My mom gasped, “What? He did?” My dad came back in. I nodded, “Yeah, Bjourn said that Alexander was one of the most talented fighters he’s ever seen.” My dad seemed surprised, “Really? Prince Bjourn said that?” I nodded, “Yup.” My dad whistled, “Dang. That’s impressive. When he gets older, he’s going to be a force to be reckoned with.” My mom laughed, “It sounds like he already is.”

My dad asked, “Why are you guys talking about Alexander?” I smiled. My mom shrugged, “It just came up.” My dad raisedan eyebrow, “Sugar baby momma, what’s going on?” She rolled her eyes, “You would keep that nickname even though I’m your wife. It’s just girl stuff.” My dad laughed, “There it is. That one I’ll buy.” My mom laughed, “You’d just get a headache.”

My dad shook his head, “I don’t need another one of those. This situation over a stuffed animal is getting out of hand. Now, let’s watch a movie with my favorite girls.” He raised his voice, “And my best guys!” My mom laughed, “They are playing outside Peter.”

My dad kissed her, “You pick a movie. I’ll go get them.” I quickly asked, “Why do you sometimes address Bjourn with his title and sometimes not?” He answered, “In public it’s respect. He’s a friend at this point, but other times it’s to clarify if it’s him or someone else.” I nodded.

My mom let me pick a movie. When my dad got back with my brothers, we put it on and had family time. I looked around knowing this moment was perfect.

Odd Behavior

EJ is Fourteen Years Old

EJ was training hard. I was pushing myself in a fight with Alexander. We were training with swords today. Alexander was angry about something, but he wasn't telling me what it was. It wasn’t as if I was completely clueless, I just wanted him to tell me himself.

I knew he was pissed because my dad had sat us down and told us the McAlister’s didn’t want us just popping in on them. He wanted us to promise we had to be told it was an emergency to pop to their house, or to any member of their family specifically. We had all promised, but I knew it hurt Alexander’s feelings.

It wasn’t just us though. Beta Drake had texted all the packs with Fairies in them about this rule. I knew my dad was surprised by it. It wasn’t as if any of us had ever popped into their house. I’d popped to Elise’s house countless times, but to my knowledge none of my siblings had ever popped to the McAlister’s. I heard my dad say he was surprised Beta Drake didn’t just tell him to his face.

The whole thing was odd. Beta Drake never said anything to me about it when I popped in and out of Red Run. The fight had ebbed my annoyance from the situation, but Alexander wasn’t calming down though. His eyes were blazing. I linked him, “What’s wrong?” He didn’t answer.

Finally, my Uncle Bjourn declared, “Enough. Alexander, you can fight me.” I snorted “Mom might have to heal you then. You’re being crowned King in a few days and he’s super pissed.” Alexander snarled at me. I frowned, “What the hell, little brother? I know Jase is one of your best friends, but it’s not like you popped to their house anyway!”

My Uncle frowned, “What’s this about?” I sighed, “We had to promise not to pop to the McAlister’s house, or them personally unless they said it was an emergency.” Understanding lit in my uncle’s eyes for a brief second. He sighed, “Go on up the house EJ. I’ll take care of Alexander’s anger.”

I grumbled, “I don’t know why he’s so damn angry in the first place!” Alexander said nothing in reply. I rolled my eyes and popped outside the gym. Now I was pissed off. Alexander was keeping something from me. I knew he was more sensitive than I was, but he couldn’t be this upset over something so silly.

Jayden popped next to me. He held his hands up, “I didn’t do it.” I scoffed, “No, my brother did.” He asked, “Which one?” I shot him a look. He shrugged, “You have so many.” I rolled my eyes, “Alexander is pissed off and not talking to me.”

Jayden admitted, “That McAlister bullshit pissed me off too.” I sighed, “Even you know what it’s about.” Jayden pointed out, “Everyone with Fairy blood is pissed off today about that.” I reasoned, “He could still pop to Red Run if he wanted. Just not the McAlister house. He could pop to the Kyle’s house and walk to the McAlister’s. He is being ridiculous.”

