Elise startled, “Do you mean that?” I nodded, “Of course I do. I know everyone always assumes, but if you want to lead Red Run, I’ll move there with you.” Elise shrugged, “I think Dalton and Dakota were meant to be their Alpha’s. I was meant to be by your side here in Black Mountain Territory as your Luna. Plus, by the time your parents are done having Alpha’s we’ll have a lot of them running around running the territory.”
I laughed, “We will find a way to make it work. We can continue what my dad started without separating the family. I couldn’t imagine not having my brothers or Cass around.” Elise nodded, “Thank you for offering to be my Alpha Male. It’s very sweet of you.”
I nodded, “If you change your mind, let me know. I’ll do anything for you Elise Kyle. Alexander would understand. They all would.” She put her head on my shoulder saying, “I just feel like we were meant to rule here, but I’ll let you know if I change my mind.” I kissed her forehead, “I’ll give you the world.” She blushed, “You already do.” I held her tight. All I knew was I wasn’t going to let my girl go.
Toy Wolf
Elise is Eight Years Old
Elise couldn’t wait for EJ to come over. I was getting all my chores done at the speed of light. I found my brothers in the living room. I smiled greeting, “Hi guys.” Dakota and Dalton smiled at me. Dalton asked, “Wanna play hide and seek with us, Elise?” I nodded, “Sure!” They grinned, “You go hide and we’ll find you.” I snorted, “I don’t think so. You guys hide for the first round, and I’ll find you.”
They pouted but when I closed my eyes and started to count, they took off running. I tried not to laugh because they were loud. When I opened my eyes, my dad was standing there smiling at me. I crossed the floor and gave him a hug. He hugged me saying, “Good morning sweetie. I see you’re playing with the twins.” I nodded. He winked, “Have fun and keep them out of trouble.” I snorted, “I am only one person. They need an army of watchers to stay out of trouble.” My dad laughed and went to his office.
As I walked out the door my dad’s Beta walked in. I waved, “Good morning, Drake.” He smiled, “Good morning, Elise. My boys have joined your hide and seek game, so you have two more to find than you thought.”
I frowned, “Melanie didn’t join too?” Drake shook his head, “She went with her mom to the toy store. She’s been begging to go since she spent time with you yesterday.” I wondered why. I shrugged and walked off the porch.
It didn’t take me long to find my brothers. We found Jason and Tristan last. I complimented them, “T, you are too good at this game.” Tristan snorted, “Because I know the secret to being good. You can’t just run and hide. You have to mix your scentwith other things, guys.” I rolled my eyes. Dalton and Dakota called, “We hunt next.” I sighed knowing nothing good would come of this. They ran into the house to count. Jason, Tristan and I quickly split up.
After twenty minutes of waiting to be found I stood up and started walking towards the house. Tristan jumped out from his hiding spot. He acknowledged, “This doesn’t seem good.” I snorted, “Is it ever with those two? You’re their future Beta, you have to anticipate these things from them.” Tristan laughed. Jason answered, “I’m with Elise. Nothing good is happening.”
We ran back to the house. The second we walked through the door I saw what looked like flour on the floor. The smell told me it was powdered sugar. Tristan groaned, “Uh oh.” Jason snorted, “I’ll go get Jared. Maybe he can snap it clean before your mom sees it.”
I rushed into the kitchen. I whisper yelled, “WHAT are you two doing?” Dalton frowned, “He started it.” I told them, “I’m ending it! Start cleaning this up right now!” Dakota threw more flour at Dalton. Tristan warned, “Guys, your mom’s coming! Hurry up!”
My mom rounded the corner as Dalton retaliated with more powdered sugar. She shouted, “WHAT IS GOING ON?! PETER KYLE, YOU GET OUT HERE RIGHT NOW!” My dad came quickly in with Drake right behind him.
Ray, my guard, came running into the house. I smiled at him. He was actually from my mate’s pack. Ever since the Fairies showed up things were different according to my mom. It was my normal though. I’d known since I could remember that EJ Conners was mine and I was his. Ray was sent here to protect me by Eric Conners, EJ’s dad. I hadn’t know that, but it all came out when I was almost kidnapped.
