I rolled my eyes, “Ray said it was about the color of the wolf.” My dad nodded, “It’s likely that, yes.” I snorted, “Who cares that the wolf is black? It shouldn’t bother them.” My dad agreed, “No, they should not. There is no excuse for any member of this pack putting an unwelcome hand on another member of this pack unless it’s in self-defense or training.”

I nodded, “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you. I was just so mad at them for picking on her and trying to ruin a day she was so excited about.” My dad nodded, “Just come get me or your mom. Drake and Sam are fine too. Hell, even Garrett or Sharon. Things like this will be your job one day, but for now it’s ours.” I nodded and went upstairs.

The next day flew by. My mom called up to me in my room, “EJ’s twin brothers were born. Cassie invited you over for the night.” I squealed and packed my bag. Cassie popped to bring me to their house. I felt at home the second EJ’s arms were around me.

I caught them up on everything. I swear Alexander just appeared out of nowhere when I mentioned Melanie, but then again, they all do that. They started to tease me about the excuses coming about her being at a dance lesson or recital. I mean she probably would have a lot of those. It sounded like they planned to keep her busy.

I decided the Conners pups were impossible. I knew EJ actually believed me, he just liked to tease me. But the others were keeping up their imaginary Melanie teasing instead of outright saying she didn’t exist because I was EJ’s mate. They knew I didn’t need to lie to them. We were laughing and having a good time until a howl of agony ripped through the air.

The three of them bolted to their feet in a second. EJ told me to stay behind as they popped away. I frowned. Ray told me, “It’s not an attack.” He looked pale. I reached for his arm whispering, “Ray?” Ray brokenly admitted, “I know that howl.” I frowned, “What is it?” Ray whispered, “Someone’s mate just died.” I gasped, “Oh no.” His family had died, so he knew the howl because he’d made it.

I squeezed his hand, “I’m sorry, Ray.” Ray looked away, “I should’ve gotten them out. Our Alpha wasn’t worth shit. I was protecting our pack and then somehow they were just gone.” I whispered, “I’m so sorry.” He closed his eyes. I could practically see the ghosts of his past trying to get to him.

I strained to hear what was being said. My entire body was demanding I run to EJ. He needed me, I just knew he did. I asked, “Are they talking to EJ’s grandpa?” Please not Nathan. Hedidn’t deserve this. Ray nodded, “Cassandra’s gone.” Tears filled my eyes. I knew EJ wasn’t close to her, but she was his grandma.

Ray handed me his phone. I called my dad. He answered immediately, “Ray, what’s wrong?” I whispered, “Dad, I don’t know what to do. Cassandra Conners is dead.” My dad sounded panicked, “Are you under attack? We can have Sharon pop us in to fight.”

I answered, “No, she wasn’t here. I don’t know what to do.” Ray informed him, “It sounds like it was a car accident, Alpha Peter.” My dad advised, “Go to EJ and be there for him. That’s all you can do sweetie.” I said, “He told me to stay here.”

My mom took the phone, “Go to him Elise. He needs you. The big bad Alpha’s always think they can go down paths alone, but your place is by his side. You're his mate and you’re an Alpha too.” I gave the phone back to Ray and took off.

I ran outside and put my arms around EJ. He might not have noticed but he visibly relaxed. My mom was right, he needed me. Nathan Conners looked devastated. I stayed tucked into EJ’s side. His mom showed up with cops. I was pretty sure I was the only one who noticed she had cuts and bruises covering her skin. I quickly noticed her guard and brothers arrived. Which meant I wasn’t the only one who noticed. I’d had one brief second of being the one in the know.

I took a deep inhale realizing she was with humans, and that’s why she didn’t heal herself. Haley had made all the necessary arrangements. I didn’t know what else to do besides stick by EJ. When Nathan said Cassandra was going to buy gardening supplies, I had the urge to go track her body down and kick her.

I looked up at EJ. He had the power to do anything in her garden she wanted. Heck, he could conjure anything she needed. She just needed to ask. I heard pops all over as the Conners pups fled the living room. They were hurt beyond measure at the hands of their grandma, again.

