
Haley Holloran Cambridge Conners watched her oldest son EJ pop to Future Luna Chelsea Hanes. I was surprised since he didn’t often pop to people outside the family. Chelsea was pregnant though which gave me something to think about. I wasn’t positive, but this could mean that Chelsea and Peter’s child was EJ’s mate. He clearly already felt drawn to Chelsea for some reason.

I made myself pause those thoughts knowing I’d have to just wait and see. I popped EJ and myself home. His face had a stubborn set to it now telling me he didn’t want to leave her. The second we got home Eric asked, “What’s going on? You feel like you’re trying to figure something out, but you’re also excited.”

I cautioned, “I’m not certain about anything yet.” Eric laughed, “I don’t care, Angel. What’s going on in that beautiful mind?” I admitted, “I think it’s possible that Chelsea Hanes and Peter Kyle’s child is EJ’s mate.” Eric’s hand froze on my face.

He looked into my eyes for several minutes and I felt him going through our bond. Eventually he said, “You’re serious. You think he can already tell even before the pup is born?” I nodded, “Fairies can always tell. He popped right to Chelsea today, but I won’t know for sure unless he does it again.” Eric felt like he’d been given a gift in the bond. He told me, “That’s amazing. Theywill have each other their whole lives. I can easily envy that, but I’m so happy for EJ.”

I warned, “I could be wrong.” Eric chuckled, “I seriously doubt it. You can be uncertain all you want while I have all the faith in you.” I laughed, “He’s already pouting about leaving her.” Eric replied, “Of course he is. He’s an Alpha Male, even if he is a pup. If I’d known you when you were a child, I would’ve loved every second of it and protected you from everything I could.” I knew that.

He vowed, “EJ will protect his mate, as will we. They will have a unique journey, and I am very happy for our son. Fairies are certainly ushering in a different era into our lives.” Jackson, Harold, Darrin, Nathan, Cassandra, Molly, Jessica, and Shana walked in.

Nathan asked, “What phase would that be? We only heard the tail end of the conversation.” I stiffened not wanting to have this conversation. It would inevitably turn into a fight since Cassandra was here. I quickly said, “We aren’t certain about anything yet.” Eric squeezed me.

Cassandra chided, “You know we have no secrets in this family.” I snorted, “Unless they are yours, right?” Molly bit her lip hiding her smile while everyone else looked uncomfortable. Honestly, Cassandra had the highest level of audacity as the teenagers in the pack would say. They taught me things about this realm and were incredibly helpful.

Jackson gently asked, “What aren’t you sure about? We can mull the idea around the group.” There was only one member of the group I minded doing that with. Eric said nothing out loud. He linked me, “You can decide if you want to tell them or not.” Marcus and Bjourn walked in, and both smiled at me.

Cassandra asked, “What’s going on?” It was more of a demand. So, I calmly said, “We don’t fucking know. It’s just apossibility we were discussing.” Everyone with a bond with me felt the annoyance and heard the snark that was not in my tone.

Marcus questioned, “What is, little one?” If anyone else had asked I wouldn’t have said anything, and he knew that. I sighed, “Chelsea Hanes and Peter Kyle’s child could be EJ’s mate.” Bjourn commented, “That would be great. They live close by, and they could know each other their whole lives as I knew Astrid. I’m happy for EJ.”

Cassandra sighed, “Chelsea Hanes isn’t even that far along right now. How could you possibly know that?” I calmly replied, “You evidentially missed the words where I said it’s just a possibility, Cassandra.” I was not in the mood for her today. Cassandra frowned, “There’s no need to be hostile.” There was and she knew it.

I rolled my eyes, “When you throw the no secrets bullshit in my face, then tell me I can’t be right I have every right to be hostile. EJ popped to Chelsea and was instantly comfortable with her. There’s a very good chance that she’s pregnant with his mate.”

Cassandra sighed, “We just don’t know that at this point. You can’t be saying things like that until they are eighteen. Mates are a big deal.” I looked at Eric and said nothing because I was done with this conversation if she was involved. EJ would know much sooner than when he was eighteen and she knew it. He had Fairy blood even if she wanted to deny that.

Eric supported me, “I think my mate is right.” Cassandra argued, “I’m just saying we shouldn’t get our hopes up. He’s just a pup.” Marcus chimed in, “Who would be upset if this theory didn’t turn out to be right? As you said, EJ is just a baby. It’s not as if she told him.”

