I asked, “What happened with Robert?” She frowned, “He twied to take my Xander wolf. His fwiends jumped out when I knocked him to the ground, but I didn’t let them take my Xander.” I was going to kick his butt. I asked, “How many friends?” She held up five fingers. FIVE ON ONE?! Six if you included Robert, which I wasn’t sure I should. He was a coward and a bully. Maybe he counted as half a pup. Five and a half on one. FOR A THREE YEAR OLD?!
Melanie changed into her new tights. Sam came in a moment later. She waved at me, “Hi, Elise.” I smiled, “Hi, Sam.” Sam called, “Come on Ladybug, the Warriors are waiting.” Melanie hugged me and ran outside squealing. Drake was waiting outside for her while giving the Warriors instructions. He hugged Melanie and told her to have fun. Sam got in the car, and they left.
I waited until Drake went back into my house. Tristan appeared, frowning at me. “What’s wrong Elise?” I groundout, “We are going to find Robert.” Tristan groaned, “Why?” I growled, “Because he needs his ass kicked.”
Ray raised an eyebrow, “Robert is who ruined Melanie’s tights?” I didn’t answer him. I knew where Robert would be because he was always around the same place. Tristan was right behind me as I stalked off on my mission.
I found Robert and his friends by the creek. He smiled, “Hey, Elise.” I punched him right in the face. I yelled, “SIX ON ONE?! Six older kids fighting A THREE YEAR OLD?! I’m tempted to say five and a half since you shouldn’t count as a whole person! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!” Tristan growled, “WHAT?! You attacked my little sister?!” Robert frowned, “No, she was walking around...”
I cut him off, “Well how DARE the little girl walk around her pack’s territory. The NERVE of her. I’m sorry, you’re right obviously. You should’ve fought A THREE YEAR OLD AND PUSHED HER DOWN!” Robert argued, “It’s that stupid wolf!” What?
I looked at his friends, “You ruined her clothes because you wanted to take her stuffed animal from her?” One friend said, “You have to admit it’s weird. She’s so obsessed with it!” Tristan grabbed him by the throat, “So the fuck what? She’s three and you hurt her if I’m piecing this together right! Which is likely given my DNA.”
My dad’s voice came from behind us, “I’m sorry. What?” We all turned around where he stood with Drake and Garrett. I looked at Ray knowing he’d told them. My dad said, “Sweetie, don’t look at Ray like he did something wrong. This is clearly a problem. What did they do to Melanie?”
I answered, “All I know is they tried to take her stuffed wolf from her and ruined her tights. She was covered in mud and there were holes ripped in them. If she didn’t have fast healingbecause of our werewolf blood I’m sure she’d have had scraped knees. Since there was dried blood on her legs.”
Drake growled, “WHAT?!” He charged forward, but my dad stopped him. My dad ordered, “All you boys get to my office. This is NOT how I will have our pups behaving. You all are eight, nine, and ten years old for god’s sake. You’re picking on a three year old pup for having a stuffed animal. Jesus Christ. Garrett, get their parents to my office.”
Drake growled at them. The boys cowered in fear. Drake ordered, “Drop him, Tristan.” Tristan did immediately. I looked at Robert, “You disgust me. All of you do. She’s just a little pup! Why won’t you leave her alone?” Robert frowned, “I don’t know. It’s just something about her.”
Tristan growled, “What does that mean?!” Robert shrugged. Tristan yelled, “If you have a crush on my three year old sister, the adults being here won’t save you from me.” Robert backed up, “What? No! NO! Man, that’s gross! She's a cute pup but she’s three. I just...” He trailed off.
Ray pressed, “You just what?” Robert exploded, “It’s something about that stuffed animal. I don't like seeing her with it.” Drake growled, “PETER!” My dad ordered, “OFFICE, NOW! All of you!” I quickly asked, “Out of curiosity with six of you, how could you not get her wolf from her? She still has it.” Robert looked away.
My dad warned, “Answer her.” One of the other boys said, “She’s fast.” Another snorted, “And she fights pretty well.” My dad laughed, “Melanie McAlister bested all six of you?” Garrett snorted, “Seriously? Little Ladybug? You guys know she’s like three feet tall, right? You’re all over six feet.” They blushed.
My dad said, “You boys will be in training when you’re not at school along with whatever punishment we decide. There will be no bullying in this pack. Six boys not only went after a three year old, but they lost. I have no words for any of that other than I’mutterly disappointed you treated a fellow pack member in such a way.” One of the boys grumbled, “She’s REALLY fast.” Because that was the takeaway.