EJ popped us to Alexander. He was already beating up a heavy bag. The Warriors were giving him plenty of space because he was so angry. Cassandra was beyond selfish, and a lot of people were in pain because of her tonight. She died over something foolish.

I didn’t want to leave Alexander because he was basically my brother and he was hurting. I nearly told EJ to pop and get Melanie. If Melaine was right about him being hers, she could calm Alexander down. Even if she was wrong, he might laugh about meeting her because he thought she wasn't real.

Before I could act on that thought EJ popped us out. Ray was hovering near Nathan Conners. I winced when I saw the bottle of whiskey in Nathan’s hands. I could feel EJ’s concern. After a while Nathan just disappeared. Ray stayed back even though he looked like he wanted to go with him. I wish he had because I was perfectly safe. Us pups were sent to bed.

I stayed with Cassie and Buttercup really hating to leave EJ. I asked, “Cass, are you ok?” Buttercup rubbed her back. She shrugged, “I wanted her to love me for such a long time, but she couldn’t. She doesn’t deserve my sorrow.” I agreed, “She doesn’t.” I still gave her a hug. Us girls slept in the same bed holding each other.

When we woke up Nathan was still not back. I could see all the worry written on everyone’s faces. My parents came to get me. I really didn’t want to go, but my mom said they needed a family moment. I hugged EJ and left.

The funeral was on the following weekend. Nathan Conners had slept on our couch a couple nights. He was just rotating through everyone’s territories getting so drunk someone had to bring him stumbling into their house. Drake went to get him a few times from a few places with my dad.

I heard them leave early in the morning when they’d heard he was in our territory. He’d smell awful by the time they broughthim back to our house. He spent the whole night crying. It was all so sad. I tried to talk to him once, but he’d been incoherent. Melanie was kept away from our house if he was there. I thought she’d be the one to reach him honestly. She was too little to see this though.

The day of the funeral Melanie came over to our house and walked into my room. I smiled because she still had her Xander wolf in her arms. I noticed she was upset and in a dancing outfit. I asked her, “You’re not coming?” She wiped a tear away, “Mommy said I can’t miss my fiwst wecital. Will you be there for my Xander? Would my Xander wolf help him? You could take him with you and give him to Xander.” I had to smile. She always rambled on and on if she wasn’t stopped.

I smiled, “I think Alexander would want you to keep the wolf with you to protect you. I’ll look out for him while I’m there.” She nodded, “Ok, I taught Melinda all the dances so she’s coming too. Daddy can’t come though.”

I told her, “I wish I could come.” She shrugged, “You’ve been thinking a lot. Why? Like you want to do something but awen’t.” I admitted, “Nathan Conners is really upset. I think we should have you talk to him. You could probably get him to understand better than we can. His family needs him.”

She frowned, “No, you’re better at talking to people than me. Mommy says I have no filter.” I snorted, “He needs that.” She took my hand, “He’s an Alpha that’s hurting. He needs an Alpha blood to talk to him right now. That’s you, not me.” I nodded thinking over her words.

Melanie left for her recital and my mom told me to pack a bag. I couldn’t help but feel guilty over the fact that I was excited I’d probably be spending the night at EJ’s. It was just for a really sad reason. We left as soon as I’d packed since my dad wanted to get there early.

I ran to EJ and just held his hand the second I saw him. Eventually the funeral started and I listened as a bunch of people talked about how much they liked Cassandra. It all seemed fake. I hadn’t met anyone who said they liked Cassandra except Nana Blanch. She also used in in the past tense about how Cassandra used to be different. Most people I knew tolerated Cassandra. I didn’t say anything though.

EJ’s cousin, Aiylee, found her mate after the ceremony. I really liked her. She was very interesting. She’d be the Queen of Faerie one day. I was surprised Eric didn’t like her mate. He was protective of all his nieces and nephews though.

Nathan actually laughed about the situation, a real laugh. I hoped that now he would be ok. I noticed Alexander had disappeared. I was really worried about him. I knew Melanie would want to know how he was. Thankfully, EJ popped us to him a minute later.

I gaped at what I was seeing happen before my very eyes. Alexander was beating a Warrior in a fight. A full-fledged Warrior of the Black Mountain pack. My dad was right, Alexander would be an enforcer. I could tell how proud EJ was of Alexander. I was too.