Elise startled awake when alarms went off around the pack. I wiped my sleepy eyes, confused. I opened my door a crack and saw my babysitter run out the door shifting. I wondered what was going on. My parents had gone dancing with Sam and Drake McAlister at a club. My dad linked, “Everyone get to safe places. Rogues are attacking.” I linked my mom, “Are you back yet?” She answered, “We are here. Get to the safe room, Elise.”
I heard someone coming in through the house. I opened my door and red eyed men greeted me. I screamed and slammed the door shut. They began to pound on it. I linked, “THEY ARE IN THE MAIN HOUSE!” My baby brothers were in a different part of the house. I had to keep them away from them. I grabbed a dagger off the dresser that EJ’s Aunt Astrid gave me. She said you should always have a weapon nearby, just in case.
My parents screamed, “ELISE, RUN!” I held the dagger in front of me as the men broke my door down. They circled me. One taunted, “The Alpha pup has a dagger. How adorable.” I warned, “Stay away from me.” Three more people joined them.
I was confused because Rogues weren’t usually organized like this. The woman lunged for me, and I stabbed her, just like Astrid had shown me. Haley had me practicing too. The she wolf gasped and went down. They all growled at me, but it was nothing compared to the roar my dad let loose. He wasn’t close enough though.
I gripped my dagger and fought as hard as I could. I wished I could link EJ, my mate. He’d kill them all. A large brown and grey wolf jumped into my room through the window snarling. I was impressed by the jump he’d made to get in. He ripped the head right off the wolf closest to me. I whispered, “Ray.” He had been around since I was little. He did seem to take a special interest in watching out for me, so I’d seen his wolf a lot.
He ripped the rest of them to shreds, easily. He shifted back asking, “Are you hurt?” He grabbed my shoulders gently andlooked me up and down. I whispered, “Just a few cuts.” He turned me around. He growled, “Those bastards!” I asked, “Is everyone ok?”
He answered, “You are my priority, little Luna.” Luna? I asked, “Are you from EJ’s pack?” He answered, “I am.” He took out his phone. He said, “Alpha Eric, Red Run is under attack. I need Princess Luna Haley. They came into Elise’s room. I was too far away in the pack house when the alarms went off. I need a place closer.”
He was guarding me then. Haley popped in with EJ who snarled. Haley said, “Go, EJ. I’ll heal her.” He shifted into his wolf and howled. Ray said, “That’s still the weirdest, yet coolest, thing I’ve ever seen.” Haley’s healing light overtook me, and I let myself float away with it.
When I came to, everyone was in my room. EJ was cuddling me in a new room, but all my stuff was here. Haley said, “EJ wanted you in a new room. We can fix the other one if you’d like.” EJ growled. I shook my head, “No, I don’t want that room anymore.”
My parents rushed over and my dad took me gently from EJ. My dad gripped me tightly before setting me down. My mom checked me over and had silent tears streaming down her face. I asked, “Is Ray guarding me?”
Eric answered, “Yes. He was assigned by me to do so the second it was confirmed you were EJ’s mate. He watched Chelsea first, but I didn’t have him move here. After the near fiasco at Dylan and Lacy’s reception he was moved here.” I reached out and squeezed his hand, “Thank you.” Ray smiled at me.
My dad said, “We can never thank you enough, Ray. We’d just crossed the border, and I kept getting cut off.” My mom gritted her teeth, “The babysitter never should’ve left!” I asked, “What about Dalton and Dakota?” My dad answered, “They sleptthrough it, and no one went near their room.” They could sleep through a train in their room so that wasn’t surprising.
My dad held out his hand to Ray and shook it. He admitted, “I thought Eric was being overly cautions, but I didn’t care because she’s my little girl. This proves he made the right decision having you here. Whatever you need, let us know.” He said, “I need a cottage closer to the house.” Haley said, “I can do that.” My mom nodded, “Please do.” Haley popped out with Ray, and I fell asleep feeling safe in EJ’s arms.
Flashback Ends