I snorted, “I’m going to find her if she’s real, but that’s not a rumor. She can put guys twice her age and size down. Just keep this between us. Someone could slip up and tell Elise.” My dad smiled, “I wasn’t planning to tell anyone.”
I took off as he walked into the gym. My mom yelled, “Hi, EJ!” I turned around and smiled at my very pregnant mom. It was twins again. This would be twenty of us. Mom was pregnant with a girl and a boy this time. We were all preparing harder knowing our sister with the strongest sight ever was about to be born. I spoke quickly, “In a rush mom.” She asked, “Is your dad with Alexander?” I nodded. She said, “Well, go on. I can feel your impatience. Be safe.” I kissed her cheek and popped away.
Specifically, to the edge of Red Run’s territory with Alpha Raven’s. Elise told me that Melanie liked to come out here todance in a quiet field. I could hear music, so I knew I’d popped to the right place. I followed the sound.
When I saw her, I stopped dead in my tracks. Elise had talked about the way Melanie danced, but it was something else to see it in person. I was captivated instantly. She really was good and apparently not imaginary. She stopped dancing and spun around nose in the air.
I raised an eyebrow because her sense of smell was really good and I was downwind. She tilted her head, “EJ?” I popped closer to her, intrigued. I asked, “I know how I know who you are, even though most people aren’t convinced you exist.” She frowned. I asked, “How could possibly know which Conners brother I am?” She frowned, “I’ve seen you plenty of times.” I laughed, “I’ve never seen you. I could’ve been Alexander.” She shook her head, “Nope.” I noted she was deadly serious.
I laughed, “Why not? Most people can’t tell us apart.” She shrugged, “I can.” I asked, “And have you seen my brother?” Melanie nodded, “Yes, in pictures.” She ran over to her phone and stopped the music. I raised an eyebrow when I saw what was next to the phone. A stuffed animal toy wolf that looked just like Oden. I might not have found that so odd if she hadn’t been so certain I wasn’t Alexander.
She turned around, “It’s nice to officially meet you EJ.” I laughed, “You as well. I have teased my mate endlessly about you being imaginary. You get in trouble a lot and miss all the get togethers.” She frowned, “I have recitals, competitions, and other stuff going on too.”
I teased, “But you missed our birthday party last year because you got grounded.” She frowned, “Robert is a liar! I don’t know why he and friends hate me so much nor why anyone to them. They even get adults to lie! It’s not fair! Elise is the only one who believes me! I’m not lying they are!”
I frowned interrupting, “What are you talking about?” Melanie said, “It’s just…” She trailed off. Then brokenly added, “Nothing. It’s nothing.” I’d have to ask Elise about this. I told her, “You are aware you’re not a good liar.” She bit her lip, “I have heard that… a lot.”
I let it go and changed the subject, “You’re coming to your parents surprise anniversary party, right?” She nodded excitedly, “Yes! It’s in two weeks. I told all my dance teachers I couldn’t have anything going on that weekend six months ago. My parents are curious why I don’t have anything happening, but they just think I want a break. Jase, T, and I have been planning the surprise party with Grandpa Ben and Grandma Esther. Xan… I mean you guys are coming, right? It’s at Alpha Lucas’ hotel…which you probably know…definitely know. It’s because we don’t want mom and dad to get word of it in our territory.”
My eyebrows were raised. Elise and I were having a chat. Melanie was about to call my brother Xander. No one called him that, but Elise had teased him about knowing people who did. I nodded, “We are coming.” She smiled squealing, “I’ll finally get to meet everyone!”
I pondered, “Why is it no one outside of Red Run has met you?” She shrugged, “Like you said… I’m always busy or grounded. Daddy doesn’t like me to leave our territory. Everyone says something happened… but it doesn’t really make sense to me. I’ve heard it’s because it was way before I was born.”
I knew what she was referring to because my dad had just told us about it. It had to with the Alpha Ducant’s death. Beta Drake was worried his brother would find out who actually killed him and try and exact revenge. Keeping Melanie here seemed like a serious overreaction, but I wasn’t a parent.
Melanie added, “Plus... now I’ve met you. You don’t live here, so I have met other people…. when you think about it.” Ilaughed, “Only because I knew you were actually here. I have the inside track.” Melanie asked, “Why did you come to meet me? I mean, that has to be why you’re here. You came to a place that only I come to. I’m guessing it’s about dancing.”
