Donald said, “That’s the last time we saw them. Hanson’s picture was right before your mother came to me about how he was behaving after their breakup. Betty’s is before we were banished.” I rubbed my face asking questioning, “Umm didn’t Betty tell you we didn’t want to see you?”

Donald said, “Yes, but we didn’t see her. We communicated by phone.” Heath jumped in, “Call and arrange a meet.” Donald winced, “We can’t. We switched to a drop system. After Lexi visited our Shroud, we used it to request a meet. She said no.”

Heath questioned, “Did you stake out the drop?” Donald sounded offended when he replied, “I’m not new to this, Heath. Yes, we staked out the drop. It was some courier. We followed him but lost them on the third guy.”

Heath shrugged, “We could try again. I’m faster than you, I’ll bet.” I said, “Maybe they are taking it to their headquarters. Lizzy could be there. Also, to clarify I didn’t visit you I was brought to you.” Dietrick said, “Lizzy could be in your Shroud.” Heath said, “She’s not. Or she doesn’t look like she used to. I can’t imagine she’s onboard with the plan about not seeing her family.”

Izzy argued, “Dad, Lizzy would’ve never accepted not seeing me, and that’s at minimum. She would have insisted. She would’ve taken any moment she could to get free.” I surmised, “So this was a waste of time. I want to go home, Chase.”

Donald disagreed, “We have a lot to discuss.” I sat back scoffing, “Oh yeah? What would that be? As far as I can see Heath and I wanted to meet to see if you could help us. You can’t. The only help provided was by us.”

Donald stood, looked at Haley then sat back down. He said, “We want to be in your lives now that we all know each other.” I retorted, “You’ve known about us since we were born. You’ve had thirteen years of chances to come for us. That’s only counting the years after our parents died. I don’t care what you want. You never showed up for me or Heath. Why should we have anything to do with you?”

Sandy grabbed Donald’s hand. Sandy whispered, “We are your family.” I pointed around the room, “The people on this end of the table, my brother, and the cousins are my family. You are strangers.”

I looked at all my cousins, “My baby shower is this weekend, and you are all invited. We don’t really need anything so don’t feel like you need to bring a gift. I’d just like to see you and get to know you all.” They all nodded, smiling gratefully and maybe a little hopefully.

Serena spoke softly, “That’s not fair.” I emphasized, “LIFE isn’t fair. Do you really want to talk about not fair? How about all the holiday’s Heath and I spent alone wishing we had family? How about the HOURS Heath spent learning to cook so we could have traditional meals on holidays? How about tripping over my father’s dead body? How about trying to save my dead mother? How about Heath learning to lead by himself? How about getting me clean by himself? How about thinking we were ALL ALONE when you all were out there, WITH EACH OTHER, the WHOLE damn time?” They looked down.

I asked, “Did you even watch over us like Jordan did? Did you bother to consider us even ONCE?” Elijah said, “Jordan would give us information…” I hissed interrupting him, “So no. You let Jordan go alone to check on us and keep tabs on our lives. Correct me if I’m wrong, but he’s your leader. Right?”

Jasper answered, “He is.” I angrily spat out, “So, on top of being your leader, having a family, probably going on missions; he was also tasked to watch us. Not ONE of you could be bothered to help him out? No wonder he missed some shit.”

I turned to him, “I’m sorry. I think I held you to an impossible standard. I thought you had help, but you didn’t.” I couldn’t fault him anymore because he did have a family and life of his own, but he still tried. I said, “Thank you, Uncle Jordan.” It sounded, and even tasted, weird coming out of my mouth.

Jordan grinned at me. Jasper and James high fived. Heath said, “I agree with Lexi. Uncle Jordan is the only one of you who deserves to be called family. I know how hard the balance is. That he checked in is something. The rest of you, I can’t imagine what you could even say to us that would excuse not even trying when he did.”

Mary Beth begged, “Please you’re all we have left of her, my little girl, my Allison. I wrote her letters, but...” I realized what she meant and surmised, “So you’re M. We found your letters to her recently. Being your last link to her has been true for thirteen years now. Would you have ever come to see us if Uncle Jordan hadn’t brought me to his home?”

They all shuffled but said nothing. Haley broke the silence, “She asked you a fucking question.” Serena answered, “We didn’t think you wanted to know us.” Haley snorted, “Who were you again?” She frowned answering, “Serena.”