The parents of all the pups showed up and all were clearly mad. All six boys deflated and followed their dads back to my house. Ray told me, “I had to tell your dad. That’s a big deal.” I shook my head, “It’s fine. I was going to tell my dad, I just wanted to punch him first.”
Ray laughed, “Of course you did. You’re going to be a Luna one day, and you have Alpha blood. Protecting your pack members is in your DNA.” Tristan punched a tree, “What the HELL?! They should leave her alone because she’s my little sister! She’s the current Beta’s daughter. What is their damn problem with her stuffed wolf?” I shrugged, “I really don’t know.”
Ray sighed, “You won’t like the answer.” We turned simultaneously asking, “What are you talking about?” Ray answered, “They are showing a bit of possessiveness towards her.” I yelled, “Robert is NOT Melanie’s mate.”
Ray shrugged, “We don’t know that. I’d doubt it though because they would not match well. That’s what’s happening though. Black wolves are Alpha’s. They are being aggressive because they don’t like seeing Mel with a wolf that wouldn’t look like their own. It’s probably not even something they are aware of.”
Tristan growled, “He said he didn’t like her!” Ray shot him a measured look, “I think we both know who Robert likes, T.” Tristan looked at me, “Yeah, we do.” I rolled my eyes, “I’m going to throw up if people keep saying that.”
Tristan asked Ray, “Why would multiple guys be upset about her wolf?” Ray frowned, “I’ve seen it a few times in my life. She’s a cute pup so they are being overly aggressive because of the black wolf. They should know better though. I’d known my latewife our whole lives. She had a stuffed wolf that wasn’t the color of mine. I hated the damn toy, but I’d never take it from her. Or hurt her. I kept my dislike to myself. They need to get themselves in check.”
I frowned, “Maybe you should follow Melanie around.” Ray replied, “I’ll do what I can, but I’m with you.” I sighed and we walked back to the house. My mom was waiting with arms crossed. She asked, “You decked Robert in the face?” I nodded, “Yes.” She smiled, “Good girl. Next time, tell your dad what’s going on.”
I admitted, “I was going to. After I punched him in the face for what he did. She’s three.” My mom frowned, “I know, the poor thing. Right before her dance lesson too. As for your plan, find him faster next time. The order is tell your dad, and if you manage to punch him well you have Alpha and Gamma blood. Who could blame you? Not me.” All of us laughed and I ran to give her a big hug.
We waited for Melanie and Sam to come back on our porch. I growled at Robert and the rest of his group as they walked by. They all looked ashamed as they scurried away quickly. Sam and Melanie pulled up right as my dad and Drake walked onto the porch.
Melanie jumped out of the car as soon as it stopped. She ran to Drake. He picked her up, “How was dancing class, Ladybug?” She smiled declaring, “I’m a pwodgy.” A prodigy? It wouldn’t surprise me, honestly.
Drake tapped her nose, “Of course you are.” Sam cleared her throat, “No Drake, she really is.” He glanced up sharply looking at his mate. Sam explained, “I watched her and she’s amazing. The teacher wants her in a higher level class. They also want to put her in private lessons. She’s really good, Drake. Like insanely good. I had to keep reminding myself she’s only three.”
Drake smiled, “Of course she is. My Ladybug can do anything she sets her mind to.” Melanie’s cheeks reddened. Drake said, “Now, we are going to go inside and have a family meeting about what we do when people are mean to us.” Sam frowned, “What?” Melanie deflated.
Drake cupped her cheek, “Ladybug, you need to tell mommy and daddy when people hurt you, ok? You know you can come to Peter or Chelsea too.” She whispered, “I just wanted to go to my dance lesson.” My heart broke for her. Drake hugged her, “Let’s go inside and talk.” Jason and Tristan were already waiting on their front porch.
My mom laughed, “How about that Peter? We have Melinda who’s adept at the piano and now Melanie is our little dancer.” My dad nodded. He turned to me, “Elise, let’s go inside.” When he closed the door, he pointed to the couch.
I sat down and he joined me. He told me, “Sweetie, I need you to tell me things like this. I need to know what’s going on in the pack.” I reiterated, “I was going to tell you. He’s just been so mean to her lately and I wanted to handle that first. THEN I was coming to tell you.” My dad nodded, “It’s unacceptable no matter what their reason is. We do not allow that behavior here.”