I focused and saw a hand waiting to help me up. I saw the respect in Alpha Eric’s eyes. A little bit of pride was there too. He was my mentor after all, and I’d learned some things in Europe. I took Alpha Eric’s hand, and he pulled me up.

Cameron questioned, “You good now, Chase?” I retorted, “Do I want to kill everything in sight? No. Am I good? No. Derrick give me that damn number.” Alpha Eric interjected, “I have Gunner looking into it as well as my people. If there’s anything to find, we will find it.” I said, “It won’t but I have things to say to him my damn self.”

Heath handed a phone to Derrick who put the number in. It was a very strange experience; it didn’t even ring. There was just a beep. I snarled, “Hello Noah. I’d say my name, but I think we both know you know who I am. I’m sure you have a nickname for me since I have one for you. We call you the dead mother fucker in this territory. All my allies will soon too.”

I taunted him, “You seem to be slow on the uptake even though you saw Lexi in my shirt and me running after you naked after your first piss poor attempt to take her from me. Since you seem to need me to spell out what you saw. She’s mine. She’s marked and mated TO ME! She’s carrying MY PUPS! If you or Hanson think you can get your hands on either of them, you’re dead wrong. You tried to kill my son. There is no mercy left for you.”

I snarled, “You would’ve BROKEN Lexi with a FUCKING BROWNIE! YOU DUMB PIECE OF SHIT! For once in your life BE A MAN and come at ME. I’m who you are mad at here, not her, and not my pups. They are innocent.”

I spat out, “You ruin every life you touch. Sally, Lexi, Heath, even your parents. Your brother has met my dad. From my reports the kid is angry, and he has every right to be. He’s got a piece of shit for a brother. You will NEVER get your hands on what is mine. I will call in every favor, every ally, and I will use every trick in my book to keep you away from her. She’s happy with me. You tried to break her with your emotional abuse, but she’s still standing.”

I looked at my Gamma then added, “Sally is still standing too, and happier than she’s ever been. You will not take my mate or my Gamma’s. Grow a pair and stop coming for pregnant women. Come for me.” Derrick growled, “And me.” I nodded to him.

I said, “I think we both know you aren’t man enough to do that. So, I’ll just find you myself. You’re on notice, I’m coming for you. You’d probably prefer to turn yourself into Heath because he probably plans to be nicer for the history between you two, but you don’t seem to be very smart to me. So, you probably won’t do that.” I ended the call.

Heath said, “You goaded him. Also, that was too much information about you and my sister. I doubt I plan to be nicer.” I growled, “I know that! As far as your sister, she’s pregnant. I think it’s clear what we do together.” He shot me an unamused look.

My dad muttered, “You did goad him.” I shouted, “Of course I goaded him! He would’ve wrecked Lexi if he’d killed Emmett. She would’ve never forgiven herself for eating a damn brownie. A BROWNIE! She’s probably going to be obsessive about her food now. It’s fucking food! She should be able to eat what she wants without the agonizing fear of anything happening to our pups if she’s not wearing a necklace.”

Then a thought hit me. I yelled, “FUCK! We need something for Sally. I know it’s remote, but it’s a possibility he could go after Derrick’s pup too.” Derrick growled. Alpha Eric took out his phone, “Logan, we have another request. We need Katie to charm Sally’s wedding ring. Yes, covering all bases. Great.” He hung up.

Alpha Eric announced, “Consider it done.” I questioned, “Why couldn’t we hear his responses?” Alpha Eric smirked, “My phone has been charmed by my Angel.” I questioned, “Is there anything she can’t do?” Alpha Eric looked away, “Yes, but it’s firmly established my wife is quite powerful.”

Heath jumped in, “On that note, not this Wednesday but next my estranged family agreed to meet to figure out what we all know. If we can nail down who the traitors are, maybe we can catch Noah faster. They want to meet in neutral territory.”

I growled, “Not happening. We will meet somewhere WE know is safe.” Heath smirked, “I offered Haley’s home as an option. They agreed.” Alpha Eric snorted, “You’re joking, right? That’s not neutral ground. Hell, I hate them already. My Angel, well to be blunt hate might be a nicer word for how she feels about them. I’ve heard about it at length.”

Heath laughed, “I know that, but they don’t.” Alpha Eric pointed out, “Then they haven’t been paying attention.” Heath said, “My dad’s twin, Jordan, he knew. He just said nothing when they agreed.” Alpha Eric said, “Well, you are welcome to have this meeting in our home. You might be down a few family members by the end of it. None of them are my allies or Haley’s, which means my Angel has no reason not to kill them.” Heath shrugged, “Meh. Who cares?” Not him and not me.