Cassandra put her hands together, “I am saying I don’t think telling him, even when he’s old enough to understand. You really shouldn’t tell him such things when we won’t know for sureuntil both of them are eighteen.” That was it. I asked, “Are you fucking serious? EJ will know when their child is born because he’s partial Fairy.”

Cassandra shrugged, “His wolf side is very strong and we all know that. We can sense it which means he could take after us. I’m just cautioning you to be careful. We wouldn’t want to break two little pups’ hearts.” Fury filled me.

I stood, “EJ is MY son and you will NOT tell me how to raise my fucking child. That’s between Eric and I. EJ will know if their child is his mate because it’s not just wolf blood running through his veins. I will not lie to him. Hell, I can’t even if I wanted to. That would be….” I trailed off tapping my chin.

I snapped my fingers asking, “What’s it called?” I waited until everyone was uncomfortable because they knew what I was about to say. “Oh yeah, keeping a fucking secret. I will raise MY son how Eric and I decide. Not how you want. I will not lie to my kids, because I can’t, or hide things from them. I will not tell EJ he doesn’t know who his mate is because you want to forget that he has a Fairy side. I don’t care how much you don’t want them to acknowledge that side of them, they will.” I walked off before I punched her in the face.

I was so sick of her shit. She was such a hypocrite and never saw it, but I was now hyper aware. EJ popped to me. Even at his age his little quizzical eyes showed his concern for me. I pledged, “If mommy is right, no one will keep you two apart. Your daddy, Uncle Aiden, Uncle Bjourn, and I wouldn’t let that happen. Hell, none of your uncles would. Then there’s your Hackura grandparents. Grammy Veronica would slaughter people for suggesting it.” He giggled.

I tapped his nose, “We know what it is to keep mates apart when they’ve met. We would not be cruel to you like that. We can make sure you see the Kyle’s baby. Chelsea is friends with your cousin Emmaline and she’s a good person. Your grandmaCassandra just doesn't understand Fairy ways. She loves you though, EJ.” I knew she did.

Bjourn cleared his throat, “You don’t often show the short fuse you have with your mother in law, little sister.” I shot back, “She can’t tell me how to raise my fucking kids. They are mine. She can make her snide little comments to me and that’s fine; I don’t care.” I saw him raise an eyebrow.

It was true originally I wanted her to like me, but I’d given up on that. Truly didn’t care anymore. I continued, “What she won’t do is question Eric and I on how we raise our son.” Bjourn nodded, “I think that was made perfectly clear. It needed to be though.” Marcus joined him, “It’s more than, brother. Eric said his piece after Haley did.” I shrugged, “So?”

Bjourn laughed, “You wouldn’t say any of that to mom.” I frowned, “Mom would never say those things to me the way Cassandra did. She trusts me to do what's right with my kids. She gives advice, not rebukes and slights.” Mentally I added that mom didn’t dislike my Fairy side either. She’d always found it fascinating and cool.

Bjourn studied me asking, “Are you ok?” I answered, “Yes, besides like I said, I’m not sure their child is EJ’s mate yet.” Marcus snorted, “What’s the chance that you’re wrong?” I sighed admitting, “Maybe one percent.” Marcus laughed, “EJ will know for sure anyway.”

I looked at my son muttering, “I think he already does. Besides, I wouldn’t keep this from him even if I could. To keep them apart would be cruel.” Bjourn assured me, “As it’s been stated, little one, EJ is yours and Eric’s child to raise as you wish. Plus, Eric seemed excited about the whole thing.”

Eric came into the room speaking in third person, “Eric IS excited about it. My mom is just worried we could be wrong, and that little EJ would get his heart crushed.” No, she wanted me tobe wrong. She doubted me, not my husband. She wanted me to be wrong so she could hold it over my head.

I noticed Marcus was studying me closely, but he couldn’t sense all my feelings. Something he knew and was not pleased about. He sent me his annoyance that I was holding back. I was getting better, but I didn’t want to burden them with all my chaotic feelings.

I told Eric, “If I’m right, I don’t want them kept apart. He already has his wolf. Which tells me it would hurt all sides of him to do that, especially his Fairy side. I know I don’t have a damn wolf, but I think it would hurt his wolf too. I know they are the first of their kind, but if his Fairy side knows then his wolf will know. His Hackura side might cause bloodshed if he’s not allowed because again, that side of him would know because of his Fairy side.” My brothers made faces of agreement on that point.