Before I could tell her, she answered her own question, “The school dance is coming up. I taught Elise how to ballroom dance... you want to learn the dance I taught her. Obviously. I’m not sure why I asked. It’s so clear.”
I laughed, “I was told you were quite smart. You’re right, I do want to learn the dance. Will you be here to see us off that night?” She shook her head, looking angry, “I have a dance competition.” I frowned, “I thought Elise said you didn’t have one this weekend.” She shrugged, “I signed up for one earlier this week.”
Oh my god. Alexander had asked Charline to the dance earlier this week. I asked, “What day did you do that? I ask because Elise didn’t mention it.” She whispered, “I signed up Wednesday, and I haven’t told her yet.” It was too good. That was the exact day my brother had asked Charline to the dance.
She added, “I can still see Elise in her dress before we have to leave.” I nodded, completely amused. Melanie McAlister had a serious crush on my brother. That was adorable. Brutus chimed in, “A long standing crush.” He was right. I remembered this wolf she had out here. This was the toy wolf that male members of this pack still hated she had.
This was the wolf she’d been so upset about when I was eight and she’d fought Robert. I wondered if Ray knew the reason Melanie had been so upset about it now. He’d been curious the day it happened. I’d have to ask Tristan why he’d been keeping this secret.
I cleared my throat, “Before we start, can I ask you a question?” She shrugged, “You just did so... yeah?” I laughedseeing why Elise liked her. “Elise told me the story about when you first got that wolf.” Melanie blushed scarlet red.
I asked, “Why did Robert throw him in the mud? Mind you, I have been meaning to do this for quite some time.” I stepped back and bowed to her while she giggled. I added, “And for every other fight you’ve taken him down in. I asked my dad if we could get you over to our pack to train our she wolfs. You’re awesome.”
Melanie angrily said, “Robert’s just pathetic. He moons over Elise you know?” I growled, “I do.” I shook myself, “Anyway back to my question.” She couldn’t lie but she was good at evasions. That was interesting.
She sighed, “Wait…you said train…at your pack?” I nodded. She squealed, “REALLY? Like you actually asked?!” Brutus said, “That hurt my ears.” I chuckled, “I did. My question? Keep in my out evading a Fairy is nearly impossible.”
She angrily answered, “He said he doesn’t like me having my wolf.” I frowned, “Doesn’t, as in currently? I thought this was past tense. Shouldn’t it be?” She shrugged, “All the guys hate it.” I’d have to ask my dad about this because that sounded weird. I didn’t sense any magic on the toy.
I pushed, “Was that it? That’s a serious grudge to have over a stuffed animal.” Melanie sighed, “No, Robert said he wasn’t a real Alpha wolf.” HE?! The stuff animal was a he?! Brutus was snickering in my head. He told me, “It’s Oden. Of course it’s a he.” Oh my god.
Melanie continued, “He said that real Alpha’s are all black and I should get a different wolf in a different color. He still says that.” EXFUCKINGCUSE ME?! Brutus was no longer amused. He was angrily snarling in my mind.
Melanie looked me directly in the eyes and I realized she’d known exactly what she was doing. I could see it. She was smart. I looked at her, “Is that true? Or do you just want me to kick his ass?” Melanie snorted, “I can kick his butt just fine. I don’tneed your help for that. You can ask Elise about it. She knows it’s true.” Robert was going to get more than his ass kicked.
Most of my brother's wolves were all black but there were other colors mixed in. He was saying Alexander wasn’t an Alpha. He was also saying Cassie wasn’t either, along with several of my other brothers. Everyone knew what Alexander’s wolf looked like and Oden was a replica of that stuffed wolf.
Melanie added, “Plus… I gave you what you want. You want a reason to kick Robert’s butt because he thinks he loves Elise. She hates him, you know? Because he’s mean to me.” I frowned, “Why doesn’t anyone know this is still a problem?”
She sighed, “No one believes that I didn’t fight someone or that I didn't cross the border. Why would they believe he’s still mean to me?” I did not like this at all. I leaned down, “Does Elise know this is still happening?” She flushed, “Don’t tell her please! She’ll feel bad. I stopped telling her when….” It clicked for me.