I hugged Cameron, “Thank you, little brother.” Cameron responded, “Anytime.” I shifted and the rest of us ran back to the house together. Haley Conners popped to the main room. She smiled right at Alpha Eric saying, “Good timing.” I questioned, “Where’s Lexi?” Haley answered, “She’s been asleep for about an hour. Harper’s boytoy lover got some good details to track. He’s practically jittering with joy.” I snorted.

My dad corrected, “Jumping for joy is the saying, Princess.” Haley sighed, “You may call me Haley. Mine makes sense too, right Eric?” Alpha Eric laughed, “It makes sense, Angel.” He nodded to me before Haley popped them home. I went up the stairs and climbed into bed with Lexi.

The week passed quickly. Lexi stormed into my office screaming about the Soul Eater knife. She collapsed onto the floor in tears. I guess Haley had told her. I sent Matt and Derrick out and explained it all to her. She eventually, begrudgingly, admitted she hadn’t wanted to know things. She added for future reference that ancient artifacts that want to kill me couldn’t be kept from her.

I agreed then asked why Haley told her, and she explained Haley wanted her to contact Raphael. I growled. Lexi smiled and told me he was nothing to her now except a friend. I said nothing because I had nothing nice to say about the entire thing. I hated that Angel sight unseen.

The morning of Lexi’s Luna ceremony. Matt, Derrick, and I were running around making sure everything was ready to go. Ted told me I wasn’t allowed in our room or to see Lexi before her ceremony. I tried to tell him that this wasn’t the same as our mating ceremony, but he was hearing none of it. He had my clothes ready to go at Lexi’s fairy house.

We tried to tell him it’s typically a jeans and no shirt affair, but he was appalled by those plans. He said we could take our clothes off. That this was a big deal, and we WOULD dress to the occasion. We all decided it was best not to argue with him. Matt wanted us all to know and be grateful he got Ted to agree to slacks and a NICE white t-shirt instead of a button down.

Alpha Eric called lamenting about the dress code. I told him our Beta Male had spoken. He snorted. It was not common for other Alpha’s to come, but Lexi wanted Haley there. Alpha Eric was not a fan of letting her out of his sight. I was beginning to see his side of that.

When I got back to the ceremony site Alpha Eric was there. He said, “Monkey suits for a Luna ceremony. What is the world coming to?” Isabella joined us, “My future son in law has you all looking quite spiffy. The man is a miracle worker. There’s really nothing else to say about him. Everyone looks so nice, and it IS an important ceremony. We are getting our Luna. It’s a t-shirt and slacks for god’s sake. You boys.” She walked off.

Alpha Eric linked me, “We have five Luna’s. All had a beautiful ceremony, and I was not sweating through my clothes because I wasn’t wearing anything except jeans. Did no one consider that we run warmer than humans, and this ceremony is outside?” I snorted replying, “Evidently not. To be fair it’s winter. It wouldn’t occur to them.”

Haley popped Ted, Sally, Nadine, and Susie outside beside us. Haley giggled and popped into Alpha Eric’s arms. I was stunned. She was in a purple dress that was short in the front and had a sheer longer back. She whispered in his ear, “You look so handsome.” I winked at him, agreeing with her, “He does.” She blushed.

Alpha Eric laughed, “One day, it will be second nature to you to remember our hearing is very good, Angel.” She shrugged, “You do look handsome.” I teased him over link, “So very handsome.” Alpha Eric growled back at me. Matt tapped me and pointed to the platform.

I was headed up there when I spotted Allie. I went over to her, “Thank you for coming. I know it will mean a lot to Lexi.” Allie smiled, “I wouldn’t miss it, she’s family.” I smiled, “I know she’s really happy about that. She was pretty certain you were the one for Heath. She actually pushed him into the Shroud that day.”

Allie laughed, “Heath told me.” I said, “We should all have lunch sometime.” Allie smiled broadly, “Really? Heath would love that! We could have it at our place. Heath and I love cooking together.” I smiled, “We will get that scheduled. I’ll talk to you later. Ok?” She nodded enthusiastically. She would balance Heath very well. She was bubbly and warm where he had a ‘no nonsense’ kind of demeanor.

Matt linked me, “She’s like the sweetest thing.” I agreed, “She is very friendly.” Matt said, “I know. Ted and I talked to her at Derrick and Sally’s mating ceremony. When she wasn’t watching Heath and blushing, she paid close attention to what we were saying. She’s very nice.”

I got up on the platform with Matt, and we all waited. Kincade linked, “Jasper and James are here.” I asked, “No one else from their family though, right?” Kincade confirmed, “Nope.” Good. Eventually I linked Lexi. I was mostly joking about her standing me up. There was just a tinge of worry she’s realized she was too good for me. I wasn’t surprised James and Jasper were here. Mostly because I knew already. I was surprised more of her family hadn’t tried to show up.