like overkill, but I also knew there was something going on I didn’t know about. I sighed, “She could just leave Faerie for it.” Alexander shrugged, “You know Cass. Once she has a plan, she sticks to it.” I sighed, “I do.”

Alexander smiled, “Elise, I feel this is the longest I haven't seen you since, well forever. It’s weird. Let’s not make it a habit. You look beautiful. My brother is a lucky man.” Elise smiled, “Thank you,. It has been weird not seeing you guys.”

I glanced at my phone for a time check. I smiled knowing we had time before the ceremony began. I popped Elise and I to a hill that overlooked a lot of the kingdom. I’d never brought her here before. Elise gasped, “It’s beautiful up here.” I looked at her, “Yes, you are.”

She smiled, “Why did we come up here?” I was suddenly nervous. I said, “Well, uh there’s I’ve wanted to do for a while.” Elise took my hands, “You don’t have to be nervous, it’s me.” I blew out my breath. Brutus linked, “Mate is right.” She was.

I put my hands on her hips and looked into her eyes. We’d never kissed before. Her breath caught and excitement danced in her eyes. I leaned in most of the way but stopped right before her lips. This was her choice. If she leaned in, we’d have our first kiss. I wouldn’t rush her though.

She didn’t even hesitate to close the gap between us. Her lips were amazing. The way they felt on mine. Brutus linked me, “Open your mouth and move your lips.” I replied, “Shut up! It’s my first kiss! I’m new at this.” Brutus teased, “You’re my first human, but you googled how to do this.” He was right, I had.

I began to move my lips against hers. It was a little awkward at first, but we fumbled through it. I pulled back smiling. She was flushed. I couldn’t stop myself from going back in for another kiss. I was already addicted to her lips. This kiss wasn’t as awkward, and I knew it was only going to get better.

Alexander linked me, “Umm you’re going to be late.” I pulled back telling her, “We have to get going.” She smiled, “Ok. That was amazing.” I kissed her forehead, “I love you, Elise Kyle.” I popped us back to Alexander.

He raised an eyebrow and linked me, “You finally went in for the first kiss I see. I feel so proud.” I linked back, “Shut it.” He shrugged. Cassie joined us smiling as she bumped my hip, but she didn’t say anything.

My dad shot me a smirk. Jesus. Was the WHOLE family going to be embarrassing about this? Brutus pointed out, “They aren’t. No one knows it’s about anything other than Uncle Bjourn’s coronation.” My Grandpa Titus stood on the stage, so we all took our seats.

He spoke, “Hodie non transiet per togam Eliae a patre et filio. Custodes tui Erit Princeps et Rex (Today, we pass the mantle from father to son. Your Crowned Prince becomes a King).” Alexander linked me, “Good thing we’ve been teaching Elise Latin and Fealish or she’d be so lost.”

I rolled my eyes. He continued, “Not that she’s paying attention. She’s blushing and reliving your first kiss.” I shot back, “You’re one to talk. You haven’t kissed anyone yet either. Our younger brothers beat us both to that punch.” Alexander just shrugged.

Grandpa Titus said, “Ego enim iam parat filium meum quia hodie natus est. Regina cum suis ducet populum. (I have been preparing my son for this day since he was born. He will lead our people with his Queen by his side).”

Aunt Astrid was still on stage with Uncle Bjourn. My Uncle knelt at my grandpa’s feet. My grandpa spoke, “Ego autem in capite ejus coronam onto nunc. Gloriam nostram. Nam nostris. Rex enim noster (I pass the crown onto his head now. For our honor. For our people. For our King).” He lifted the crown off his head and placed it on Uncle Bjourn’s head.

Uncle Bjourn stood, and my grandpa went to his knees. My uncle immediately lifted him back up and hugged him. Uncle Bjourn turned, “Non est magnum, ut honorem tuum, rex facti sunt. Ego permanere in via ne pater est. Astrid coronation Moram autem eius Regina mea est. Regina tuum. Nunc celebramus (It is my great honor to become your King. I will continue to lead in the way my father has. Astrid delayedher coronation, but she is my Queen. Your Queen. Now WE CELEBRATE)!”

A mighty roar of cheering came from the crowd. Our family joined right in. Elise whispered, “That was a fast ceremony.” I laughed, “There’s a parade and an all day party.” People started making out. I wasn’t fazed, I’d be around this my whole life. I could tell Elise wasn’t comfortable with the orgy starting. I couldn’t have that. We’d come back for the parade.

I grabbed her hand and popped us to the stables. Elise whispered, “You didn’t have to do that. I know this is normal to you.” I kissed her then pulled back. “And one day if you are comfortable, we can stay. But you aren’t right now, and I won’t out you in that situation. We’ll join them again for the parade.”

I snapped my parents’ horses with saddles on. I let Elise ride Pirate, and I took my dad’s horse, Treasure. I snapped her into jeans and t-shirt and helped her up onto Pirate. She smiled, “Thank you, EJ.” I smiled back and popped onto Treasure, leading him outside. I took her down the path to the beach.

Once we got there I dismounted and helped her down. I looked at both horses letting my earth side come forward. I let them know to stay here. I took Elise down the bank and skipped some rocks. I asked, “What color is your dress for the dance? I’ll need to get a matching tie.” She answered, It’s pale yellow.” I nodded, “I’ll match accordingly. I might just wait on the tie until I see your dress.”

She laughed, “You’re too perfect EJ Conners.” I nuzzled her neck, “Only for you.” She looked down, “Lots of girls here have their eyes on you.” Brutus growled. I snorted, “You mean they have their eyes on Alexander.” She shook her head, “Nope. I meant you. Because several of them want you.”

Brutus grumbled in my head, “I’ll find out who they are and rip their throats out for mate.” I tilted her chin to look at me, “You are it for me. You are the air I breathe. Your face is what Isee when I close my eyes. Your voice is my favorite sound. I don’t see anyone except you. You’re my girl. They are background noise. They can’t hold a single candle to the stunning beauty of my girl inside and out.”

I kissed her softly, then pulled back, “It’s just you and me forever. I don’t see those girls.” She blushed, “I don’t know how you don’t. I can’t even blame them you’re so….” She trailed off. I pressed, “So what?” She whispered, “Sexy.”

I lowered my voice, “You think I’m sexy?” She pushed my chest lightly, “You know you’re sexy.” I kissed her again. I really was addicted to feeling of her lips. Brutus agreed, “Me too. Keep going. Full blown make outs are our friend.” He was certainly being a horny wolf.

I pulled back, “Do you have any idea how hard it is for me around you? You’re just so perfect. You’re beautiful. And this dress, GOD your boobs are mocking me.” She laughed, “No they aren’t.” Brutus said, “We should touch them.” My hands actually twitched with the need.

I huskily told her, “Believe me, they are. Come on, we’ve got to get back.” I popped us back to the horses and we rode back to the barn. I snapped Treasure and Pirate oats. I conjured a sugar cube and gave it Elise to give to Pirate. My mom spoiled him, and Pirate adored it.

I popped us to Alexander and Cassie. They were walking around with ice cream. Alexander handed Elise her favorite, mint chocolate. I questioned, “Where’s mine?” Alexander shrugged, “I just got Elise ice cream.” Cassie chimed in, “I got yours EJ.”

I kissed her on the head and took my chocolate ice cream. “Thank you, little sister.” She shook her head, “Only little by a few minutes.” I laughed, “I keep telling you both, I’m the oldest; therefore, that makes you my little sister and little brother.” Both rolled their eyes.