Haley popped in front of her demanding, “Try again, bitch. Would you have ever gone to see them?” Serena looked in her eyes and answered, “No. We, well everyone except Jordan, was relieved they didn’t want to come live with us. There was so much hurt between their parents and us we just wanted a clean break.”

She continued admitted, “We couldn’t ever get my brother to listen to us. It was said Lexi and Heath loved James. Why wouldn’t they? He was their father. We just…. we couldn’t bring him back into our lives. He was dead and gone. James didn’t want us to ever meet them. Them not wanting to come live with us seemed like it was for the best.”

Haley punched her in the face. Brady stood and she glared at him. He said, “You should understand.” Huh? Why? Haley warned, “Watch it some nameless Scott.” Brady rolled his eyes saying, “I’m not a Scott. I’m a…” Haley interrupted, “I don’t fucking care. Do I look like I care?” Not even kind of. Brady argued, “Whatever. You should still understand. Your family left you in Faerie. It is their custom.”

Chase gripped my hand. I yelled, “Shut up! That’s not the same!” Haley threw him into the wall. Harper appeared and had him by the throat. Haley said, “My family would’ve come for me if my mother died. My FAMILY has their traditions among their people. Traditions they changed because of me. Don’t you ever compare your fucked up family to mine!” She whispered in Fealish and smirked.

Eric choked on his water then gaped at Haley. Harper commented, “I like that charm, little sister.” He squeezed Brady’s throat. I realized why none of his family moved to help them. Bjourn and Marcus had drawn their weapons on each side of them.

Harper said to Brady, “Listen well you asshole. We never knew what was happening to my little sister, but we certainly wouldn’t have left her there if her mother died. We would’ve taken her if we knew what happened to her as a child. If any of my brother’s had died, I assure you we wouldn’t take that out on her or her children. Logan’s oldest has always been with us because his mother died. What you did was disgusting.” He punched him in the face and dropped him in a heap.

Haley spoke to him in Latin. Haley looked at Eric who stood. He said, “Lexi, Heath, do you have anything else to say?” I answered, “Nope.” Heath agreed, “Not a thing.” Eric nodded and said, “Then I suggest the rest of you get out of my home. You have insulted my wife’s friend, who is my ally’s mate, my wife, and her family. I’d use your speed too.” Everyone but Jordan, Scarlett, and the cousins left.

Jordan snorted, “Cowards.” Eric said, “I assure you I meant the implied threat in my tone.” Bjourn announced, “They will not like the repercussions from this meeting. I do not intend to let that insult go. I won’t kill them because of Lexi, but that leaves quite a bit of room for me.”

I muttered, “Lexi does not care what Bjourn does to them.” The Cambridges laughed. Jordan said, “I should’ve known there was a reason they were fine with you guys wanting to stay away from us.” I shrugged, “You are their family, and it’s hard not to believe the best in the people you love and admire.” Scarlett smiled, “You are very wise.” I smiled at her admitting, “Some days. Others not so much.”

Aiden popped in with Bexley. Bexley opened her mouth then shut it quickly. Aiden smiled, “Look at what we have here, the long lost Scott family.” Of course he knew. Jordan rolled his eyes. James asked, “Umm is that the Fairy King?”

Haley muttered, “I’m the Princess of the god damn fairies but NO ONE ever care about that.” Eric chuckled, “I do, Angel.” He kissed her. Aiden smiled, “I am the King of the Fae. Hello, Beta Emissary Dylan.” Dylan smiled, “Hello, King Fire Hands. What fun and fabulous news do you bring us?”

Aiden smiled, “Fairy fun news.” Dylan clapped, “Of course it’s fairy fun news. This has been depressing and sad. I need my show to take a turn. Be the turn, King Fire Hands.” Aiden looked at me. I knew he was asking if it was ok to talk in front of the family. I looked at Heath.

Heath turned and looked at our cousins, “What he says doesn’t leave the room. Even to your families.” He left it unsaid that if they found out we’d be done with them, but it was implied. They all nodded. Tobias said, “We are all mad at them anyway.”

I turned to Aiden, “Go ahead. What’s your news?” Aiden smiled, “We found the key to one of your keys so to speak. King Arthur will be here in fifteen minutes. I realize they were invited to this meeting, but an issue came up last minute. The other half is some necklace my Aunt Faelynn gave him. He has to come with us since he has half of it; Bexley has her half that will get us to your piece. Bexley will continue to look for the other keys. I think this will be mostly for King Arthur with a slight clue for you all.”