Jayden said, “Then it’s more than that. Jase is supposedly his best friend.” I pointed out, “It’s not Jase’s choice.” Jayden shrugged, “That could be why he’s upset. I’ll ask Finn if he knows since he usually does.” I laughed, “Lord, if you set Finn at him, he’ll be even more pissed at me.” I paused then grinned, “You know what? Do it.” Jayden laughed, “There’s your Fairy blood, cousin. Finn will be more than happy to be on the case.” He popped away to spin up the Frost Family.

I just didn’t understand this entire situation. Cassie, Alexander and I didn’t often keep secrets from one another. Especially if we were this upset about them. I just didn’t understand. I was lost in my thoughts the rest of the walk towards my house. Brutus told me, “Oden’s just growling so I’m not sure either.”

I smelled my dad before I saw him. I turned, “Dad.” My dad commented, “Hi, EJ. Alexander seems particularly angry. I had to stop your mother from going down to the gym. He’s not bothering to control his side of the bond.” I snorted, “I noticed. I didn’t realize he had a crush on Jase.”

My dad laughed, “You know he doesn’t.” I sighed, “True, if any of my siblings did it would be Max.” Max, my brother, liked both boys and girls. Cassie said she had a feeling that Max’s mate would be a guy. I’d learned to trust my sister’s intuition.

My dad assured me, “I’ll go talk to your brother.” I snorted, “While you’re at it tell him I know he’s hiding something, and I’ll figure it out eventually.” My dad smiled, “I imagine you will.” I raised an eyebrow, “You know.” It wasn’t a question. My dadanswered, “I do.” I asked, “If he told you, why won’t he tell me?” My dad laughed, “He didn’t tell me. I figured it out.” I sighed, “Whatever. I’m going to Red Run.”

My dad raised an eyebrow, “Elise isn’t there.” I knew she wasn’t. She was on vacation with her family. Which may as well be code for torture. I retorted, “I know that, but I’m not going to see her. I’m looking for the imaginary Melanie McAlister.” My dad smirked, “I don’t think she’s imaginary.” I snorted, “Yet you haven’t seen her either.”

My dad replied, “I didn’t see Susie Daniels for the first five years of her life, but I knew she existed. The same way I knew she existed, I know Melanie McAlister does.” I pointed out, “She’s nine and no one has seen her because she’s always got something going on. Dance, guitar lessons, math club, science club, and I’m certain there’s more. How can a nine year old do all that stuff?”

My dad laughed, “From what I know she’s somewhat of a genius.” I snorted, “Well, I need her help. So, I’m going to find out if she’s real or not. Don’t worry though, I won’t pop to their house or directly to her.” My dad nodded, “I wasn’t worried that you would since you promised not to. I can tell it bothers you through the bond and by that comment though.” I didn’t reply.

He let it go questioning, “How do you plan to find Melanie then?” I explained, “Elise talks about her all the time. I have several places to check. Not that she’s EVER in those places when I’m around, but Elise told me that last night that Melanie has nothing going on.” My dad’s eyebrows rose.

I continued, “Apparently, she’s bored. Melanie stole T’s phone and called her to tell Elise all about it. I guess Melinda is at some piano camp thing. I didn’t even know you could go to piano camp. So, I'm using the inside information I have to find her. If she’s not there, I’m officially going with Melanie is their imaginary pack member.”

My dad laughed, “There’s a camp for practically anything these days. What is it that you need her help with?” I answered, “Elise’s school dance is coming up.” My dad raised an eyebrow, “I know that, but you can dance.” I acknowledged, “Yes, but Elise learned how to ballroom dance from Melanie. I want to surprise her by learning the same dance.”

My dad smiled, “I see. You’ve already asked Elise to go to the dance, right?” I nodded, “Of course I have. The dance is this weekend. We have Uncle Bjourn’s coronation. After that Elise has one more day of vacation left then it’s the dance.”

My dad questioned, “Did you know your brother is going to the dance as well?” I shrugged, “Yes. Elise told him that one of the Warrior's daughters in their pack, Charline, wanted to go with him. He asked her and she said yes.”

My dad smiled knowingly, “I’m sure it will be quite the night. Let me know if you find Melanie McAlister. I can’t deny I’m curious about her. Rumor is they believe she’ll be their Female Lead Warrior the second she turns eighteen.”